The WTBTS's proactive steps at preventing child molestation.

by formerout 140 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse

  • undercover

    Yesterday when I posted these questions for BroBennett:

    If you were an elder and it comes to your attention that a child was abused, then the first thing you would do is call the authorities (the authorities being the police)? Even when the instructions from the WTS say to call the Society's legal department first? What if the legal department says that your state(assuming your in the USA) does not require reporting, would you still report?

    I told myself that the only defense he would be able to come up with against these type questions, not only from me but from others, would be that this thread is about the "prevention" of abuse and not the aftermath of how it's handled. But I didn't think he would stoop to copping out by using it. But I was wrong:

    This thred is about prevention and not about what should of been done since the best time to find evidence is when the crime accurs.

    Even this statement damns the WTS. If the best time to find evidence is when the crime occurs then wouldn't it be prudent to call the police as soon as the crime is discovered? If the WTS is serious about abolishing child abuse then shouldn't they do more than just print articles on how to prevent abuse? Shouldn't they urge their followers to call the police immediately after learning of a possible child abuse crime? Shouldn't the safety and welfare of the child come before any judicial investigation or action? Shouldn't other parents be warned that a molester is in their midst if guilt is established?

    Anybody can print how-to or prevention articles. That still doesn't make them experts on what they printed. Similarly, the WTS's articles of prevention, while containing some good things, does not make the WTS experts on how to prevent or deal with child abuse. Neither does quoting the articles on a message board make the poster any more knowledgeable on the subject than anyone else.

  • cruzanheart

    To bastardize a quote from "A Fish Called Wanda," by Kevin Kline's character: "Oh, you [Jehovah's Witnesses] think you're SOOOOOO superior!" And that's the problem, isn't it? Go to the meetings for a month and count the number of times you hear how LOVING the "brotherhood" is, how much BETTER they are than those evil religions -- I once heard a talk where the elder looked down his nose at the Catholic Church for the problems they were having with child abuse. You know, if Jehovah's Witnesses said, look, we're trying to live our lives the way Jesus taught and we are going to fall short but we're doing our best, and really mean it instead of having the "us" and "them" mentality and attitude, they would be a lot easier to take.

    I grew up in that religion. I didn't leave it until I was 46 years old. I honestly thought we did have THE truth and everybody else was walking in darkness. I didn't know what light was until I left and really looked around me. I saw beautiful, wonderful, caring people of all religions and no religions. They do good things because THEY WANT TO. So did Jesus. His message was very simple, whether you call yourself Christian or not: love God, love your neighbor. Even if you don't believe in God as a Supreme Being, just look around and appreciate the beauty of a sunrise, the humor in the animals, the innocence of a child.

    Geoff, you are a reasonable person. BroBennett, you are not.


  • BroBennett

    As humble bible students we all know how hard it is to keep our families safe in a currupt world we live in. It is never my intention to keep any wrongdoing a secret, we all need to go to someone who will provide protection and the elders should not feel that they can provide all the protection a family needs since we live in a violent society with control issues.

    But know this, I am not going to ever tell a family what to do even if I was an elder in a religious orginization. The wise person gets results, and to get results in dealing with others we must avoid harshness and strife. It is part of human nature to resent pressures, because God planted in our hearts a love of freedom. Because of principles we may at times need to be firm and unyielding, but never do we need to be harsh, domineering, [coercive], as though we would ram the facts down the throats of those we are trying to teach. I am sure there were some Elders in the wrong since they are only human, but it does not give them an excuse to dismiss wrongdoing. And yes, I did go back to the subject since that is why I am posting, and in that frame of mind, I gave information out about what the Society (which publishes and prints out the information) gave out to help those who wanted protection. But of course all who post have gone past the need for such information since the damage has been done.

    So I am sorry for using too much Watchtower information and I no longer think I have all the information needed since I am not the greatest teacher of the bible, maybe someday I can be, the subject of child abuse will never be an easy topic to discuss and it should be kept in the family, the leader of man would be Jesus Christ, and not an elder right?

    I agree with full disclosure of pedophiles in the area and I am sure there are updated sites people can go to to view criminals in the area?

  • Big Tex
    Big Tex

    Just in case someone is lurking and reads this thread, I thought the least I could do is add something helpful from a reputable and legitimate source.

    This is just a basic elementary overview but at least it is a starting point for a parent who suspects their child has been abused:


    Child sexual abuse has been reported up to
    80,000 times a year, but the number of unreported instances is far
    greater, because the children are afraid to tell anyone what has happened,
    and the legal procedure for validating an episode is difficult. The
    problem should be identified, the abuse stopped, and the child should
    receive professional help. The long-term emotional and psychological
    damage of sexual abuse can be devastating to the child.

    Child sexual abuse can take place within the
    family, by a parent, step-parent, sibling or other relative; or outside
    the home, for example, by a friend, neighbor, child care person, teacher,
    or stranger. When sexual abuse has occurred, a child can develop a variety
    of distressing feelings, thoughts and behaviors.

    No child is psychologically prepared to cope
    with repeated sexual stimulation. Even a two or three year old, who cannot
    know the sexual activity is "wrong," will develop problems resulting from
    the inability to cope with the overstimulation.

    The child of five or older who knows and
    cares for the abuser becomes trapped between affection or loyalty for the
    person, and the sense that the sexual activities are terribly wrong. If
    the child tries to break away from the sexual relationship, the abuser may
    threaten the child with violence or loss of love. When sexual abuse occurs
    within the family, the child may fear the anger, jealousy or shame of
    other family members, or be afraid the family will break up if the secret
    is told.

    A child who is the victim of prolonged sexual
    abuse usually develops low self-esteem, a feeling of worthlessness and an
    abnormal or distorted view of sex. The child may become withdrawn and
    mistrustful of adults, and can become suicidal.

    Some children who have been sexually abused
    have difficulty relating to others except on sexual terms. Some sexually
    abused children become child abusers or prostitutes, or have other serious
    problems when they reach adulthood.

    Often there are no obvious physical signs of
    child sexual abuse. Some signs can only be detected on physical exam by a physician.

    Sexually abused children may develop
    the following

    unusual interest in or avoidance of all
    things of a sexual nature

    sleep problems or nightmares

    depression or withdrawal from friends or


    statements that their bodies are dirty or
    damaged, or fear that there is something wrong with them in the genital

    refusal to go to school

    delinquency/conduct problems


    aspects of sexual molestation in drawings,
    games, fantasies

    unusual aggressiveness, or

    suicidal behavior

    Child sexual abusers can make the child
    extremely fearful of telling, and only when a special effort has helped
    the child to feel safe, can the child talk freely. If a child says that he
    or she has been molested, parents should try to remain calm and reassure
    the child that what happened was not their fault. Parents should seek a
    medical examination and psychiatric consultation.

    Parents can prevent or lessen the
    chance of sexual abuse by

    Telling children that "if someone tries to
    touch your body and do things that make you feel funny, say NO to that
    person and tell me right away"

    Teaching children that respect does not
    mean blind obedience to adults and to authority, for example, don't tell
    children to, "Always do everything the teacher or baby-sitter tells you
    to do"

    Encouraging professional prevention
    programs in the local school system

    Sexually abused children and their families
    need immediate professional evaluation and treatment. Child and adolescent
    psychiatrists can help abused children regain a sense of self-esteem, cope
    with feelings of guilt about the abuse, and begin the process of
    overcoming the trauma. Such treatment can help reduce the risk that the
    child will develop serious problems as an adult.

  • Happy Guy :)
    Happy Guy :)

    I agree with full disclosure of pedophiles in the area and I am sure there are updated sites people can go to to view criminals in the area?

    The problem is BroBennett that so many JWs have this attitude or are forced to have this attitude (below) which you expressed in your last post:

    the subject of child abuse will never be an easy topic to discuss and it should be kept in the family

    With misguided and harmful attitudes like that information will never be fully disclosed as you agreed should be the case.

  • BroBennett

    Whoever is in charge of the family would have to be willing to care for the needs of the family first and foremost.

  • formerout


    the subject of child abuse will never be an easy topic to discuss and it should be kept in the family,

    Happy Guy already made a comment on this but this one is as much a revelation of the ignorance that has been brought upon you by the WTBTS that it desrves being repeated.

    How many of these posters here have said that it has been Mom, Dad, Uncle etc. that are the ones responsible for the abuse. Therein lies the problem: Your religion teaches that the man is the head of the household. When they make absolute rules like that, these "heads of the household" are allowed, by your own religion's belief structure, to practice these actions undetected until AFTER THE FACT. That is NOT PROACTIVE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Doesn't that sink in. Admit that your religion's own rules contribute to the problem. Change the rules and we wouldn't be disagreeing with you so much. Yet your replies are that your religion is the one true religion. No it's not. This stupid rule would not be in place if it was.


  • BroBennett

    Lets just say this is rule #1

    If the head of the household does the crime... it is still a crime, that is a whole other matter but still child abuse, it is true that most times the child abuse happens in the family or relatives. But that is why a proactive aproach is needed and that the family is able to show the children right and wrong. The right way to deal with the matter would be going to the authorities like I have written down to stop the crime in its tracks and then the criminal can be reported and dealt with in a timely matter.

    With what I have read so far...The Watchtower Society does tell us to report relatives or family and even if they go to jail then that is what they diserve.

  • Odrade

    BroBennett, have the JWs started initiating background checks on those put into positions of authority? Most of the EVIL christendom churches at least do this. In mandatory reporting states (there are 25 of them) do the elders report even SUSPECTED child abuse so the proper authorities can investigate? Or only those for which they themselves have either "proof" or "two witnesses." In those 25 states with mandatory reporting, some have the loophole for "privileged communications." Which means, if the abuse is reported in a confidential setting to the elders, they can keep it under wraps legally, due to confidentiality. Maybe that's why the first directive is to call Brooklyn.

    Words in the Watchtower publications mean nothing if they are not backed up by actions. If you hear your neighbor beating their child night after night and the child screaming in terror, what good does it do if you go to all the neighbors and say "I do not condone this behavior. This behavior sickens me. The bible says this behavior is wrong. Jehovah disapproves of this behavior." IT DOES ABSOLUTELY NO GOOD!!! Okay, everyone knows what your words say, but what did you do to change it? NOTHING!!!

    This is how the WTS is. They have all the words and "advice." But they take no actual steps to MAKE SURE another child is not actually abused if they can help it. No one is putting "jehovah's reputation" on the line unless they are protecting their legal ass. I for one, am not impressed. If anything is done properly, it is on the commonsense of the elders involved who realize this matter is beyond their qualifications, buck the WT system, and call the authorities. Believe me, displaying this kind of commonsense is much MUCH rarer than it should be.

    Let me say again, in BOLD letters so you don't miss what we have been saying for 6 goddamn pages:

    Words in the Watchtower publications mean nothing if they are not backed up by actions.

  • formerout


    But that is why a proactive aproach is needed and that the family is able to show the children right and wrong.

    Does a one-year-old know that a stove will burn him? No! We put up gates at the kitchen door so that he doesn't come into the kitchen when the stove is on. If a parent doesn't take this preventative measure and then burns his child with a pot of hot water from the stove, is he absolved of his responsibility by saying, "I told him not to come into the kitchen?'

    Does a four-year-old know that it is not right for someone to touch them in certain places? No!! (Unfortunately some do know that, but usually only becasue it has happened already to them.) If an organization tells the man that he is the head of the household and does nothing more to PREVENT his children from his own dysfunctional self, does that absolve the organization who taught him he was the God of his family. NO!!!!!

    Simple point, BroBennett. Why does everybody else get it but you don't? If I may be so bold to say so, it is because of what you have proven over and over on this thread: You believe that your religion is right and we (everybody not a JW) are wrong. It is not that simple.


    Edited to add BroBennett's quote.... sorry forgot to add it the first time..

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