Men suck.. (no offense to any guys here)

by Dirt Rocker 93 Replies latest jw friends

  • Daunt

    I'm a guy around your age Dirt Rocker. We ARE DUMB!!! Do not even use your precious time worrying about us because we aren't worth it. Wait a good long while and you'll start to see respectable men. But in high school? No.... never....

    I like to think that I'm not one of those jerks. In fact for years that was my greatest fear. I was horrified that I was going to grow up being a jerk. Wait it out. You need to love yourself. Nobody can make you happy only you can. If you put that much control in somebodies hands you're going to be dissappointed. Take charge of your life and make your happiness your responsibility.

  • the_classicist
    I think that I have had it up to my eyeballs with all the crap that I get from guys. One minute, they like you. The next minute, they just want to hang out with you so that they can f*** you. Then they never call you.. ever again. I just don't know what to do. I know that I should probably just forget about guys right now, but that's hard. Not just cuz I'm 17 years old. It's because I'm a 17 year old girl who likes to have a guy there that I know cares about me for me. I used to have that. I feel like I need it to be happy, and that's not a good feeling. I don't want that feeling, but I don't know how to get rid of it.

    Speaking in terms of natural selection, it is the biological purpose of man to mate so as to perpetuate himself. However, it is the perogative of the female side of the species to secure a single mate to provide for her and her offspring, that is why women are "jealous."

    I'm a guy around your age Dirt Rocker. We ARE DUMB!!! Do not even use your precious time worrying about us because we aren't worth it. Wait a good long while and you'll start to see respectable men. But in high school? No.... never....

    I don't know about that. All the "dumb" people I knew in high school were really good people inside, even those who did extremely stupid things (most of which I cannot repeat, ever ).

    So the moral is, just have a good time in life and don't take things too seriously. Thats the West Coast philosophy and it works well for us here.

  • FlyingHighNow
    Speaking in terms of natural selection, it is the biological purpose of man to mate so as to perpetuate himself. However, it is the perogative of the female side of the species to secure a single mate to provide for her and her offspring, that is why women are "jealous."

    This bill of sales is about as true as The Watchtower headship doctrine. Something made up by men to convince women to shut up or at least excuse them while they play. Don't believe it, Dirt. Don't mess with any guy who believes it, either.

  • Elsewhere
    Just remember, you are a cutie so lots of guys are after you.

    i wish.. *sigh*

    You know what the problem might be? The guys who are mean also tend to be more assertive than the guys who are kind. This results in your being approached by far more mean guys than kind guys.

    This is the sad thing about nice people... they rarely meet because they are too shy to flirt with or approach each other. Sometimes the shy guys think: "There is no way she would go for me." and they never even try talking to you.

    Maybe you can try talking to guys who seem shy or quiet. Sometimes you have to poke'em a bit to get them to open up.

  • ballistic

    Elsewhere, women like agressive men due to millions of years of evolution.

  • talesin

    ditto Elsewhere - see page one.

    Yes, you just broke up! See how you feel in a little bit ...

  • G Money
    G Money

    You are a cutie pie!!! If I was near you, I'd ask you out.... um in like 26 days lol. I've always dated younger girls and had success because so many young guys treat girls like crap.

  • Dirt Rocker
    Dirt Rocker

    You're funny G money...

    (hahaha that rhymes)

  • Sparkplug

    I have to agree with Elsewhere on this. It has not failed me yet that the quiet and shy are actually more agressive than the straightforward bold men when you give them a chance. Sometimes getting to know or understand them is a bit hard, but the time is well spent...I kind of like the quiet and shy ones...

  • Dirt Rocker
    Dirt Rocker

    Oh well I for sure do too, but the trick is getting them to talk to you.. or even find them..

    Thanx for all the advice by the way everyone.. it's been really helpful with my thinking of what to do..

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