Anyone like me where you still believe in MOST of their doctrines?

by inquirer 72 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • minimus

    There are many instances in Rev. that have all sorts of different numbers. Yet the Wt. does not say they are literal. And they're all in the same chapter, too.

  • upside/down

    The only people who give a flying f*ck about the 144,000 are those that claim to be of it and the people who get off on being overlorded by them (masochists). If there is a "new system" I want to be left the f*ck ALONE. I won't bug anyone and they better not but me.

    Did Adam need a 144,000 voyeurs watching over him? What do they "do" anyway? Spend eternity kissing "God's" ass? Whatever floats you boat!

    Why do "perfect" people need ANY government, especially egotistical power hungry religionists ruling over them? It don't make sense.

    It would crack my ass up if (and that's a big hypothetical "if") "God" did have a 144,000 "kings & priests" and he picked all non-christians nobodies from history to use, just to teach the self-righteous bastards of christendom (Dubs included) a LESSON! lol

    u/d (of the just want to be anonymous class)

  • Doubtfully Yours
    Doubtfully Yours

    I know exactly where you're coming from. Don't necessarily like most of their doctrines, but definitely understand why they believe in them.

    Don't necessarily disagree, Biblically speaking, with many of their rules and regulations. Just that I don't like to follow them because those rules and regulations inconvenience me such a great deal!


  • jeanniebeanz

    How did this get to become a discussion on the highly questionable JW theory of the "144,000"?

    To answer your question on whether or not I still believe in JW doctrine, the answer is no. Mainly because their version of Christianity is being run by the legal department of an international publishing company which does not even pay its workers. The organization does not show love when Jesus said his people would be known by that quality specifically.

    There are double standards, slippery reasoning, vague interpretations of scripture, rampant condoning of abuse, changing doctrine, and the inability to answer complex questions without saying stupid things like, "do you believe that the Faithful and Discreet Slave is spirit anointed," forcing a questioner to drop their sincere questions or face a Judicial Committee.

    One scripture freed my mind to see the truth, "No man comes to the father except through me." John 14:6

    Another exposed the witnesses as a false religion, "You will know them by their fruits." Matthew 7:20

    The fruit of this organization has been made very clear for all to see, and it is bitter and vile. They have no truth, and I no longer believe in their doctrines.


  • JamesThomas

    Why continue to need or rely on beliefs in any doctrine?

    Why continue to ignore the present moment vibrancy of Life, the actuality and reality of conscious awareness, and instead give value to old dead words in a book?

    Why continue to reduce the Source of this wondrous universe and the silent consciousness which beholds it, to some bumbling anthropomorphic deity?

    Perhaps if we emptied our minds of religious interpretations and beliefs, we could actually see what IS.


  • seattleniceguy

    I was going to reply, but then I noticed that AlmostAtheist's reply exactly summed up my experience as well. You rock, Dave!


  • heathen

    I'm finding that the more I read about the cult the more fault I find , I do agree with the comment that a little leaven ferments the whole lump . Maybe the WTBTS should open a bakery ...........

    1 thing I do think they still have right is that jesus and jehovah are not the same being as stated in the trinity , mathew 28:18 makes clear that jesus was given all his authority and I don't think he was God at the time prior to that but was acting in Gods behalf he also stated that he did nothing of his own initiative but only those things that his father had instructed him to do . The WTBTS does refuse to use the word God in association with jesus position at this time . To me there is a difference between God almighty and God , Isaiah 9:6 calls him Mighty God and Eternal Father .They even state that jesus is worshipped indirectly but cannot fathom the idea that he has the title of God and to worship any being less than God is blaspheme . It's one of those catch 22s . IMO . I can even agree with the views on holidays and that christmas and easter are steeped with pagan rituals that only serve to stain the pure worship that is needed , just as ancient Israel was warned about the surrounding nations and their heretic traditions that should not find it's way into the jewish system of pure worship. I do agree with others on the board that you cannot be saved through works as the WTBTS insists but by faith and enduring the trials and tribulations that come along with it .

  • AshtonCA
    I love reading the New World Translation, I believe it's the best one, but I love reading other translations too!

    Inquirer, Here is a website for you about how inacurate the NWT bible is. We also thought it was the best bible out there until we started looking into it. Did you know that the WTS changed a lot of the scriptures to make them fit to their beliefs and teachings? This right here is why this organization is going to be done away with because the bible says not to add to the bible, take away from the bible change it in any way. I hope this website helps you see where maybe it's not best to try to gain all of your bible knowledge for the NWT.

    Some feel that the KJV is the best and most accurate, but I find it hard to understand, so I prefer another one that is just as accurate, which is the NIV.

    Here is the site.

    Let me know what you think after you read this site.


  • lonelysheep
    Why continue to need or rely on beliefs in any doctrine?

    Why continue to ignore the present moment vibrancy of Life, the actuality and reality of conscious awareness, and instead give value to old dead words in a book?

    Why continue to reduce the Source of this wondrous universe and the silent consciousness which beholds it, to some bumbling anthropomorphic deity?

    Perhaps if we emptied our minds of religious interpretations and beliefs, we could actually see what IS.

    I love it...these are the questions I've been asking myself and describes the path I'm on. I realize deprogramming will take some time, but it will happen.

    So to answer the question, some things I do still believe but I'm realizing it's because I was told to, not that it actually made sense.

    My eyes are unblinding.

  • JamesThomas

    "I realize deprogramming will take some time, but it will happen."

    Dear Lonely,

    It's happening already.

    The most efficient means I have found is to not force it or make it into an effort.

    Actually what 'deprograming" is, is the desire to realize what is true; and this is accomplished by simply seeing what is false. What is True, is ever true and present, and can be realized now when what is false (that which blinds us) is simply seen for what it is.

    Sit back, or walk silently out into nature (a very conducive atmosphere for inner discovery) and silently watch the mind. Watch the thoughts that makeup beliefs. See the words, descriptions and interpretations as they move through awareness. See and feel the emotions and physical feelings that accompany them. Do this silently and without any judgment or commentary. Just see. See beliefs for what they actually are: simple thoughts which we have come to identify with. Silently and nonjudgmentally see them, and the walls crumble.

    Now notice what is seeing. It's much more real and actual, much closer and alive. Notice that this intimate Reality is not actually effected by the thoughts and beliefs which pass across it like so many ever-changing clouds. Become more aware of awareness, and see how everything comes alive.

    Once we begin inner investigation, and begin to clearly see how the mind operates and see beliefs for what they are, our entire personal identity can be seen as nothing but beliefs. So the final question becomes: Who, or What, am I?

    One of the most beautiful aspects about our inner journey of Divine discovery, is there is really no where to go, nothing to earn, no religion or scripture to learn. All that is required is simple sincerity, earnestness and honesty, and the desire to see.

    Be still, and know...


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