ATTENTION District Convention Attendees!

by RichieRich 90 Replies latest jw friends

  • RichieRich


    The primary objective to this is not to expose the scandals in the org to the money counters (who will just throw it away) but to get noticed by WTS that there are many active JWs who know whats going on.

    Use it. Don't use it.

    Does it matter exactly what it says? We are only tryin' to get the high ups to freak out. This is not an ingenous plan here. Very basic.

    If you want it to say something different, do it yourself. You've got photoshop just like I do.

    However, you need to understand that if I was to doctor this thing 50 different ways for 50 different people, it would be time consuming.

    Also, one design demonstrates the unanimous front *ahem* that we should have.

    EDITED to say to Integ. I'm not mad- but you've got to understand my view also.

  • MerryMagdalene

    Way cool, Richie & Ezekiel3.....nice job.....just one thing though: have you checked to see if it's okay with Silentlambs to put their name on it?.....just a thought.

    ~ Merry

  • rebel8

    Richie & co.

    First of all, thank you so much for doing this. It’s a great idea.

    I do have some comments/suggestions. I don’t mean to be critical, please don’t be upset!

    1. I’m not fond of the A in a circle logo. That is the symbol of anarchists, which has negative connotations to be avoided if education/awareness is truly the goal. If you are trying to say AO, as in Apostates Organized or whatever, I am willing to help come up with a logo that incorporates those letters and even the words.

    2. Here is the official site for UN NGO. You could grab their logo from the site and/or use their address on the check: NGO Section
    Department of Public Information
    Room S-1070L
    United Nations
    New York, NY 10017 (USA)

    3. How about making some different checks to be randomly distributed (sorry)? How about one that says something about pedophilia….if you like that, I could look up some more specific info to use.

    4. Or my favorite, the blood issue? How about a check that says in the $$ space, “in lieu of a monetary donation, I have donated a pint of blood in WTS honor”?

    I'm willing to help you guys with design, just let me know--but there is no way I'm going near a convention!

  • Rabbit

    These are fantastic ideas !

    Whether it's one type of check or's another thought: If the collection boxes are the only place where these are put...there is a limited audience, right ?

    How about dropping them on the floor, in the seats and in the restrooms, etc. ? The rank and file JW's are there and they will see them and prolly pick 'em up. And when the place is cleaned...a witness can easily 'pocket' a small check or note and read in privately -- later.

    Web-sites should be provided...


  • rebel8

    Good idea, rabbit. You'd just have to be sure to do it on the last day so there would be no opportunity for warnings from the platform the next morning.

  • RichieRich

    Now that is TRUE constructive critisicm. Thank you.

    Merry, I will try and speak with someone in the SilentLambs dept...

    Rebel, I was screwing around this morning and working on a Organized apostates logo, I will discuss it with whoever it was who orginally posted the symbol.

    Rabbit, Good idea. That is up to the individual, so if you want to print 50 copies, be my guest!!

    Thank you... Now back to photoshop!

  • DevonMcBride

    Very cool. Unfortunately, the assembly in my area is in a crime ridden neighborhood and I won't be there.

  • Odrade

    I'm a little fixated on the Anarchist-ish symbol, I don't think you want that to be the attention-getter. I really like the change to Silentlambs at the bottom. That should probably remain because it is the most generally compelling. On a check, the NGO thing might be too hard to explain on a check with enough information to make it worthwhile.

    Remember, none of these checks will be read with other than the most cursory of glances. They will be unfolded at a table with 7 other sisters and two or three supervising brothers just after an intermission. should be BIG and BOLD, as it is, so it can be registered at a glance. Beth Sarim? Sure. If that is what registers with the person who unfolds this in the counting room, the possible resultant research will lead them to other things. Plus it is unusual enough, and short enough to remember.

    I think you've done an excellent job. As far as the logo... why not just use the initials of Mrs. Beth Sarim? Intertwine them like most checks do... fancy font or something. You don't want to hang up the visual process before they get to the www.silentlambs...

    Another minor detail... aren't the checks still supposed to be made out to "Jehovah's Witnesses"?

    For those of us NOT attending and ASSembly, why not print out the check and send it directly to WT, with a brief accompanying letter: "I will not be attending the propaganda gatherings this year. Please find enclosed a check for the amount I might have donated, and be advised I am sending this amount to (choose your charity) who will be using it to feed actual food to starving people, rather than Watchtowers, which are generally known to be significantly deficient in proteins, vitamins and minerals. Thank you."

  • RichieRich
    On a check, the NGO thing might be too hard to explain on a check with enough information to make it worthwhile.

    Thank you. I've been trying to express this point for 2 days now, and have been unable to. Thank you again.

    WE ARE IN THE WORKS OF CHANGING THE "ANARCHY" SYMBOL . I will post something new soon enough.

    I think that the more it looks like a real a check, the further it will trickle upstream.

    I have heard, through the proverbial grapevine, that the moneys are sorted, and then totaled. I this gets thrown into a stack of checks, and then goes to 2 more brothers who's job it is to total them, then when they read the note, they will be more informed than by some hastily written gum wrapper slipped in.

    IF you have additional concerns, email me at richardiveythethird at

    Nos, you have a PM

  • rebel8

    Again, Richie, I'm willing to help. Do you want me to make up a blood check or is that too much?

    I'm definitely trying to be constructive and helpful. I'm sure it's a bit overwhelming to get such a load of feedback in such a short period of time when all you're trying to do is something good, but keep your chin up. I don't think anyone is trying to come across as critical.

    Activism can be a really hot topic on these forums. Anything "apostates" do can reflect on all of us to some degree. Anything that's rebellious or direct is interpreted by the borg as evidence we are all crazy, and that's the message they send to our families and friends.

    PS--Re the above post, be careful about posting your email address on the internet, especially one that has your real name!

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