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by 5thGeneration 75 Replies latest jw friends

  • 5thGeneration

    Some things confuse me here. I am in the same position as many where I don't agree with so much the Society says and feel stuck dragging myself to the meetings and then feel incredible guilt because the study for the day says it is wrong to have any doubts "even in private". Impossible for me!

    Question is:

    How do many of you personally blaspheme Jehovah? I want to leave the Society but I still believe in Jehovah, and also that doctrinally we are still the closest to the truth in my mind.

    Any comments?

  • RichieRich
    How do many of you personally blaspheme Jehovah? I want to leave the Society but I still believe in Jehovah, and also that doctrinally we are still the closest to the truth in my mind.

    I don't buy in to any form of religion. Having to put up witht the crap in the society was salt in the wound.

    You are free to believe what you wish, and yes, it does appear on the surface that the Witnesses have some good things going for them. However, I think you'll find that the entire foundation is shaky.

    The members Honesty and Blondie will provide you with the info you really need to know.

    Oh yeah. Welcome to the board.

  • GetBusyLiving

    Welcome to the board. There are lots of Christians on here who are ex-JW's. You'll find plenty of support.


  • kls

    Welcome 5th to the forum

    How do many of you personally blaspheme Jehovah

    I am a little confused by this comment so if you could be a little more clear it could be answered.

    As far a believing in Jehovah and if that is what you want and truly believe then don't stop ,it is the wt that is lieing and is in the closest and hiding behind it's lies to it's followers as to it's assests and affiliation to the UN and their protection of jw molesters.

    Believe in God if that is what you want but don't put the wt as Gods mouthpiece.

  • Gopher

    Welcome to the discussion board, 5g. You have taken the first step towards "leaving the Society", which is asking questions.

    It's okay to ask questions, the WT Society even says so. They only encourage it when you are leaving other religions and investigating theirs! However, using the minds we have (provided, many believe by Jehovah or the God of the Bible), how could such a God ever want us to not use our mind?

    Indeed, the WT Society discourages "independent thinking". That must mean, by inference, that they only allow "dependent thinking", that is -- dependent on THEM and their current views.

    As far as blaspheming Jehovah, we really need to define Jehovah. As a JW, the thought was that obedience to Jehovah = obedience to the organization and the human leaders its provides. Therefore, Jehovah is on par with the organization. Technically, you cannot blaspheme an organization.

    As far as blaspheming God, there's a whole range of views on God here. My take is that he really hasn't made himself or his purposes very clear. Some humans think they have some inside scoop about God's purposes, but when all is said and done, they're just guessing and trying to interpret ancient texts. I think it's up to God to clarify himself, and until then if any have doubts about him, it's just because they're using their heads and not just wishing for something to be true.

  • MerryMagdalene

    Welcome 5th ~

    I'm a 4th daughter will not become a 5th (unless she chooses to as an adult) because of all the harm done by the WTS's doctrines and requirements.

    Stick around, you'll learn a lot and you'll be just fine. Take it slow. Learn the truth about the truth and it will set you free (and you can still love God apart from any who claim to represent him and speak for him).


  • EvilForce

    First off WELCOME!!!

    Secondly I would say most here don't think they are "personally" being blasphemous against God. Most of feel that WTBS is actually being balsphemous by ignoring Jesus' commands.

    You say that you feel the WTBS is "still closest doctrinally" than any other religion. How many other religions have you studied INDEPENDANT from the WTBS. Consulting your little brown book does not count as studying another religion. Were you raised in "the truth"? Have you done INDEPENDANT research on the teaching of the WTBS. For instance.... look in ANY encyclopedia and try to find that Jerusalem fell in 607 BC .....doesn't exist, can't find it. Jerusalem fell in 586/587. So if 607 is wrong that means 1914 is wrong....thinks that make you go "hmmmmm....." Have you learned about the WTBS association and membership with the United Nations as a NGO (non governmental org)? Go to and type in the word "watchtower" in their search box.

    There are dozens more examples of this. You should stick around and other sites to learn more about what you call "the truth". But don't take anyone's word for it. Look for proof. Accept nothing at face value. If the WTBS is "the truth" than it can withstand some examination. Jesus told us to "examine all things". Do you think God would be upset that you researched into the things you have been taught? Since they are "the truth" they can be proved no?

  • jgnat

    I was never a JW, nor will I ever be. I call myself a regular vanilla Christian.

    How do many of you personally blaspheme Jehovah? I want to leave the Society but I still believe in Jehovah, and also that doctrinally we are still the closest to the truth in my mind.

    Oh, Gawd, I could NEVER swear.

    Oops. Did I say that out loud?

    doctrinally we are still the closest to the truth in my mind.

    From the outside looking in, I cannot agree with you on that point. If you haven't looked lately, and have swallowed whole what the Watchtower says about us regular Christians, I don't blame you for being confused. Check out these links, and tell me what you think.

  • Sad emo
    Sad emo

    Welcome to the world of free thought and doubts 5thG!

    I don't have a JW background but was raised in a church organisation with a similar MO so this is all I can really contribute:

    It's NOT wrong to have doubts. Its only by having doubts and asking questions that we learn the real truth about anything in this life - so keep on doubting! Making you feel guilty is their way of keeping a grip on you by making you afraid of any other ideas.

    God bless you on your journey to discovering the truth - whatever that may be for you.

  • 5thGeneration

    By blashemous I meant comments like "Lets all kick Jehovah's ass", stuff like that.

    Believe me, I have researched much. Why do think I'm in my dilema?

    One of my favs is the Society hanging on to the First Century Christians ALL being of the annointed. Didn't take too much research to see how many Christians were around there and that it is mathematically impossible. I believe it was between 500,000 and a Million.

    Thanks for your welcomes.

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