When Jehovah's Witnesses do bad - Are criticisms of JW's valid? Part I

by rambaldi 102 Replies latest jw friends

  • crazyblondeb


    Boots won't do you any good with this jerk-off. Guess he got tired of catching shit on the other sites and is here now to try and spread chaos. It's obvious he's a JW trying to save "us".


    We know you aren't suppose to be on these sites. Go back to the rank and file world you choose, and leave us to our apostate world!!!!

  • JT

    The first people who were Jehovah’s witnesses were Adam and Eve


    how is that possible, jw are a denomination, and according to even the wt it was not until 1930 did jw change their name from bible students to jw, I have never seen anyone in the bible who is called a Jehovah's Witness-

    for your information the wt society is very careful how they refer to Jehovah's Witnesses and Jehovah's witness

    if you do some research you will see that the wt when refering to anyone before 1931 they use the "small" 'w'-

    when they refer to anyone after 1931 they use the capitol "W": the reason why is the wt knows that they can't not honestly call Moses a Jehovah's "W"itness with a capitol letter

    it was not until a former jw who is lawyer [pointed that out to me

    ck it out for yourself, and you will see how they toggle back and forth between capitol w and a small w

    wt is some slick dudes i have to give it to them

  • JT

    1930 corr

    the 1930's 1931 to be exact

  • potleg

    Witnesses are so quick to critisize and so severe in their judgements. They reduce good people to something less than themselves by tagging them as "worldly" (oh she's nice but she is worldly) Anyone who was a witness but disagrees is an apostate, the lowest of the low. So all in all by setting themselves up as the only ones approved by God they are climbing a high pedestal and basking only in their own self -righteousness. For example the idea of a clean org. is a myth. The organization is full of dirty little secrets. They set themselves up for a fall and when they fall, they fall hard, and I for one applaude long and loud. I think it's the false pride exploding and the inner corruption being laid bare that I enjoy seeing the most. The squirming and wriggling as they spew forth "damage control" rubbish. eg the UN coverup and excuses.

  • blondie

    In the WT the WTS made the switch from Jehovah's witnesses to Jehovah's Witnesses in 1976.


    w76 1/1 p. 4 How Do You Value Your Life? ***

    For instance, in Ireland Jehovah’s witnesses are not allied, with any of the religious or political factions striving for control

    but by the end of 1976


    w76 12/1 p. 713 Filling Colombia with the Knowledge of Jehovah ***

    In 1942 just two native Colombians actively engaged in the Bible educational work that today readily identifies Jehovah’s Witnesses everywhere.

    Without any fanfare or explanation. After years of nitpicking that the "w" should be small because it was not the name of a religion.


  • potleg

    I'd never noticed that...isn't it just like them...the modern day Pharasee Class. I remember years ago they used to say they were not a religion.

  • JT

    In the WT the WTS made the switch from Jehovah's witnesses to Jehovah's Witnesses in 1976.


    thanks for the info i will kick this to my lawyer friend who mentioned it to me and had indicated it was around the 30's,

    great update on info, this is why i love the Net Thang, if there is info to be found then you can find it or someone will provide it to you with a click of a mouse

    this is why jw who surf the net will be so angry with themselves in the years to come , to only think that when the UN issue came out along with others, child molestation, etc , they never to the time to take a step back and reexamine things instead they held doggedly to the wt corp pr line- and then 10 yrs have passed and they realize that they have beeen hookdwinked and bamboozled

    and all the while the needed info was right under their nose, just a mouse click away

    how sad

    thanks again for the info

  • rambaldi
    so are you saying that we should stick with the truth, even if the society doesn't?

    What does the Bible say?

    When Saul, David, Solomon and the other kings turned away from Jehovah, was the right thing to do to also turn away from Jehovah and his worship? Of course not. The right way was to follow the way that Jehovah gave. Some did that like Elijah, Elisha, Hezekiah, Daniel, etc.

    When those in the first century congregation turned away from following Jesus in the ways that he taught for worshipping Jehovah God, the way to do things was to continue in his way. That is with the governing body. Jesus was directing matters through the congregations and the elders. He is doing that today. Even if there are things that you don't like that the WTS has done, the truth is still taught by Jehovah's people, his Witnesses. So yes you should stick to the truth, that which is found and taught by Jehovah Witnesses.

  • potleg

    You will never convince me that the truth is taught by the witnesses and maybe we'll never convince you otherwise...so this discussion with you, and your being here is like a broken pencil...pointless.

  • rambaldi

    When Israel, as an organization, ;was abandoned by God, was it for the action of the collective, majority, or just the leadership? ; Who paid the price for that judgement?

    If the Watchtower society are the New Israel as they claim, are not their followers obliged to obey all their commands? ; What if even one of the commands coming from the Watchtower society is evil? ; Does not the organization itself become liable to judgement? ; If a follower disobeys his own conscience in favour of the collective, believing he is following Jehovah's commands, is he/she guilty of that sin, or the organization as a whole?

    Shunning is evil. ; It goes against a mother's nature to abandon her own child over doctrine (I am not talking gross evil here). ; If a mother overrides her good conscience, obeying rather the edicts of man, is she held, individually, accountable for the sin of abandonment?

    Jehovah's purpose was to save a people as a whole, not specific individuals. When natural Israel was lost, Jehovah ordained spiritual Israel as a whole (not the individuals within).

    The Watchtower does not claim to be new Israel. The 144,000 as a whole is spiritual Israel. The ones on earth today are the faithful and discreet slave. They publish through the Watchtower publications. The "followers" or rather the congregtion members are obliged to obey as far as Heb 13:7 says " Remember those who are taking the lead among YOU , who have spoken the word of God to YOU , and as YOU contemplate how [their] conduct turns out imitate [their] faith." Notice that it does not say 'imitate their conduct' but rather imitate their faith.

    Also Heb 13:17 "

    17 Be obedient to those who are taking the lead among YOU and be submissive, for they are keeping watch over YOUR souls as those who will render an account; that they may do this with joy and not with sighing, for this would be damaging to YOU . "

    So you state that if one of the commands from those taking the lead is evil, what should one do? Reading Heb 13:17. I don't see choices in there. But I do see that if they do bad, they will render the account. So Jehovah is looking for us to obey Heb 13:17. The reason being the damage to you is done from the joy that we can inhibit and the sighing that we can do.

    Shunning is evil you say. You are correct in that a mother should not abandon her child. But that is not what is done (or at least supposed to be done as some will say 'they did this or that there') in the Christian congregation. But then again, isn't it also evil for a child to go against one's mother? Try looking at matters from both sides. That is what I am doing in this disertation. Why do you focus on the mother abandoning the child but not the actions of the child? It goes back to Heb 13:17, if the children are obedient to the parents then they can parent with joy and not sighing as they will cause damage.

    My suggestion is to consider matters from all viewpoints.

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