Turning the shunning policy around onto Mother...

by sf 71 Replies latest members private

  • loosie

    WOW. what can I say but Wow.

    I have been in similar shoes as you are in right now. It hurts. I am sorry for the loss of your son. I am proud of you for telling your mom how things really are.

  • hopelesslystained

    I am so very sorry for your loss, skally. Unloading on your Mother about her cold-heartedness is a good thing, she surely deserves it. I am so sad , our mothers are supposed to be there for us no matter what. But, that is not the jw way. Hope

  • nowisee

    yes, my heart truly goes out to you too. having experienced death in my own family i can truly empathize and i know that it stays with you forever. knowing that you have support and sympathy from so many can help to soften the grief, hopefully.

    also, having gone through therapy, i know that the best way to get beyond rage is to go right through it. it seems you have done a remarkable job of that. i hope your experience with your mom was cathartic and healing for you....and i hope it raised some doubts in her mind and planted some seeds of change....you never know when they will take root.

    my very best to you, nowisee

  • Honesty

    I am sorry that you have lost your son.

    I know the feeling very well. Except that my son is a dead man walking because the JW cult has him convinced I am from Satan for exposing their heinous crimes against God and humanity. I am very proud of you for standing up for the truth about the demon WTBTS organisation. Who knows, maybe it will open your mom's eyes if she investigates the WT.

    I have it very effective to expose the cult in the same way you have. Locked and loaded. Sometimes the only way to get through to the dubs is to unload everything on them.

    Peace and security to you,


  • sf

    To those posting after I thanked others for their posts...thank you all, too. It is nice to read your thoughts.

    I forgot to mention that I was able to plug googles amazing features. As I mentioned initially, I told her that in my opinion there is no reason or excuse for any adult jw that has internet access to not be googling this org. I threw out a few keywords too.

    I hope, in all honesty, that she takes to heart what I said. And that she see's how much of her life has been a complete waste. That the lives of her grandkids have passed her by by no ones fault but her own.

    Thanks again, sKally

  • sass_my_frass

    Skally, so sorry about your son and I hope you're coping as well as possible. (hugs)

    That conversation must have been pure electricity.

  • Wasanelder Once
    Wasanelder Once

    sf, your loss is felt here. What I dont understand is the hatefulness and spiteful nature of your conversation with your Mother. If she is the victim of a falsehood, why would you be so harsh? There must be a much bigger history unspoken here for you to be so vengeful. I haven't read everything around here so bare with me. Regardless, I just dont understand the need to "Nail" her and so forth. I cant imagine a grandmother not caring about her grandson. Sometimes the heartbreak of such reality motivates people to bridge even thier indoctrination. I'd rather see you fault on the side of reason than go with the negative emotion I read in your post. You of course know the situation better than I do. I wish you better days. W. Once

  • MidwichCuckoo

    A very powerful read. You handled that phone call magically. I am so sorry for your loss.

    Much Love. Midwich.

  • Whiskeyjack


    Firstly, please accept my sincerest condolences on your family's loss.

    Secondly, thanks for posting this. The time may come very soon when I'll have a conversation such as yours with both of my folks whom I used to respect greatly as individuals who personified the best of the org. (one of the reasons it took so long for me to "wise up"). My sibs and I love them fiercely (and they have bent a lot of their own rules to accomodate our faded status) but time is growing short for them as well on this planet. My sister's in-laws are creating some waves so our relatively peaceful situation may not last too much longer.

    Thx again


  • Panda

    SF I am sorry to read that your son has died. That loss along with the treatment you've gotten from JW family is more than I could bear. You did the right thing, you needed to not only say those words to "MOM" but also to hear her non-reply. She didn't take anything in that you said --- nothing, she can't because it would disrupt her mindset.

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