The first time I've been "down" b/c of JWD...

by upside/down 75 Replies latest jw friends

  • Sith

    Steve, you ARE ignorant and stupid. Keep on keeping on.
    Hillary said to me "Actually I have had a number of near death experiences, but nothing compares with the fear of you trying to have an original or correct thought about anything at all, except maybe your buddy Upside Down trying to touch the tip of his nose with his tongue"
    While I have no idea what that means, the image in my head up is pretty scary

  • hillary_step

    Now Sith,

    Be a good little boy! I have noticed you do a pretty good line in selective quotation Sith, and as usual I am prepared to base my comments on facts.

    Hillary said to me "Actually I have had a number of near death experiences, but nothing compares with the fear of you trying to have an original or correct thought about anything at all, except maybe your buddy Upside Down trying to touch the tip of his nose with his tongue"

    Just tell the readers what you posted to me that resulted in that comment. No, on the other hand let me remind you :

    Hillary, one day you might experience something scary. There will be a huge pop and a blinding flash of light. Don't be's only your head popping out of your ass
    Against the backdrop of your insult and those received by U/D, mine is actually very mild would you not agree.
    I have noticed another classic fiasco on this Board with certain posters, and that is that those who first insult a poster and then live to regret it, whine and pout like petulant teenagers when they are treated in kind.
  • RichieRich
    whine and pout like petulant teeneagers when they are treated in kind.

    <--- this one whoops ass

  • upside/down
    You are a good person with a volatile nature.

    jb- Thanks for the compliment....I think. That is such a Napolean Dynamite kinda compliment. LOL!!!


    u/d (of the cage fighter class)

    p.s.- the funny thing is I'm the CALMEST one of my clan...they're rabid Sicilians...

  • jgnat

    When I feel like that, I figure I am too emotionally invested. I take a break from the board for a few days. It hasn't happened that ofen, the board didn't notice.

    I also generally stay away from political threads, which likely explains my longevity on the board.

  • Whiskeyjack


    I appreciate your posts and want to thanks you for the chuckles. Posting on a forum does represent challenges in civility when arguing (when you're there in person, you do have to put your chicklets at risk if you cross over that line!) over important issues. We all realize we're part of the "world" now so it is important to talk about these issues even if our "betters" would prefer we didn't (as you pointed out).

    I have a very black sense of humour (Anglo-Irish-so amazing family rows!) but I don't type it down because some posters might find it hurtful and you usually won't get a chance to apologize in a timely manner! As I become more skilled in this type of communication I hope to use more humour with my fellow posters/arguers/debaters.

    From debate comes learning. I value the opportunity to learn what others are thinking and the view from their "end". Debate is critical in a democratic society especially now that corporations (with no societal mission other than making more bucks and enriching their executives and shareholders) control most of our media.

    Let's all do our best to be civil (doesn't mean we can't fight once and a while!) and watch how we type.

    W. (one year away from the big 40!)

  • talesin

    People who like to push buttons, usually are speaking from their own unhappiness ... read their topics closely, and you will know their buttons.



    *if the forum is getting you down, take a break/ I liked that insightful comment made on the first page, too --- you are reflecting from the forum, what is going on in RL, so go out there and deal with it ... when you come back, be it a day , a week , or whatever, you will find that stuff here is no longer bothering you as much. That's what happens to me,,, realizing that I am angry/down or whatever and just reflecting the negative instead of enjoying the positive ...

    2 cents ;)

  • avishai


    I hear ya.!!!

  • dabatgaly

    i haven't read the debate but get the idea it was political , but you know lots of people are opinionated it is also freedom of speech , but anyhoo only god himself will sort out this mess , we have been brainwashed by who ever and where ever we happen to be born we can't help that one. i always think of the lyrics to "imagine" john lennon , i know it will happen one day, till then we can try to not to offend each other but its bound to happen. so hope youfeel better soon

  • Rod P
    Rod P

    Hey, U/D.

    Don't worry! Be happy!

    I read a lot of your posts. I think you do pretty good, even if I don't agree with everything you say. But then there's a lot I've said along the way on different threads that attract a lot of challenges and different opinions. That's just the way it is. I try not to take it personal (even if I don't always succeed).

    If I think someone is being abusive or insulting, I will try to offer calm explanations. If it continues, I will try to use diplomacy and peace offerings, but not at any price.

    If someone is insulting you when you don't deserve to be treated that way, point it out to them. Often posters don't realize they are doing that, as they are reacting spontaneously in the heat of the moment. Yes, some can be downright ignorant. Reasoning can still prevail. If someone disagrees with you with tones of hostility and insult, and you respond from logic and reason, then others who are reading the posts will be able to see the difference, and will usually jump in there and side with you.

    On the other hand, if you are the one who is being emotional about an issue, then maybe you need to ask yourself whether you are the catalyst that is triggering these hostile reactions. I am not saying you are or aren't- just saying read between the lines a little and try to figure out why some posters are reacting the way they are. This can give you clues as to how best to respond back such that you can diffuse some of that hostility.

    And you know what. Pay attention to what Gumby has to say. He's a professional at it, and I have learned a lot from him. He can p**ss me off sometimes, but then we have all kinda got used to his tactics. At the same time, he can dish it out as good as any does it to him. Underneath his crusty shell is a kind heart, but he don't take no guff either. (Kinda like that growling, snarly dog who does it to scare you, but wouldn't know how to bite you when it came right down to it.) Keeps things going, and the humour of it all is "tongue-in-cheek", and it doesn't take very long for us to see what it really happening. It's like trading insults while we're all grinnin' at each other.

    So U/D, take heart, don't get too discouraged, don't take it personal, take a break from JWD once in a while, and smile, cuz you're on Candid Camera! LOL (Not!)

    Rod P.

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