Men suck.. (no offense to any guys here)

by Dirt Rocker 93 Replies latest jw friends

  • clementine

    on the one side of the coin, i'm not very older than you, i'm just 20, and i absolutly agree with you....

    but on the other side of the coin..... what would we do if they we're not here??

  • ballistic

    In my experience women make better cold calculated manipulators. The men are just following what's in their pants. Simple as that.

  • Lostreality

    *sniffle*..i take great offense!

  • Mecurious?

    never thought I'd say this, but women can be just as bad.

    Or worse.


    For every man who doesn't respect women, there's a mother who made him that way.

    Not true. But your on the right track.

    wanderlustguy Said:

    There you go. I lived with my mom, and was raised very well I think by her with regard to women.

    But then I ended up being "too nice" and women were always drawn to the men who treat them like their fathers did in most cases. So then I was the nice guy that women just wanted as friends. Funny thing was, after I learned how to act like an asshole (yes it was just an act) they were beating my door down.

    So what do you say about that one?

    Hey, i think you got a point there my friend. Assholes always have great success with women. Why do you think serial killers get so many love letters from women. Women DEFINITELY dont feel that powerful "Gut Level Attraction" for "nice, sweet, caring guys".

    Go figure!


    My friend 'P' is a 36 year old goldsmith. He's smart, gorgeous, dresses really sharp, and has lots of spendable cash. He has had 4 live-in LTRs since I've known him. Two of the women beat him. Three cheated. They all took thousands of $$$ in jewellery in gifts from him. As well, he paid all the bills, cleaned, cooked (he works from home). And one of them had 4 kids that he stayed home and parented while she whored around, beat him, etc. etc.

    Last week, he left for another province, to live with his new girlfriend (#4). I don't doubt that he will be back within a year, same old sob story.

    Some guys just never learn ....

    Yep, blame it all on the men. when are we going to hold women responsible for thier own actions?


    I think women say one thing and want another (no offence). I don't think women are unsure of what they do want, I think they just want to keep us on our toes.

    I've yet to generalise on whether I think men deserve or even desire to be kept on their toes.

    Yep, they know what they are doing. Women know within minutes if they are willing to sleep with a man or not. But they will let that same guy buy them dinner, jewlery and other shit. Normally, by the time a guy is getting the strange feeling that he is being kept on his toes, its already too late. Women go for the fun bad boys, but they keep the clueless nice guys around when times get hard and they hit rock bottom.


    Liberty is right. You have to be willing to do a little more hunting yourself for the right kind of "game". I worked in the financial industry for years surrounded by women of all ages and types so I've had plenty exposure to the female point of view. You are genetically programmed to go after two types of men (not boys). The agressive bad dude with all the necessary genetic codes and the kind, nurturing dope who'll actually help you bring up those (or someone elses) offspring.

    I've known legions of "nice guys" who were left in the dust by dumb females going after the former "biker/rebel" type. My old man drilled me and my brothers into gentleman and I still can't lie to get laid (more's the pity!)! Our western societies are not producing "men" like they did a couple of generations ago and we do jave a plethora of twenty and thirty something boys unfortunately but decent guiys are all around you (but ya gotta look and reach out a little)

    Sooooo...I don't feel very much sympathy for you male bashin' ladies out there.

    Nope. me either.

    ballistic your right on the money man:

    In my experience women make better cold calculated manipulators. The men are just following what's in their pants. Simple as that.


  • Mecurious?

    but on the other side of the coin..... what would we do if they we're not here??

    Nothing would be here. Modern advanced society as you know it would not exist.


  • talesin
    My friend 'P' is a 36 year old goldsmith. He's smart, gorgeous, dresses really sharp, and has lots of spendable cash. He has had 4 live-in LTRs since I've known him. Two of the women beat him. Three cheated. They all took thousands of $$$ in jewellery in gifts from him. As well, he paid all the bills, cleaned, cooked (he works from home). And one of them had 4 kids that he stayed home and parented while she whored around, beat him, etc. etc.

    Last week, he left for another province, to live with his new girlfriend (#4). I don't doubt that he will be back within a year, same old sob story.

    Some guys just never learn ....
    Yep, blame it all on the men. when are we going to hold women responsible for choosing these jerks?


    I think you missed my point. In this story, the WOMEN are the abusive jerks, not the guy.

    My point was that abuse goes both ways, woman to man as well.


  • Mecurious?


    I think you missed my point. In this story, the WOMEN are the abusive jerks, not the guy.

    My point was that abuse goes both ways, woman to man as well.

    Nope I didn't miss your point. I was responding to the part that said some guys just never learn ....

    Which to me sounded like you were doing a bait and switch. Firstly, you rightly admit that women also take advantage of men, but then you still make them the victims(men) fully reponsible by saying some guys never learn, switching reponsibilty back to the man(victim). But I agree, it works both ways.



  • talesin



    I occasionally use sarcasm/irony to make a point.

    hence, 'some guys never learn'. SHEESH!

    Edit: It is a hot topic, no male bashing intended from this poster.

  • FlyingHighNow
    after I learned how to act like an asshole (yes it was just an act) they were beating my door down. So what do you say about that one?

    Sorry, but women do not want men to be or act like a$$holes. We want men to have some confidence and backbone. Men can be nice and still have moxey.

    I think women say one thing and want another (no offence). I don't think women are unsure of what they do want, I think they just want to keep us on our toes.

    You're overthinking this. Women are people. People are not predictable. Treat people, including women as individuals.

    You're one small step from enlightenment:
    Everyone sucks.

    Yeah, but only the good ones swallow.

    Yeah, Dan the day you start swallowing that stuff, thennn you can say that.

    In my experience women make better cold calculated manipulators. The men are just following what's in their pants. Simple as that.

    So DirtRocker is supposed to excuse that kind of behavior in guys because they are helpless to their crotches?

    It's a myth that all guys are helpless to their crotches. Some of them would like to believe that because they think it excuses their behavoir. Bad behavior stinks in either gender.

    DirtRocker, if a guy is a good one, he's going to try to get to know you as a human being before he starts trying to romance you. If it feels like he's playing games, he probably is.

  • prophecor

    Dirt Rocker, you're a really pretty girl, please don't let that really cute guy talk you into or out of anything. Men don't suck so much as the whore-monal adolescents do, and adolescence often carries itself long into adulthood. Guys, even us nice ones, when it comes down to the wire are only out for one thing. Period.

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