Are You For or Against Abortion?

by minimus 152 Replies latest jw friends

  • Ticker

    My wife when she was concieved by her mother was almost aborted. It was due to the fact that her mother was in her 30's and getting up in years for child bearing. The doctors tried to talk her into an abortion and so did her husband. They kept stressing possible problems in the birth and after, which never happened. She was born fully normal. The few good things I have to say about the religion is it did prevent this from happening as she would not go through with it due to her beliefs. Myself my mother was single and going to university, not a JW, so it could have been a great possibility in my case too, so im happy im alive and not aborted.

    I can understand the other side though especially when the mothers health is at stake. In that instance I think it should be up to the individual but as for getting an abortian due to carelessness or not using preventitive measures, I dont agree with it. One can always give the child up for adoption. I also am horrified by the methods used to abort babys, once the baby reaches the latter stages of development, basically a full grown baby even upto nine months, they will take out the baby and leave it in a chamber to where it will starve and scream. This is bloody inhumane and if they are going to abort a baby that late in pregnancy they should at least change the policies so that the child may be put under or some more humane way of deceasing the child rather then starvation. Earlier stages they use other means, some extract the fetus through a machine, kinda like a vaccum with teeth, and also sometimes a chemical that burns the fetus. Correct me if im wrong but my wife is a nurse and has witnessed some of these horrors.

    Its not that im for or against thats upto the individual but we need to develop more humane ways of performing abortions when abortion is necessary. We even treat animals better by putting them down through a chemical injection.


  • Ellie

    I personally would never have an abortion unless there was something wrong with the baby and the doctors were 100% sure that the baby would not survive.

    However, I am not totally against abortion either, some people find themselves in desperate situations were abortion is to them the only option, and I would never judge these people for this.

  • DanTheMan

    Against it, but in the moral not legal sense.

  • minimus

    I wonder how many for abortion or at least pro-choice are against the death penalty.

  • prophecor
    I wonder how many for abortion or at least pro-choice are against the death penalty.

    Good question Same difference They just got there a little late

  • sixsixsixtynine

    Another poster mentioned this article a while back:

  • Swan

    It depends. Personally I am against it, but otherwise I am pro-choice. This sounds like a paradox, but it boils down to this:

    For myself, if I ever found myself in that situation, I don't believe I ever would choose abortion, even if I was the victim of rape.

    For others, I don't have the right to make that choice for them. I don't believe anyone has the right to make that choice for them, especially when they base their opinion on religious beliefs.

    I especially believe that it's a woman's issue. Men should just butt out. And men who are pro-life, like the current U.S. President, should quit trying to control and dominate women's lives.


  • Soledad

    ditto what Tammy said. I also support the death penalty.

  • caligirl

    Minimus must be looking to ignite a fire this morning!

    I don't view killing a child as a choice. The choice comes in when chosing to have sex when you know that you DON"T want a baby, and barring that, not being responsible about birth control and understanding the failure rate of any form of birth control. Once you have cosen to have sex and accept the risks, AND created a life, I believe that it then becomes a responsibility- the time to make a choice is already passed at that point. I believe in abortion only when the life of the mother will be threatened by continuing a pregnancy. Do I believe that it should be legal? Yes, but do I believe that it is right to use it as back up birth control because someone couldn't be bothered to be responsible in the first place? NO.

    If one gets pregnant and does not want a child, then there are so many families out there who cannot have children and are desperate to give a child a home- the least the person who CHOSE to have unprotected sex and create a life can do is to value the life they created and hand over a tiny 9 months of their life to give a loving family a desperately wanted child and give the child a loving family.

    Caligirl, who is definitely not a feminist, and who doesn't want to argue the point but is simply answering a question and expressing an opinion.

  • Elsewhere

    I view abortion as being a very difficult choice for most anyone and I recognize that all sorts of very difficult circumstances tend to arise that call for the need of an abortion.

    This is why I am strongly inclined to stay out of others' private business regarding whether or not to have an abortion.

    What I find ironic is that there are many strongly conservative religious people and politicians who condemn abortion with a passion that is match by only a few other topics. Yet at the same time many of these same people will not hesitate to secretly have an abortion performed on a young daughter who has become pregnant under "embarrassing" circumstances.

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