by Mary 62 Replies latest jw friends

  • SAHS
    w96 2/1 p. 26 . . . Do you display wall posters of immoral stars of the sports or music world . . .

    w83 10/15 p. 14 . . . Am I idolizing them by wearing T-shirts or jackets that advertise such performers, or even by hanging their pictures or posters in my room? Does this please Jehovah, to whom my reverence should go? Am I following the Bible?s plain counsel to "flee from idolatry"? . . .

    I would bet that the WTBTS wouldn?t mind if people put up posters in their room of the old fools of the Governing Body! Nothing like a good boudoir shot of Brother Simonis or Brother Schroeder to show your kingdom loyalty!

    The way everybody feels compelled to converge on Brooklyn as a sort of expected personal Mecca IMHO seems to be a form of idolatry of the highest order. As for me, I don?t have much in the way of so-called idolatrous posters up in my room, but I sure as hell don?t feel compelled to make any pilgrimage to Brooklyn hoping to get a glimpse of some FDS members so I can kiss their ass! (I hear rumors that they are actually only human.)


  • shamus
    seduce innocent victims by telling the truth, lies and half-truths

    They're lying.

    They lied about the U.N. Outright. Just one case. Now they lie about how we are 'telling lies'. Oooh, don't go over there... maybe you will see the signature of the Watchtower Bible and Tract society on the U.N.'s documents stating that they do so.

    Complete and utter lies are being told. And frankly, I could care less about 'seducing' anyone. If someone comes to my door and asks, I will tell them. Most don't want to know the truth anyways, so why bother?

    It's amazing to see the mind control at work here. People usually have the brain capacity to find out if something is bullshit or not. I guess the WTBTS thinks that people are too 'stupid' to find out for themselves; something they tell you to do when you study they're religion. Once you're in, though, don't you dare 'test things out' unless you are using the proper WTBTS books, because the whole world is ruled by satan, you bastards.

    Yeah, I vaguely remember those ass-emblies. Sounds like the same old bullshit as when I was a strong believer in the group.

  • cyber-sista

    What was really hilarious is when he said that some "faithful brothers and sisters have inadvertenly logged on to these websites, thinking that they're run by the Borg Organization, they've seen some of the materials and as a result, they've left the Truth." Even if I still believed everything about this religion, I would find this kind of statement very disturbing. I would automatically think "okay, what is being written that we're not supposed to read, that's making ALOT of bros and sisters leave?"
    They are making the JW average members out ot be so mindless it's insulting. Like these faithful brothers and sisters are so brainless they will fall for anything--duh...(well, there is a bit of truth to that one).

  • Sunspot

    ***w83 10/15 p. 14 Beware of Music That Debases! ***Am I idolizing them by wearing T-shirts or jackets that advertise such performers, or even by hanging their pictures or posters in my room? Does this please Jehovah, to whom my reverence should go? Am I following the Bible?s plain counsel to "flee from idolatry"??1 Corinthians 10:14; Romans 1:24, 25.

    I remember going through some tough times with my daughters on this---and they had Lionel Richie, Michael Jackson and BeeGees posters up (which came down) because of this......

    Of course we never told anyone that we left food for them each night and prayed to them each morning! LOL!



  • metatron

    I saw your post on "Music That Debases" and just had to comment.

    Back then, the Society repeated the "backwards masking" nonsense that some born again group thought up. They claimed

    that Satanic/ drug related messages were being recorded as backwards speech on some pop albums. I investigated this

    personally and found it to be completely bogus. No "My sweet Satan" , period!


  • eiu2003

    Loved the post Mary, very inventive and while sadly true also hilarious...............

  • Markfromcali
    At so and so's house, there was christian literature and crosses in their room. Amy grant and Michael W. Smith posters ALL OVER!!!!"

    Hey, if I had their posters in my room I'd wanna kill myself too.. Oh wait, these would be people that like their music right? NM.

  • lazyslob

    I only listen heavy metal. Haven´t kill anyone. Is there something wrong with me? Guess I better buy a gun (just so I´m ready when the time comes). Btw I´ve never been in assembly that didn´t suck.

  • desib77

    So when you frame the posters does it become art rather than idolatry?

  • undercover

    I remember a sister that was counseled because she had a painting(done by a worldy person) of Jesus in her house. "Form of Idolatry"


    What about the calenders that had paintings of Jesus, the apostles and others from bible times? Does that mean we can't hang those calenders on our walls? What about the mural at the Stanley Theatre(I think it was the Stanley)? What about the assembly halls that have mini-museums of old pictures and newspaper arcticles of Russell, Rutherford and the like? Is this not a form of idolatry?

    You(the WTS) hang your pics of Russell or Rutherford, I'll hang posters of my favorite famous people and things.

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