Turning the shunning policy around onto Mother...

by sf 71 Replies latest members private

  • candidlynuts

    what a conversation! you did good.. i know none of us would ever WANT to be in the position you were in. and i know i'd never be able to handle it no where NEAR as well as you did.a mothers love would go a long way towards helping you cope right now i wish i could hug you really tight, know that the mother in me feels for you and your in my prayers .

  • Valis

    skallawag, I'm glad you had the courage to broach a subject so close to you. I am also glad that you got to have that conversation with your mother. Hard stuff to do, but good for it to come out one can imagine. This is not for you, but perhaps others. It is a huge burden released off one's shoulders when someone dies and you have left the Witness religion. You don't live with constant guilt about living your own life, because the concept of not being there to see your loved ones who have died resurrected, simply doesn't exist anymore. Once again sorry for your loss sf and hope you are well.


  • misspeaches

    I wish I could talk to my mother like that (however my situation is more fortunate than your own). I can't imagine how you would have felt after that. Exhilaration, relief that you had finally managed to get your thoughts out and perhaps a little drained. Mothers make the worst type of confrontations. I think you did exceptionally well and got your point across well.

  • zagor
  • Double Edge
    Double Edge

    That was a very emotional but interesting read.... thanks for posting. You've got guts..... I truly admire you.

    So very sorry to hear about your loss.... my sincere condolences...

    Take care...

    Double Edge

  • jeanniebeanz

    Speachless, here...

    So sorry for your loss. And then the cold treatment from one who nature intended to be a source of comfort for you.

    Unbelievable...so sorry...


  • hubert

    What an excellent speech !

    Sorry for your loss of your son. (((((((Skally))))))


  • sf

    Thanks for the encouragement and support in your postings. It is appreciated.

    A few years back when I read Rays book and connected to the internet, I was filled to the brim with rage. Not anger. Fire red rage. I picked up the phone almost immediately after discovering so much deception and corruption and called her to 'unload' what I was learning.

    Needless to say, when you are full of fire hot rage, don't confront anyone. Especially someone who represents they very thing you are being burned with.

    At least six years has passed since that horrible phone call. And so has a great deal of the hot rage. Anger is still present yet it is not fire hot rage that can cause unpredictable courses of action. I'm sure that if I had still had the fire hot rage she would have felt the blowtorch come through her phone yesterday and she would surely have been incinerated. She really has no clue how lucky she was.

    I suppose looking back on yesterdays conversation and the way it went down and the reason she did'nt hang up was because the heat wasn't unbearable. I was very emphatic yet stayed on course and kept my emotions in check. I was amazed too that I felt absolutely no intimidation. I kept an even tone of voice throughout. Whereas before I was all over the place with my emotions dripping out of my soul.

    So yes, I feel a sense of pride in how far I've come with my rage. I owe alot of my gratitude to friends that have stuck by me through this processing of my rage to certain friends I've made on and offline. Friends that just allowed me to 'vomit' and then helped me up off the 'floor'. Not everyone can sit through hours of 'vomit' and rage. It can get real messy. Yet there they were and still are. Thank you.

    Today? Today I feel lighter. Like there isn't this bullshit inside me anymore. I was able to finally spit it up and out. It's a great relief. The maddening thing about it is knowing her and knowing she just went on with her wt life and none of what I said shifted her in any way. You don't know her like I do. She took it all as persecution I'm sure. In fact she probably is going to incorporate it in her next TMS skit!! LOLOLOLOLOL

    Any hoot, thanks all for your thoughtful words.


  • Dustin

    All I have to say is that took a lot of guts to do. It doesn't do any good to hold all that negative energy in. I'm happy for you that you can move on with your life, and I know you don't know me but I just want to wish my sympathy for you and your family over your loss.


  • garybuss

    My best thoughts coming over to you.
    Thanks for writing the post.

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