OK smarty pants, post something simple that most people don't know.

by JH 101 Replies latest jw friends

  • stillajwexelder

    Cement and Concrete are two very different things, cement is really only one of 4 components of concrete, which is actually cement, water, fine aggregate (sand), and coarse aggregate (rock or stone).

    What about Pozolanic materials and other additives?

  • Quotes

    Hate to rain on the parade, but the Coke-douche thing is not true according to Snopes:


    This is important; don't spread around misinformation about birth control. From the above link:

    As stated above, this method wasn't all that effective at preventing pregnancy. Though Coca-Cola might have been a (slight) step up from plain water, douching with any liquid is far too often a case of attempting to close the barn door after the horse has got loose. By the time the douche is fired off, 100,000 or thereabouts sperm are swimming around in the uterus, already out of reach of any douche, even a fizzy one. Women should be reluctant to turn to soda pop douches for another reason besides their ineffectiveness at preventing Momhood — the sugars in them being let loose in that part of a woman's anatomy can lead to yeast infections, an annoying, difficult-to-cure condition.

    Oh, since I'm shooting down Urban Legends, LittleToe's Bumblebee is not quite as "science-defying" as he claims:


    So, no one "proved" that a bumblebee can't fly. What was shown was that a certain simple mathematical model wasn't adequate or appropriate for describing the flight of a bumblebee. Insect flight and wing movements can be quite complicated. Wings aren't rigid. They bend and twist. Stroke angles change.

    Yet the myth persists that science says a bumblebee can't fly. This tale has taken on a life of its own as a piece of "urban folklore" on the Internet, passed on from one browser to another.

    ~Quotes, of the "Just the facts, ma'am" class

  • stillajwexelder

    I'll be bringing alot of coke to the apostofest....

    JH you are wicked!!!

  • stillajwexelder

    My avatar is from an electron micrograph and is a crystal of Barium Titanate - bet you did not know that

  • Honesty
    I guess this is for men, did you know that woman have different types of orgasms? Internal and cliteral?

    Can everyone say, "G Spot"?

  • stillajwexelder

    the charge on an electron can be found in most scientific text books and is 1.6019 x 10^ -19 coulombs

  • TresHappy

    If you add all the odd numbers together in sequence; the answer will have a perfect square root

    1 + 3 (4) +5 (9) +7 (16) + 9 (25) +11 (36) +13 (49) and so on

  • Quotes

    Stilla, does that count as "simple"???

    ~Quotes, of the "Gaussian Farady Coloumb" class

  • wanderlustguy
    What about Pozolanic materials and other additives?

    You can make concrete without 'em...that's why they're called admixtures, the original pozzolanic was what was left after burning coal at power plants, known as flyash...usability depended on how well the coal was burned...lower burn the more adversely air entrainment is affected.

    WLG of the "been out of the business for about 8 years" class

  • Leolaia

    Chelsea Cinton's middle name is "Victoria".

    The oldest existing color photograph was taken in 1872.

    It costs $5 to ride the Cyclone at Coney Island, but if you ride again it is $4.

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