Turning the shunning policy around onto Mother...

by sf 71 Replies latest members private

  • Netty

    I think you said to your mother, all the things plenty of us here would like to be able to say to ours. Good for you that you had the courage. I am sorry for your loss.

  • crazyblondeb

    First, I am deeply sorry on your loss.

    When you hung up the phone did you do a little jig? Kinda dance around and smiling cause it felt so good to finally get it said! A couple weeks ago I had the shortened version of that conversation with my mother. I felt like a rock had been removed from my back. I couldn't help smiling. I basically told her she can have her beliefs, and i have mine. But that also means don't bother my daughter, either. But then she's 21 and very vocal about it!! Told her to have a happy life. I did bite my tongue, and it was SSOOO hard not to tell her, "Oh, by the way, I'm also a Wiccan and a very proud apostate!! Guess I"ll save that for later if i have to!!


  • kls

    Wow SF ,that was amazing to read . You told here the way it should have been and i can't say enough how great you were in letting her see herself and the wt . What really freaked me out is your mothers answers are the exact copy of what my husband says ,so i guess there is no such thing as brainwashing or one way thinking ( Right )

  • talesin

    Bittersweet. I understand. {{{tight hug}}}



  • undercover

    Wow....tough read.

    My condolences on your loss.

    That was a brave thing to do.

    It must have been tough to share that with us but I'm sure it was therapeutic...thanks for sharing and good luck.

  • Apostanator

    Hi SF....I'm really sorry to hear about your loss. I've got so say that you are a brave person. I've tried many things with my JW family and the conclusion always comes down to what you've just done. I am a caring and compassionate person so I have been avoiding the end result. But I'm afraid I have no choice because all other avenues have been exhausted. I admire your courage and strength. Just remember make time to take care of yourself.

    Best Wishes

  • the_classicist

    That was a very moving post, sf. It gets me right in the chest like I've been punched, so I can't imagine how hard it would be to actually have that experience.

  • bebu

    First, sKally, my condolences on the loss of your son.

    Secondly, that was surely the most powerful sermon she's ever heard in her life! You said everything she needed to hear, and you said it so well!

    I hope and pray that your words will drive into the rock of her heart and actually hit something soft...


  • luna2

    Nothing harder than losing your child. I know. Big ((hugs)) to you, sKally

    Good job letting your mother have it with both barrels. Might cause her to think, might not...but either way you got to get it off your chest. I admire your courage!

  • Purza

    I agree with the others who said your post was powerful and very moving. I read every word. I am very sorry for the loss of your son.

    Your words gave me strength to know that it is possible to stand up to your mother as I feel that one day I may have a similar experience with my mother. Thank you for having to the courage to post your personal experience.


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