Coming clean about what's been going on lately, I need to talk......

by Jez 60 Replies latest social family

  • AlmostAtheist

    What can I say? ((((((Jez))))))

    If you need someone to take shifts when you run out of tears, Gina and I are here. Just let us know.

    Totally sucks, sorry Jez. You put so much into it. I'm just so, so sorry.


  • sf

    And THAT folks, IS WatchTower Love, at it's finest. {{applaudes}} Bravo!

    Surely you must firmly realize that 'WTLove' is what REPLACES real love.

    Yes, it's painful and you will hurt. Yet you will then get to the anger process of your grief. That's where the magic begins. The honesty.

    I'd take the Bonnie Raitt advice. And a hot oil bath to boot.

    {{ tight hugs }}

    You are stronger than you think.

    Sincerely, sKally

  • mamochan13

    I can't add much to what others have said - just hugs & understanding for what you are going through, Jez. Hang in there - you are a true friend, we need more like you!

  • jeanniebeanz

    I'm sorry, Jez. They are not following their own Bible which says that if anyone says they love their brother, but do not have love for them in their hearts they have disowned the faith and are worse than a non-believer.

    Witnesses can tango all around this point and try to wash away their sin in the matter of shunning, but it does not change the fact that they are going against God's will.

    It is not Christain behavior. It is cult behavior, and unless your SIL has a heart of stone, she knows it too.


  • hubert

    So sorry to hear this.

    It's just too sad and stupid, that people can treat others this way.


    Hubert and Wife

  • Jez
    that some seeds have been planted and it may take a while, but the dawn may come to her eventually. I can almost bet that she still will look here from time to time...just like I did when I "stumbled" across the old H2O board and got hooked.

    This is what scares her the most. That I am trying to plant seeds. She is so afraid herself of being swayed by me. Personally, I love her just the way she is and have never thought about changing her. I really do love her exactly for her. I am so so sad for her. She is throwing away the best relationship and friendship that either of us have ever had. We always teased that we would even marry each other if we

    kls. There is no more I can do to show my love for her. I jumped throw the hoops she asked me to, but she is afraid perhaps that if her kids heard one bit of anti-watchtower talk, they would bolt. So where I ask is their faith, or better yet, their LOVE of God, if they would bolt based on something that someone said??? I don't get it. Why would you even want to have your children raised with that kind of superficial love? Love for God should run deeper than this!!!!! I would not try to rip her children away from JWs, I would support THEM, I would not care what they decided in life, I love THEM for THEM, minus their religious affiliation.

    She says she loves me and always will. Love like that is just painful because it is only a potential love, a whisper, a short glimmer not the full blown out love that is shown. If you truly love someone, nothing keeps you from that person.

    She asked me all the time WHY do I need this site, WHY do I go here. This is why, solidarity and friendships born from shared experiences and pains. You all know how I feel without me having to put it into fancy, meaningful words.

    Thank you Jez

  • upside/down

    You gotta love "love" on their terms... you more than agreed to meet half way... how far did they go for you?

    High-control... to the end.

    u/d (of the with friends like this who needs enemies class)

  • Jez

    She did go the distance for me. She stuck with me through my whole ordeal, and through my df'ing. She never once treated me like I was df'ed. That is why I don't understand her fear now. Perhaps she knows deep down that she should not be asking me to do this just for her. She knows how wrong it is to force me, blackmail me and manipulate me into getting reinstated, just for her. Maybe she can't live with that, I don't know. She wants me to get reinstated for me. HOW can she believe that df'ing is right or shunning or reinstatement after being here for months and reading so many experiences?????


  • upside/down

    Her loyalty is being put to the test.... both to you, what's right and the WTS.... it ain't easy, many of us have been there.

    "If you did to one of these least of my brothers... you did it to me!" - JC Hang in there... the truth is a solo sport.

    u/d (of the fire will prove what they're made of class)

  • talesin


    You can't make people see logic.

    You just can't.

    You can't read another's thoughts or determine their motives, either.

    There is no why, no rhyme or reason to her actions. They are crazy-making behaviours, cause you can't figure them out.

    I hear in you, my own questions of the past. It's hard to fathom, I know.

    Acceptance brings peace. Analyzing got me nowhere, as there is no logic to it all.

    ... just some random thoughts. Hope they help.


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