Are You Happy With Your Life???

by minimus 54 Replies latest jw friends

  • minimus

    I see a lot of pretty happy people here.

  • Purza

    I am very happy and content with my life right now. I have a wonderful husband and a beautiful daughter. I don't have the stress of keeping up with the JW lifestyle and the guilt that goes along with it. I have true friends now that would do anything for me (as I would do for them). To me good health, strong friendships and family are what are truly important in life.

    One of my friends was telling me about her JW brother and sister-in-law and how he is fixing up their house that looks like a mansion; how their Mercedes isn't good enough and how they NEED an upgraded one (despite having two porsches), etc. I told my friend that I wasn't even jealous of their material items -- not one bit. They are so unhappy, they need those material items to have brief moments of happiness. Sad.


  • Crumpet

    Wow I really could relate to and enjoyed reading the posts on this thread.

    KLS - what is a Hemi Cuda?

    Do you wish that your life could be happier? Do you believe that life sucks and then you die, anyway?

    I had the attitude that lifesucks then you die for a while, but I definitely feel that life is a wonderful exciting experience which it never ever was as a JW - every day was a preplanned monotony, rigourously controlled.

    AK-Jeff - being able to freely express opinion is one of the things i enjoy the most. Repressing every thought action and deed that came naturally to me as a Jw was the cause of such torment and guilt and utter despondency.

    defd - i find it very hard to see wheer you are coming from. You say you are happy despite sinning and doing things you feel you are not supposed to - I'd find that very hard indeed.

    Evil Force - I agree entirely - we are not supposed to be happy all the time - if we were we'd never strive for anything better and we would never develop - plus how would we know we were unhappy if we never experienced sadness or pain.

    Ellie - like you I would be happier if i could completekly resolve my past and especially if I could have any kind of regular communication with my family.

    love2bwordly - yes I too would feel happier if I wasn;t constantly broke too.

    JH - I agree having friends that you adore and really can trust is just an unbeatable source of joy.

    tetrapod - I'd be happier if my life was more fulfilling, but am working on it.

    There were more comments but my memory fails me - except for yes Trevor you crack me up more and more!

  • kls

    Ain't it purdy. This in my garage Crumpet , this is a 426 Hemi Cuda and a convertable,,,,,yummy.

  • orion

    I have a wonderful family and supportive husband and am happy most the time until my JW mom e-mails me .....then i have a short relapse.. If I could change anything it would be how my JW family views me.... My mom recently decided I'm an lost 3 pounds....only two more to go and i made it back to my pre-pregnancy weight...YAY

  • YourFaith

    I guess I'm pretty happy most of the time. I'd be miserable as a JW. I've got a good job, good friends, and a wonderful family (the half that talks to me). What is there to not be happy about?

  • defd

    defd - i find it very hard to see wheer you are coming from. You say you are happy despite sinning and doing things you feel you are not supposed to - I'd find that very hard indeed.


    Someone posted to me and said that i should try sin. implying to me i have never sinned! I was simply letting him know I do not have a holier than though attitude as if i didnt sin. All people sin. I personally try not to do it DELIBERATELY. understand now

  • trevor


    If you are going to get the maximum pleasure from sin it has to be done deliberately and slowly. It requires study, practice and the application of certain principles. It’s not unlike being a Witness it is just that the reward is instant. I hope I am not a bad influence on you as that would trouble my conscience.


    I am glad ‘I crack you up.’ Keep biting that apple and you will end up like me!

  • Legolas


    i Dont think id be happier if i stopped serving Jehovah

    I just have to ask..'To what extent are you still serving?' Do you still believe it is the 'truth'? If so then what are you doing here?

    I'm not judging you or anything, I think it is great that you are here. I am just curious.

  • defd


    Yes I believe it is the truth. To what extent am I serving Jehovah? I go to all the meetings to learn and worship God. I love my brothers and sisters and do thing to help them. Love is shown by action correct?

    I pray to Him and do my best to follow Jesus example. I can go on and on. Do I think im perfect? NO not even close!!!!!!!!!!!

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