Our invitation to our JC came today!!

by TooOpinionated 35 Replies latest jw friends

  • EvilForce

    I'd tell them that you've been wondering where that bumper sticker came from yourself, some "rogue JW poztate" put it there. Maybe HadEnuf did it. You just haven't had the time to take it down...maybe the elders instead of having a JC could simply use that same time to pull the bumper sticker off. They didn't have 2 witnesses that saw you do it. Deny, deny, deny. Screw them.

  • JAVA

    As already suggested, let them know that date doesn't work for you because of other important arrangements--than add this:

    I'm sending your letter to our lawyer for legal counsel. We will need to arrange a meeting time with you so our lawyer can also attend. Please know that we will not allow our names to be slandered in any way that causes others to treat us differently, and will take legal action if that happens. (or something like that)

    Why not give the jerks something to think about, and see how eager they want to meet with you again?

  • BrendaCloutier

    Java, as Mr. Burns would say "Excellent" while rubbing his greedy hands together.

    ((( Teresa ))) Hugs to you for whatever path you choose to take.

  • Fatfreek

    First off, TooOpinionated, my well wishes are heartily extended. Most of us here know what you're going through. It's been some 28 years for me and I'm still healing -- but not regretting.

    As to those legalese letters -- they all look great -- but has one of them ever worked?

  • 144001

    "As to those legalese letters -- they all look great -- but has one of them ever worked?"

    I helped my sister write her DA letter, and included some legal threats in an effort to prevent the announcement of her DA. They never announced it, but they did make sure to communicate the fact of my involvement in that letter (and the legal threats it contained) to my other JW family members, who shunned me for about a month or so in response.

    It really felt good to put that education that the Society tried to prevent me from getting to good use.

  • EvilForce


    By the way the 10/6 is from Alice in Wonderland's the Mad Hatter. The 10/6 was 10 shilling 6 pence price tag.

    I had a situation about 18 mos to 2 years ago whereby an elder called me to "deal" with my sexual escapades with a current elder. I warned them that I would sue them personally and vigorously defend myself if they ever contacted me again. I said I hadn't even stepping in a KH for over 10 years (at that time) and he must be joking if he thought I was going to submit myself to this. I also said that if I heard one word of this coming thru the grapevine of my family I would also take action as these matters are supposed to be private....I warned how I knew elder wives knew all and they better be told to "shut up". My contact was via phone. Never heard from them again.

  • TooOpinionated

    EvilForce and Swan-Thanks for the laugh. I needed that.

    JAVA and 144001-I'm copying and pasting as we speak. Question-how can I word things to let them know I know that individual elders can be sued?

    BrendaCloutier, Purza, kaykay_mp, IP_SEC (Congratulations!-I just got caught up your thread, sorry.) Sunspot, misspeaches, thank you so much for the warm words. They are greatly appreciated.

    I need to get this in the mail right away in the morning so it will be there in time, since they set it up so quickly. Hmmm, could it be they are in a hurry to kick us out?????


  • HadEnuf

    sent a pm.

    Big hug...cathy

  • AK - Jeff
    AK - Jeff

    TooOpinionated -

    Seems like just the mention of legal action sometimes gets them to be careful in how they deal with you. When we started our 'fade' certain elders got wind of our thinking on some matters [I don't know what they heard since I have not ever spokin with the elders involved since], and started telling others at the Circuit assembly that we were 'borderline apostates'. I fired off an email to the elder I knew was involved and told him that in spite of being witnesses for all our lives we were not ignorant that we had rights - including the right not to be slandered and gossipped about. I told them that any further information floating my way would result in immediate legal action if needed.

    So far, though I have prob been far to liberal in my comments to some, they still have left me alone. It may not always work, but worth a try.


  • Honesty

    Our real friends always help with excellent suggestions.

    BTW, I was looking for an appropriate location for my


    Thanks for specifying the perfect spot on my property where everyone driving by can see from a great distance.

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