OK smarty pants, post something simple that most people don't know.

by JH 101 Replies latest jw friends

  • kazar

    Didja know that the song, "Mack the Knife" was written and produced by a German named Brecht in the early twenties for a musical play he produced called the Threepenny Opera.

    I just bet Blondie knew that.

  • stillajwexelder

    and since Avagadros number is 6.023 x 10^ 23 reciprocal moles then it follows that Faradays constant must be 96495 coulombs of charge per mole of electrons

    and you all thougt I was totally thick because I posted a comment arguing against evolution mmmmmmmmmmmm

  • Insomniac

    You can light a match by swiping it across a piece of glass. Try it, it's assuredly true.

  • TresHappy

    Did you know that Mike Nesmith, best known as a member of the 1960's band the Monkees - his mom invented Liquid Paper!

  • whyamihere

    I am sorry about the Coke contraceptive.(not really read below)

    However, the University of Harvard did a study and it was proven effective! Diet Coke was better than the classic! Urban myth's can be true legends. I trust in Harvard not your little snopes.com!

    Also......On of the earliest methods for birth control was devised by the ancient Chinese. Women inserted Quicksilver (mercury) to abort the fetus.

    The Ancient Egyptians came up with a safer method - honey was mixed with crocodile dung. The acidity of the dung killed the sperm.


  • seattleniceguy


    Care to cite your Harvard source?


  • OldSoul

    Without coloring, the formula for Coka-cola makes a sickly green liquid.

  • gumby

    Everyone prolly knew this....but a guys left nut ( nut being the greek word for balls) is just a dinger hair lower than the right nut cuz Eve kicked Adam in his right nut when he blew the eternal life thing. Ever since then, a dudes right nut is all otta shape and is smaller and stuff. Damn BIATCHES!


  • Satanus

    The balls in ball point pens are actually micro meteoroids, which are harvested w magnetic collectors, and sent to the various pen manufacturers. They polish them and stick them in the ends of the pens.


  • gumby

    Satanus ya bastard....you still tyin ta fool us with that outer space stuff? Brother!

    *just smoked a fatty class*


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