What pisses YOU off?

by RichieRich 68 Replies latest jw friends

  • HappyDad

    High income geeks who buy Harleys and then ride with a full helmet with face shields and full leathers in 80 to 90 degree weather.

    Go and buy a BMW you damn GEEKS.


  • Es

    One word PEOPLE. None of you guys if course but people in general just piss me off es

  • Crumpet
    Women who have knock off designer handbags!

    Brooke - I am so with you - specifically Louis Vuitton copies. Who'd want to copy such a vile handbag anyway!

  • Ténébreux

    This is a weird one - cheerful whistling. I have absolutely nothing against anyone being happy, and yet whenever I hear whistling I suddenly find myself wishing we could bring back public stonings.

  • love2Bworldly

    Ok I need to vent here. What really is pissing me off right now is that I own property with siblings and cousins I've never met, it's been in Escrow since January, but because one of my cousins has a mental illness and refused to sign papers 4 months ago I don't know when I will see my money--also because about 4 different attorneys have become involved because of the stupidity of my relatives. Meanwhile--my credit is going down the toilet, my husband took a HUGE cut in pay for a new job, my child support quit coming because my ex likes to switch jobs every month, I have 2 payday loans out right now to put food on the table, my credit is maxed out, my cell phone is about to be turned off, my daughter just graduated and I couldn't give her a decent gift, all my utilities are a month behind, my car payment is behind, etc etc etc. I had to leave work early yesterday because I literally felt sick from stress. It feels like the damn roof is caving in on me and I feel so bleepity bleep frustrated. My well-to-do cousins didn't want to sell the property in the first place because of nostalgia surrounding my grandparents property, even though the first offer a year ago on the property was ONE MILLION dollars--3 times the value of the property. Meanwhile, my pothead brother who doesn't bathe or ever clean his house or even hold a job when he doesn't have to, had been living rent-free on this property for the last 12 years while I've been working my ass off to support me and 3 kids as a single mom. Now I'm married and am even worse off financially.

    Ok I'm done venting now. There was a court hearing on this stupid property yesterday and so now I'm waiting to hear if I am ever going to receive my friggin money.

  • ezekiel3
  • People who think they are the SH!T: There was this guy in AutoZone today, who was standing in line in front of me. He couldn't stop fidgeting, crossing his arms and rocking back and forth, and trying to stare people down. HE was tiny, maybe 5'6". I REALLY wanted to hit him.
    Sorry that was me Rich
  • Mecurious?

    If Jenny Craig protects fat people, crack and Malt Liquor protect African-Americans

    Hey Richie Crack could actually help you shed a few pounds! I'm surprized you haven't tried it yet.


  • FlyingHighNow
    The general lack of laughter and warmth with the JW.

    Yeah, DelTheFunky. I can tell this has had an effect on your disposition.

    Intolerant people: they piss me off. (<.......See the halo?)

  • Mecurious?

    Hi, beautiful!


  • FlyingHighNow

    Hi, beautiful!


    I love it when you're nice to me.

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