Fuming, Angry, seething, seeing RED!!!!!!!!!!

by Gill 102 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • Gill

    Sorry you had such experiences, Crumpet. Your parents must have seriously had their minds twisted to such an extent .

    I was not a beaten child really. Just my mother used to go totally whappy sometimes and batter me into tomorrow....well maybe I was...but it was usually over some JW thing or other. My father was clever. He was threatening, usually with a knife to my throat.

    He used to tell me what he'd do to me, usually at dinner time, if I was ever bad. He even used to take me to the spot where he said he would do it, in the garage.

    He said if I was ever bad, and did anything that made them ashamed of me, he would take me to the garage, tie my feet up and hang me upside down. Then, he would put a bucket under me. Then he would take a sharp knife and peel all my skin off bit by bit until the bucket was filled with blood!

    By no means am I saying that all JWs would treat their children like this, but what I am saying, is JW policys and views on husbands and fathers rights, mothers responsibilities etc seems to allow deviant thinking and behaviours amongst those who are prone to acting in such a way!

    God I hate WTBTS crap!

  • trevor

    Crumpet -

    I think you sum up the low self-esteem problems that mistreated children can have. Children learn by example. They start of in life thinking only of their own needs. Whether ?selfish? is the best word is debatable but it is the opposite to selfless.

    Mature adults put their children?s feelings and needs first. In time the child becomes aware that the parents are selfless. Older brother and sisters are encouraged to put the needs of younger family members above their own. In time a transition takes place as trust is formed.

    The problem is that each time a child is beaten he of she losses some of that trust until their is none left. The child then becomes a selfish adult.

    My own parents thought a beating was the solution to all problems. When I was 15 I was marched to the kingdom hall bathroom to be chastised. As a young man trying to act like an adult, wear a suit and give talks from the platform, the humiliation was very bad for my self-esteem.

    We lived 4 miles from home, so when my father left me to ?compose myself? I walked home. When they came home I told them that if I was ever taken to the bathroom again I would never attend another meeting. It never happened again!

  • Crumpet

    JESUS! Gill. You aren't serious are you! I think that's the worst experience I have ever read. I literally just smacked my hand to my mouth which was wide open in a gasp of horror. You absolute angel for surviving that - its too terrible for words. I just want to cry for you as a child and put my arms around you!

    Do you have any relationship with your parents now?


  • melmac
    all babies are born selfish and demanding for their own needs and not anyone elses.

    I thought the same description can be applied to the WTS!

  • BrendaCloutier

    I was spanked, after my mom had time to cool down, and never in anger. Never at the kingdom hall, or in public, but after we got home. They would not embarrass me at the hall, nor embarras themselves.

    I was NOT brutalized! My parents gave me 3 strikes. They gave me an opportunity to correct my behavior and told me what the consequences would be. The always kept their word, both on reward and punishment.

    I feel the same way on punishment. Give an opportunity to straiten up with knowledge of what the consequenses are (I do not believe that a gentle spanking is out of line), remind on 2nd offense, 3rd offense gets the punishment. No 4th 17th 100th threats. Rewards need to be honest also.

    BUT THIS NEW WTBTS ATTITUDE is aboslute bullshit! It supports child aburse and encourages it!

    Can someone get a recording of that talk and get it to local and national authorities? A WTBTS issued recording would be best.

  • Crumpet

    Well done you Trevor! What dignity! I have a similar experience. The last slap I received from my mother was one Friday evening when I was 14. They wouldnt let me go out on the service, because I think they had twigged my motives were get closer to another young brother I fancied. We argued, my mother delivered a stinging slap to my face and I decided that I would teach them a lesson. The next morning I refused to join them on the service and while they were gone I packed my bags and baby sitting money I had saved and booked my self into a B & B in Peterborough which was the furtherest I could go. I didn't do anything bad - I just stayed in my room watched the tv and studied my watchtower while half the Lincolnshire police force were out looking for me.

    The next morning I found the nearest kingdomhall and went to the meeting. I looked older than I was so when brothers and sisters asked me after the meeting where I was from I was honest and said I had run away, they just laughed thinking I was joking. As I was getting back into my jeans and Doc Martens in the ladies loos one of the women realised I was actually a runaway and called the police who came and returned me to my parents. My poor mother fainted ...

    and she NEVER EVER hit me again, nor my two younger sisters to the best of my knowledge!

  • trevor


    What a horrendous thing for you father to say to his own child. As you are now an adult I wonder if you have ever asked him to explain himself? An apology would be the very least acceptable response.


    Thanks for that. I think your experience shows that bullies are powerless when violence fails. When we are old enough to challenge them they fade away.

  • BrendaCloutier

    I dropped a note on this subject to Silent Lambs Org. Maybe they are already aware, maybe not, but are now. If anyone can do anything about it, they can!



  • BrendaCloutier

    (((((( Gill )))))))

    OMG! I just read your last post. That's not WTBTS, thats only an excuse for extreme abusive behaviour, and so very far from anything resembling normal.

    Hugs and love and healing


  • frenchbabyface

    ((( Gill )))

    terrible !!!

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