OK smarty pants, post something simple that most people don't know.

by JH 101 Replies latest jw friends

  • Satanus

    It's your fault for talking about balls. Pass me some o thet stuff, eh bro?

    S *bloodshot eyes emoticon here*

  • in a new york bethel minute
    in a new york bethel minute

    if anyone posts that a duck's quack doesn't echo i'm gonna be upset. YES I WATCH MYTHBUSTERS!!!

    bethel light- all the taste, 1 single calorie

  • misspeaches

    Did you know...

    Swans are the only birds with penises (okaaaay)

    The longest name in the Bible Mahershalalbaz (and there was a kid in a congregation i attended who actually was named that! We called him Mal for short.)

    A person releases 3.5 oz. of gas in a single fart, or about 17 oz. in a day.

  • CaptainSchmideo
    The longest name in the Bible Mahershalalbaz (and there was a kid in a congregation i attended who actually was named that! We called him Mal for short.)

    I think you mean Maher-Shalal-Hashbaz. Which is Arabic for "cash only, no credit"

    But that's nothing! I know a girl named Rama-lama-lama-lama-lama-ding-dong....

  • misspeaches
    But that's nothing! I know a girl named Rama-lama-lama-lama-lama-ding-dong....

    Sure you did!

  • prophecor
    I guess this is for men, did you know that woman have different types of orgasms? Internal and cliteral?

    Gosh, after 9 years of being married and I'm just learning what those spasms was all about, well fancy that

  • FlyingHighNow
    Didja know that the song, "Mack the Knife" was written and produced by a German named Brecht in the early twenties for a musical play he produced called the Threepenny Opera.

    I just bet Blondie knew that.

    I knew that.

    People are born with about 10,000 taste buds. But as a person ages, some of his or her taste buds die. (An elderly person may only have 5,000 taste buds.) That's why some foods may taste stronger to a child than they do to an adult.

  • PaulJ

    8/10 people write with a ballpoint pen.

    Makes ya wonder what the other 2 people do with it!!!!!

    The name Wendy first appeard in the Peter Pan book... there were no Wendy's before that.

  • avishai
    Did you know that Mike Nesmith, best known as a member of the 1960's band the Monkees - his mom invented Liquid Paper!

    I knew that Did you know that . He also concieved the idea of MTV and sold the concept to viacom?

  • avishai

    Did you know that Norah Jones

    Is Ravi Shankar's Daughter?alt

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