Men suck.. (no offense to any guys here)

by Dirt Rocker 93 Replies latest jw friends

  • confusedjw
    starting to learn that most men are romantic horny monkeys.


    Dirt Rocker listen to Talesin, Pinky et all we are not hard to figure out!

    We have learned one thing as a gender-race, it's easier to go out and wage war and build cities than to stay home and deal with the chores.

  • upside/down
    you are just now starting to learn that most men are romantic horny monkeys. Some are more horny and others are more romantic.

    Be patent and you will find one who has the right Horny Monkey to Romantic Monkey ratio.

    Perfect! Honest! Truth!

    I must add, I was a 'gentlemem' my whole life and NEVER treated any woman badly or took advantage. All it got me was a boot on my neck while I watched all the hot babes go after LOSERS that treated them like shit. I was the guy they would go and cry to and tell the "details" of how badly they were treated. I was like "duh' any idiot could have seen that coming. What did you think he wanted? Your "personality"-omg? You'll find if you "raise the bar" your prospects will be of higher quality albeit fewer. Than you'll know if it's you that's really the "player", because many women who go down the road less traveled, revert to once again lowering their standards so as to at least be
    busy" with the opposite sex.

    All males want to get in your shorts... there's an old saying (said by men) "If women didn't have a p*ssy there'd be a bounty on them". It's a question of what the man is willing to do or not do to get at the "prize". This doesn't make us evil, just persistent!

    u/d (of the romantic horny monkey class)

    p.s.- I thought "sucking" was a good thing?

  • mtbatoon


    I've yet to generalise on whether I think men deserve or even desire to be kept on their toes.

  • talesin

    you JWD guys are something else! wow, what great comments on this thread.


    *keeping no-one on their toes, including herself, class*

  • Liberty II
    Liberty II

    Hi Dirt Rocker,

    The best advice I can give you is to be aggressive in going after shy men. The show off stud guys are going to be assholes because they can. Shy quiet guys are going to really appreciate your attention and I'm betting will also be better lovers. Get into a University, study hard, and meet a better grade of people, nerds. A college educated nerd will enjoy his job and eventually make more money. Enjoyment + money = less stress. Less stress = better love. Older guys will also tend to be less troublesome. The maturity difference between 18 and 22 is huge for most people, 25 + even better. Get yourself an education and some independance before you get serious about men. Learn to enjoy being with yourself before you begin a serious relationship.

  • whyamihere

    Guys at 18 can suck! I mean what do they know? No Offense Boys!

    I think the perfect age for a guy is over 40 those are the good ones. I don't know maybe I like older men! I think when a guy is in his 40's+ he is better at everything in relationships.


  • Taylor S.
    Taylor S.

    None taken, DRock ... we do suck. Big Time.

    We'll all little boys who, try as we might, refuse to grow up. We'll always fart on you and think you like it.

    You'll get a lot of good advice from the peeps on this board, listen to them. But I'll take the liberty of giving some advise that may be debatable.

    When the time is right ... after you've discovered who YOU are ... find a boy who loves you a lot more than you love him.

    Works every time ... well, sorta.

  • Doubtfully Yours
    Doubtfully Yours

    18???!!! You're too young still. Concentrate on other things for now.

    You don't start enjoying, I mean really loving men, 'til you're like in your mid-to-late 20s.

    So, don't have such strong feelings just yet. Your fun interaction with the male species hasn't even begun yet!

    And, believe me young girl, MEN ARE GREAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  • Whiskeyjack

    Hi Dirt Rocker,

    Liberty is right. You have to be willing to do a little more hunting yourself for the right kind of "game". I worked in the financial industry for years surrounded by women of all ages and types so I've had plenty exposure to the female point of view. You are genetically programmed to go after two types of men (not boys). The agressive bad dude with all the necessary genetic codes and the kind, nurturing dope who'll actually help you bring up those offspring.

    I've known legions of "nice guys" who were left in the dust by dumb females going after the former "biker/rebel" type. My old man drilled me and my brothers into gentleman and I still can't lie to get laid (more's the pity!)! Our western societies are not producing "men" like they did a couple of generations ago and we do jave a plethora of twenty and thirty something boys unfortunately but decent guiys are all around you (but ya gotta look and reach out a little)

    Sooooo...I don't feel very much sympathy for you male bashin' ladies out there.

  • Maverick

    Mary, I did not realize you knew my Ex!

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