WHY are you here ? (on the board)

by frenchbabyface 74 Replies latest jw friends

  • Country_Woman

    Several reasons: I am "meeting" people with a same religious background who will understand what I am talking about.

    It is great fun to talk to all of you - or simply listen.....

    In a way something llike AFTER the Sunday meetings only there is'nt a boring 2 hours first....

    It is a conformation that I did make the right decision to "walk away"

  • Freedom Fighter
    Freedom Fighter

    Good topic FBF -

    I always felt that no-one really understood what it was like to have been involved with the JWs, so it wasn't anyhting that I discussed freely with family and friends. In a way it was 'my secret' a part of my past that I had locked away. However, by locking it away i wasn't acknowledging it or resolving it in my head.

    The first time I lurked on this board was a very powerful experience, this was the first time that other people understood exactly what I had been through! This was amazing, as I always felt isolated in terms of my ex-JW status. Being able to discuss all of this is really liberating for me, as my previous association with the JWs is something I have been reluctant to reveal or discuss. Maybe I should lighten up! lol.

    I still gain a lot from the board, and not just the JW stuff, there is a lot of other interesting and informative topics which never fail to entertain or educate, sometimes both.

    Last, but by no means least - I have also met and communicated with people I wouldn't have had contact with before.


  • DHL

    This board provides up to date-information on JW-issues and people who are going through the same or similar experiences and are stumbling with more or less the same problems as I do. The partakers are on different development stages. That's great because that way I am confronted with a lot of attitudes to consider and eventually adopt.

    I also love the black humor the subject is often handled with.

  • holly

    i came to find out what an 'apostate' was! well i'd had the jw point of view but i thought 'is this really so'?! so decided to check it out.

    i love the topics of discussion on the board, not just about religion, but all sorts of things. i like the way i can ask a question or ask for help and always get it. that is so fabulous in itself. my computor skills arent up to much, but in the space of a week they are vastly improved.

    i was studying with the jws for 18months and recently that study stopped. now heres a twist.........some of the things ive seen on here have actually convinced me the jws must be right, at least in their interpretation of the bible. and some of the people who have convinced me the most have been the ones that are against the jws, the org and their theories.

    however, many of the things ive seen have made me nervous of the organisation.

    apart from that, love my time here on the board and looking forward to being Senior member!

  • frenchbabyface

    OMG ... well ... see that what I like with this Board ... you're off for a while and when you come back you've got a lot of answers or informations in any topic that can be interesting to us so of course its hard to have the time to feel bored !!!

    Ok sorry I'm busy at the moment but will come back to read you all ... on this topic and others of course

    LOVE !

  • Honesty

    Life viewpoints, therapy, meeting people who are going or have gone through the same feelings of rejection and aloofness from those you love most that put their loyalty to an organisation ahead of everything just so they may be spared if and when the world stops for everyone else. and best of all being able to express myself without worrying if someone will tell on me for it.

  • frenchbabyface

    Well I thought that I would have a little time for myself as usual BUT it seems that NO DAMNIT (well that's real life in fact) ok so apparently I'll still won't have the time BUT what I want to say before to go (and come back LOL - talking about addiction ) is that it would be interesting to hear about YOUR REASONS even (if you want) if somedody already have said the same because it's all about you, you, you ... of course you can say Ditto and add just your little comment if any ...

    Now I would add something about why this Board is so convienient even if I've heard that this feature makes it a bit hard to follow some topics which disapear before most have the time to check them ... it's actually the filling of all active topics liste from the begining to the end ... and the filling of our own postes and topics which is a very usefull tool to follow our topics we've participated in, that other boards do not offer white the same pratical features to check whatever we want very easely poste by poste ... it's very well done ! THANKS !!!

    ok bye by now ...

    PEACE !

  • Brummie

    I'm here for the sex. ;)

    Also to get right up in peoples faces and annoy them like hell.

    Not to mention the daily dose of trigger effects that keep reminding me of where I have come from. Its kind of "read em and weep" sometimes. It reminds me to always have a heart for people who are going through the trauma of leaving the WT or who are living with JW spouses/family.

    I'm also here to share a smile or a dry sense of sarcasm that may cause people in a dark place in their lives to smile.

    I have selfish reasons for being here too....all of you keep me happy and entertained, when something bad happens to y'all it happens to me. While some just refer to these as DBs, I'm quite aware that the real people behind the username are coping with life and the things it dishes out. Everyone needs a hug every now and then.



    I want to see if the minds thoughs & sufferings of ex TJ, are as deep and dark as mine.

  • Brummie

    Hi Mahaba, welcome aboard, did you mean "exjws"? Good to meet you.

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