Men suck.. (no offense to any guys here)

by Dirt Rocker 93 Replies latest jw friends

  • talesin


    Do you make these types of sweeping generalizations often?

    Or just about women?

  • Dan-O

    You're one small step from enlightenment:
    Everyone sucks.

    Yeah, but only the good ones swallow.

  • talesin

    bwaaaaa hahahahaha!!! Dan-O, you are too funny!

    Yes but are ALL the swallowers also "good ones", and can you prove it?

  • wanderlustguy

    I definately didn't mean to say it was intentional, but I think all can agree a lot of women are attracted to the guys who won't give them the time of day or treat them like least in their first relationships.

    It was always so frustrating to me to see a beautiful woman with a man who walked all over her.

  • talesin


    Ain't that the truth? Actually, if bothers me if a man walks all over a not-so-beautiful woman as well. ;)

    Same with my male friends. Listen to this ...

    My friend 'P' is a 36 year old goldsmith. He's smart, gorgeous, dresses really sharp, and has lots of spendable cash. He has had 4 live-in LTRs since I've known him. Two of the women beat him. Three cheated. They all took thousands of $$$ in jewellery in gifts from him. As well, he paid all the bills, cleaned, cooked (he works from home). And one of them had 4 kids that he stayed home and parented while she whored around, beat him, etc. etc.

    Last week, he left for another province, to live with his new girlfriend (#4). I don't doubt that he will be back within a year, same old sob story.

    Some guys just never learn ....

  • mtbatoon

    Do you make these types of sweeping generalizations often?

    Or just about women?

    Quite often and regarding many groups.

  • talesin


    Consistency is an admirable quality.

  • Narkissos

    "Women beware too much of men in general and not enough in particular." (Flaubert)

  • Elsewhere

    Dirt Rocker, you are just now starting to learn that most men are romantic horny monkeys. Some are more horny and others are more romantic.

    Be patent and you will find one who has the right Horny Monkey to Romantic Monkey ratio.

    Now, if you keep ending up with stupid horny monkeys, maybe you need to reevaluate how you are choosing your men.

    I though I would add one of my favorite sayings regarding men: All men are dogs. Some are Good Dogs and some are Bad Dogs. A womans goal is to find a Good Dog.

  • Abaddon

    Of course MOST men will say ANYTHING to get their willy wet. Especially the younger ones who are so blown-away by the discovery that some members of the opposite sex MAY let them get their willy wet and develop (hopefully only temporaily) the morals of a dog.

    It is just like MOST dogs will eat steak you leave on the floor... or beg nicely if you dangle it in front of them.

    I suppose the moral is learn to make them beg, rather than leaving it on the floor ;-)

    It is learning to deal with a creature's nature that gives one control... .

    As women (on average) at your age DR are probably at least 2-3 years more emotionally developed than their male counterparts you either have to find a nice one your age and educate him, switch to girls, or date older guys... but older guys who want to go out with women younger than then are not neccesarily the type of older guys younger women should go out with...

    Having said that I LOVED being a mature student at University... ;-)

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