We walked out of my mom's memorial service

by tyydyy 120 Replies latest jw friends

  • Fleur

    I am so, so sorry they treated you that way. I agree, though, that what you did was far more meaningful than the JW Infomercial that surely was her memorial.

    I have been through something similiar lately over the death of my grandmother, who emotionally, was my mother. Links below to my threads if you want to read and know that you're not alone.

    I am so sorry about your mom, and also for the terrible way they treated you. Good for you for walking out, we have to draw the line sometimes, don't we? I know that not going to my grandmother's memorial was absolutely the right decision.





  • Xena

    It ended up being a beautiful memorial service. It's what I hope someone will have for me when I die...people who love me thinking of me and sharing memories.

    I really didn't expect what happened at the Hall...it's mind boggling when you think you are past this stuff and it just slaps you in the face again. The callous disregard for people's feelings. To tell someone AT the memorial service for their mother that they are not welcome to attend the reception afterward because it might make some random person who barely knew her uncomfortable. WTF??? You just wonder how can they not see how wrong that is???

    So we left. Honestly, it felt good not to be complacient to their rules, to not let them think that this type of behavior is OK. To send a message that says "HELL NO" you are not going to tell us we aren't good enough to associate with you.

    I am sorry it happened there and in that way. I am extremely sorry for the hurt I saw it causing tyydyy, his brother and his beautiful sister...three people who loved their mother and spent the last few days doing everything possible to take care of her and be there for her. They deserved better, we all did.

  • Big Tex
    Big Tex
    I had guards posted to stop Mrs Ozzie and I getting in

    Yeah me too.

    I'm sorry this happened to you guys. It never ceases to amaze me the amount of cruelty religious cheerfully inflict on others and never bat an eye.

  • Fleur


    I really didn't expect what happened at the Hall...it's mind boggling when you think you are past this stuff and it just slaps you in the face again. The callous disregard for people's feelings. To tell someone AT the memorial service for their mother that they are not welcome to attend the reception afterward because it might make some random person who barely knew her uncomfortable. WTF??? You just wonder how can they not see how wrong that is???

    So we left. Honestly, it felt good not to be complacient to their rules, to not let them think that this type of behavior is OK. To send a message that says "HELL NO" you are not going to tell us we aren't good enough to associate with you.

    yeah, all that matters to them is how it looks. There were plenty of people at my grandma's service whose lifestyles make mine look absolutely nun-like. But that didn't matter. The big scarlet D got in the way.

    You all deserved a lot better...but they're not capable of it. Bravo to all of you for putting a stop to the abuse, because that is what it is, abuse. To treat someone like that at the funeral for their own mother. dispicable.



  • WildHorses

    I am sorry about your mother.

    I can't believe the nerve of those people. What right do they have to keep family out? God, I am so glad I don't have any family who ever became JW's. If I did and it were my mothers funeral and they did that to me, I would probably be in jail right now for my actions in response to it.

  • Xandria

    That is soooo HORRIBLE, I am so overwhelmed and at a loss for the right words. This was your mother! The person who gave you life. Who the hell are they to ask you to leave. It only makes them look like the bad guy. Christian Love my tush!

    They would not know the meaning, if it bit them on the backside! You have my deepest condolences on the loss of your mother. An I am very glad you all showed them for the heartless drones they act like. It is a choice to act like this and it isn't Christ like at all.


  • codeblue

    I am truly sorry

  • Bubbamar

    I am damn steaming mad after reading what they did to you. I sure hope you called the local newspaper. THAT would make for an excellent witness.

    That's just so sickening. And it's amazing that they just don't get that JESUS NEVER ACTED LIKE THAT!! They're just a bunch of ignorant hate mongers if you ask me.

    I am truly so sorry for your loss - the loss of your mother and the loss of part of the grief process - where people bond together and provide support, comfort and love to one another. I hope you have that elsewhere. But where do these people get off excluding you from your own mother's memorial service? Just when I thought it couldn't get any worse. I hate those MF's more than ever.

    Hugs to you guys. Glad to see you have a lot of love and support here! From a bunch of evil apostates.

  • blondie

    That was especially rude...especially if the reception was in a public building and many non-JWs, friends and relatives would be attending.

    Now I have decided not to go to any funerals for JW relatives...too much hassle. I figure the person is dead and what the brother has to say will be of no interest to me.

    I have already crossed this bridge twice in the last year by not attending. But then I am not DF'd or DA'd, yet.

    The best thing to do is what you did, be with the people that care and love you and want to support in your time of sorrow.

    Love and hugs, Blondie and Irreverent

  • TresHappy

    I can't imagine that kind of cruelty...I can't believe what they'll try when my parents go...

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