Men who lie with men.....

by cindykp 188 Replies latest jw friends

  • cindykp

    Also, if sex were created for the sole purpose to fill the earth, god wouldnt have thrown orgasms in there for us to enjoy!

  • ValiantBoy

    The difference is killing people hurts other people and show lack of respect for life. Consensual sex does not infringe on the rights or lives of anyone else.

    And you follow the guidebook, but smoke week and drink and drive...hmmm...

  • ValiantBoy

    Candidly..maybe you can find a chubby little grampa?

  • lonelysheep

    Hi Barney.

    Part of the problem I have with religion is that it sets people up to judge others, in this case homosexuality. I would never feel the way the jw's wanted me to toward gay people. Being gay is not about bangin someone, it's about who they are inside and loving someone of the same gender in the way you'd love your wife. What consenting adults do with each other isn't up to us to look down upon, period.

  • Dustin

    As far as I'm concerned everyone has a right to live their life as they see fit. I have no problem with an alternate sexual lifestyle. I am heterosexual, but other people have aright to be whatever they want. If a man being with another man, or woman with another woman is what they desire then I hope it makes them happy.


  • cindykp

    Dont look me up barney when you get that urge again!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • cindykp

    Grass kills brain cells, the same ones that god created for you!!!!!!!!!

  • Dustin

    Barney, it all is a matter of perspective. What one person feels is right or wrong, another may completely disagree with. That's the beauty of humanity. Everyone has different thoughts and feelings. Yet, we all have to abide by the laws and jurisdictions of the governments set in place, or we face the consequences.

    So your point about weed doesn't really matter. If you get caught with weed I'd like you to tell the cop it's O.K. because God gave us all the plants.


  • Nick

    If homosexuality bothers you -- then by all means, DON'T DO IT!

    Although if you're really into research, you might want to try it standing up or over a barrel.


  • iiz2cool



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