It took them exactly 13 hours from the news broadcast ...

by kwintestal 73 Replies latest jw friends

  • kwintestal

    ... to ring at my door.

    I didn't answer, why bother. I got a phone.


  • Satanus

    Don't answer the phone, iether. Wait for the letter. Then, let your lawyer speak to them. Their whining is an insult to your ears.


  • blondie

    You could invite the news person to be with you when the elders talk to you; or a lawyer. After all, you are entitled to have eyewitnesses to what they say and do.

    Any calls from non-JW people?


  • gumby

    I'm glad the dipshits came by. It shows their feathers are ruffled and you've made an impact.


  • hillbilly

    I am suprised they took that long...........I think when you CHOOSE to speak with them you should have some tape running and a lawyer within ear-shot...just for giggles.

    Good job by the way! I am behind you 110%!


  • mtbatoon

    How nice is it to have them jumping through hoops and you calling the shots? Wishing you all the best.

  • MelbaToast

    Have been keeping track of your story. Glad ya didnt cave in....Let the lawyers deal with em.....and if you have to post a no trespassing sign. I dont know if its the same in Canada, but if a sign like that is posted, in US, you can call the cops on em for trespassing.

  • chris1525

    But surely if the Big J knows every that has happened and WILL happen he would have done something to prevent your actions? Or at least got them there a little quicker than 13 hours.

  • Midget-Sasquatch

    Don't bother talking to them till you're good and ready with a lawyer right there with you. That'll jarr them and show you're serious.

    Its sickening how they're more interested in protecting their mommy's image, than in getting rid of scum within their ranks.

  • Rabbit

    I was wondering if that would happen...are you DF/DA? Maybe you need a "hidden news crew" now !

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