Would you....

by HadEnuf 48 Replies latest jw friends

  • Carmel

    I just hope the JW lurkers get an eye full of what life is really like outside the confines of the cult! Look what you people do and have done! Could any group of JWs ever match these stories? Oh, yeah I placed 30 magazines last week....RIGHT!


  • devinsmom

    Ok, I hope this works, here is my Devin who I was bragging on earlier in the thread.

  • TrailBlazer04

    I'm a never-was...but...faced my own hell elsewhere.

    Now...I just got a promotion!

    But...I'm not working right now, home taking care of my mom who had a stroke.

    Other good stuff...my daughter is a fabulous mama to my 2 gorgeous granddaughters, my sons are doing well, my husband is long, lean and luscious, my new SUV is way cool, and we're almost out of debt!!!


  • BrendaCloutier
    i cleaned the kitchen AND the bathroom yesterday! (sorry.. i lead a pathetically boring life lmao)

    Candidly, that is a major accomplishment for me in one day! I am proud of you!!

    There are so many things in my life I am pleased as punch about:

    Leaving the bOrg young enough to have had a life (20 yo)

    Leaving first husband by divorce instead of suicide because I didnt "believe" in divorce

    Raising hell as a 25-33 yo

    Moving to a new city to race sailboats at a higher level (portland to seattle)

    Getting clean and sober, and finally staying that way!

    Moving back to Portland after 10 years to be with the love of my life and finally convincing him of it by actions instead of words

    Through all of this, and the fact I was pulled outta HS because I had enough education to go into service or become a wife, I developed a career in the computer industry and enjoyed 15 years of it until I became sick.

    I have an IQ of approx 142 Thank you birth mother for the good genes!

    Inspite of chronic illness I have a good albeit odd sense of humor, and a good attitude and outlook on life.

    I have all of youse guyse who, though y'all don't know me, some of you love me inspite of myself!



    PS Auntie Cathy, thankyou for a great topic. It's nice to see all the accomplishments inspite of the bOrg.

  • HadEnuf

    Dear Responders To This Topic: Since I am finding it impossible to respond to all the loverly posts...May I say to one and all how happy I am to see such a great bunch of productive and happy "go-getters". And the JW's thought we would all be lost in our misery missing the organization! I wish that this thread could go on and on because it makes me feel so good to see good things happen to people who have survived the MADNESS that is the Watchtower Organization.

    Thank you for your support. Carry on...(I hope)!!!

    Cathy L.

  • HadEnuf

    Ane One More Thing: I am PROUD to be on this forum surrounded by all my friends, even though you may not know you're my friend. OH NO...someone please pass me the box of kleenex!! (No...tears of happiness for everyone).

    Cathy "Mushy" L.

  • kaykay_mp

    I am proud to announce that my 2-year-old Jean-Philippe can sing the theme to "Spongebob Squarepants" and a couple of days ago showed me that he knows how to breakdance. He is also almost ready to potty train because he is starting to take his own diapers off and put them in the trash. He knows some of his numbers and letters too (since he was 1 1/2).

    Cute. Friggin' cute I tells ye. But the cutest thing is when he tells me "I love you" when I tuck him in for the night.



  • Seeking Knowledge
    Seeking Knowledge

    I'm a bit late, but I'm most very proud of the fact that I have single handedly raised a 16 year old girl who talks to me the way I never could with my mom, who hasn't tried drugs or smoked, who is still a virgin (yes she would tell me) and who is my voice of reason when I lose my mind. Not only that but she is trying to maintain a B or higher average in high school.....and is beautiful, independent and loves her family, especially her little brother.

    I'm proud of the fact I have a 4 year old son, who is facing hardship in his life with his parents not getting along, having to learn 2 different religious backgrounds (and languages) and will be open minded about his own life. I can only hope that he takes the same road his sister is on. He's also very loving and very much a little boy. He loves his family and he knows when you are sad the best thing he can do is crawl up in your lap to give you a hug, or lick your face, depending on his mood. I love the fact he's a little weirdo!!

    I'm proud of the fact that my kids are wonderful. Every day is a challenge and everyday is a reward when I see the faces of these 2 wonderful people that God saw fit to bless me with. I guess I'm pretty proud of myself as well, I did have something to do with this, altho sometimes it's hard to accept that. ha!!

    Hadenuf...congrats on your future rock & roller!!


  • bem

    Hadenuf. it's not like I have forgotten and then regained the memory but there are other things I'm pleased about in my life,,, Dag'gone computer has been ornery the last couple days and my posts have taken several attempts to get them posted.

    I work with kids. I am proud of it. I have quit working with young people and then would go back to it. Then I realized it's not the young people that stress me out it's the adults I have to work with that do that! This new job will be in a greater area of care giver to children. So I really want all my training with the kiddo's to stay in affect. I remember being criticized by the 'friends' for working with "those" types of kids. (and having my head do full rotations.That they would say something so stupid) thinking that's what we were 'suppose' to be doing! Showing love and kindness etc.

    I have helped raise one of my nephews. and two of my x-husbands nieces, they are as productive and loving as my children are and we all still love each other.

    to loving parents.

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