Would you....

by HadEnuf 48 Replies latest jw friends

  • HadEnuf

    No...it doesn't Brookiepooh. Wahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!

    Good night everybody...see ya tomorrow...time for Survivor, CSI, The Apprentice but NO ER...wahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!

    Cathy L. "I may be crazy but at least I'm not stupid"

    P.S. I'm sure glad I don't have to go to those Turdsey night meetings anymore!!

  • whyamihere

    Ok how about Now?

  • SixofNine

    Brooke, give www.Photobucket.com a try. It's free and it's easy, just like Jesus.

  • whyamihere

    Ok how about now?


  • Nancy Drake
    Nancy Drake

    Oh Brooke, they are so awesome! Lily looks just like you!

    I love you!!!

  • Carmel

    Golly! Well, not too long ago I was able to break through an institutional barrier in Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife regarding some technology I and a friend have invented. We just landed a huge contract with a major trout farm in Idaho thanks to the director of Fisheries in Oregon endorsing us. Just last week that same partner and I recieved an endorsement from Old Donminion University to sponsor a major project experiamenting with web based concensus building that , if successful, will sweep the country...hold on to your hats. ODU is sending a rep out to Oregon next week to meet with us and put together a MOU for proceeding...

    Other than that, life has been and continues to be wonderful...


  • talesin

    I worked with homeless teens for several years. For a year, I was a 'live-in' with 7 different young women in a supportive housing program. It was a volunteer position (meaning I was unpaid, with free rent supplied), 24-7. When folks ask me what it was like, I say "it was the best of times, it was the worst of times". Dealing with all the associated problems; drug dealing, prostitution, violence, education, abuse issues ... you name it, we went through it.

    There was also a house for young men that had a male live-in. The program was run by a youth shelter.

    One morning, I got up and checked our mailbox. There was a handwritten note in the mailbox, addressed to me. It was a suicide note from one of the boys, saying he was taking off and knew I was the only one who cared. Well, I tore inside, put on some shoes and a coat and ran to the main office (it was only 2 blocks away). Since I knew his hangouts, we got a team together and tracked him down before was able to take the pills he had lifted.

    Later, he told me that he knew I would save him because I 'understood'. Ten years later, he is doing really well. We still keep in touch, he went back to school and is now working with mentally ill folks.

    Another time, one of the young women was kicked out of the program for dealing drugs. The other residents knew about it (unbeknownst to me) and had told the program director about it. When I got home from school (I was a part-time student), she was packing her things - she had one hour to get out. I went upstairs to her room to tell her how bad I felt, and that there was nothing I could do to help her except wish her well. Her back was to me. She was a very angry young woman, 17 years old.

    She turned around, and flung her arms around me. She was crying and buried her head in my shoulder. Then she said the words that made the whole year of hell worthwhile. "You are the first adult that ever showed me real love."

    I'm really proud that I could show two young people love, and help them survive.

  • bem

    Ok I'm trying to see if my pride and joys show up!

    Grandbaby. Oldest son and daughter-n-law Daughter and Son-n-law. and my youngest and meanest is camera shy and I have no digitals of him to post.

  • CoonDawg

    At the age of 25, I successfully ran a 2.5 million dollar/ year store...then abruptly changed careers. I married a great woman who, though still a JW, is the best thing to ever happen to me. I have made DRASTIC improvements in money management skills ....no small feat...and now own my own home as well as a rental home. I have passed security clearence checks for the Department of Justice (also no small feat) and have my first job that pays really well. I took the plunge and began hobby racing a couple of years ago...finally realizing that it was okay to spend some money on myself. I also have a great grandson who is almost 4. He is my constant companion when I'm in town and he forever is emulating me. There's no greater compliment than to have your grandchild make you a birthday card with their own hand drawn pictures.

    I helped my brother in law recently with a benefit charity auction to support his branch of the YMCA. We raised over $40K...and to think that not long ago, I was basically forbidded to even go swimming at the YMCA. Pretty cool, huh?


  • morty


    What a great feeling to have your son?s dreams finally coming true...For you to be even more supportive deserves "Mother Of The Year Award"..( Where do we pick those up by the way?..lol..) ...My son hopes to be a rock star one day as well and I just go along with all the banging of his guitars and amps.

    I hope your son becomes so popular that I am in line for his concert tickets like I was last weekend (5 hours) for my son to see Green Day....It is his 16 th birthday and he wanted to go so bad but had to work so could not get to ticket master.. I took his girlfriend, drove for an hour, stood in that line and froze our 5 dollar a$$s off....But it was oh so worth it when I got to see the look on his face when I gave him the tickets for his birthday....

    Here?s what I have to brag about though.....I recently started ( about 5 months ago) a Jr Dart League in our small town. I have 28 kids that come out every Wednesday night and some had never thrown a dart in there life before. We went to our first tournament 2 weeks ago and out of the top 9 trophies my kids took home 6 of them. I am so proud of them. Those kids now move on to the Provincials. Two of those kids are my own children. My oldest son was undefeated in the Intermediate category(16-18) and my youngest son placed second in the Jr division. The kids all made 3 local newspapers and are now little celebrities.

    What a great feeling it is to give to the community...I started this league with no help from the community and used my own money to get it started. Now, I have all sorts coming out of the woodwork to offer me help....It?s funny how, as soon as the kids start to do well, the snot bags of the town all of a sudden want a piece of the pie and wish to sponsor us.....Not going to happen though....We are still going to be called, "On Our Own"...and believe me, it has made it?s talk around the town.....

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