Dateline--Fahrenheit 911

by patio34 180 Replies latest social current

  • William Penwell
    William Penwell

    Still no one here has brought evidence to the contrary of if Bush did or didn't after 9/11, fly out of the country in secret all the bin Ladens, when there was a complete ban on commercial air flights. I am not saying the bin Ladens had anything to do with 9/11 attacks but within hours they suspected Usama and Al-Qaeda as being behind these attacks. Why weren't these family members held for questioning? I am sure that some of them might have known something but instead they were snuck out of the country. Maybe the news networks should have been asking these though questions instead of playing cheer leader for George Bush. At least Michael Moore has the guts to ask these unpopular questions. Oh but let see how we can degrade this conversation and what other names we can call him....


  • Simon

    They have a problem either way:

    If Osama Bin Laden was a suspect then how did they know so soon? (it indicates some advanced knowledge contrary to their denials) Also, as you say, why fly them out the country? Why not question them?

    If they did not suspect Osama then why the rush to get his family out of the country?

    Things don't add up and proper explanations and THE TRUTH are not coming from Bush.

    As for the accuracy of Michael Moore's documentaries. In a country that sues people if someone looks at them the same way, it's astonishing isn't it that no one has sued him ... unless of course it's because of the simple fact that what he says is TRUE

    All we ever get is ad-hominem attacks on Moore by people who don't like the fact that he shines a bright light in high places and labeling of him because he exposes the corruption and failures of people in power. Never any real arguments of explanations of exactly what is wrong or incorrect in the documentaries.

  • exjdub
    Moore could have blew the lid off this months ago but because he wanted to make a buck he kept it to himself and did nothing.


    I believe Michael Moore will make money on this movie whether he "blew the lid off" about the Iraqi torture in the movie or not. I think it has less to do with money than it does with the political timing of such revelations in connection with the upcoming election. For that I think he is a genius. I don't quite understand why this is considered a bad thing, but I am sure we will see some type of revelation from Bush before the election. My wife thinks that Bin Laden will be "captured" just before the election, but that could just be her cynical side.


    I love the way you reason and you have a real knack for cutting through the retoric and bringing the point back to it's origin. In the spirit of your posts I would ask LABD to address your points instead of making general statements that have no support, other than Moore being fat, which point I think that we all would be willing to concede as factual. What about it LABD...? Go Tal!!

    It is interesting that whenever Michael Moore comes up as a topic, those that don't like him or his politics don't challenge the meat of his arguments or his revelations, it always turns into an attack. It either is a free for all about his weight, or, like last week on this board, someone will take a miniscule section of his argument and call him a liar. What's up with that? Although I think Bush is not very intelligent and he looks like a monkey, that is irrelevant and is not the reason he will not get my vote. I will not vote for him because I think he is a dangerous man and I don't agree with his politics, nor his desire to rid of us of our privacy and personal rights in order to "protect" us. I played that game already with the WTBS and I am not interested in that anymore.

    exjdub (who is a registered Independent...but is voting for Kerry just to get Bush out of office)

  • exjdub
    As for the accuracy of Michael Moore's documentaries. In a country that sues people if someone looks at them the same way, it's astonishing isn't it that no one has sued him ... unless of course it's because of the simple fact that what he says is TRUE

    That is a good point Simon. If the things Moore said are untrue they would be extremely libelous. I think you are right...that speaks for itself.


  • Yerusalyim

    Michael Moore is to the Truth what Jehovah's Witnesses are to the Truth...the two have nothing in common. Michael Moore is a loud mouth pig who rides on the shirt tails of the freedoms others have provided for him.

    A former hero of the Lefty let's hate Bush but offer no vialble solution crowd, Clinton's own terrorism expert that Bush kept in office for a bit, Richard Clarke, is the one who authorized the Bin Laden family to be flown out...he had already vetted was his decision to make...Bush had nothing to do with it. Freakin idiotic nonsense by Moore and the left.

  • Yerusalyim

    Since we're taling about our unbiased (gag) media, who plans on watching the full one hour book promotion for Bill Clinton on what was years ago actually a news program called 60 Minutes? Hmmmm, how many conservative authors have been given time on that program in the last few years....ummm...none? Yet Paul O'Neal, Billary, Bill, Richard Clarke all getting large chunks of time over there...hmmmm.

  • exjdub
    Michael Moore is a loud mouth pig who rides on the shirt tails of the freedoms others have provided for him.

    I rest my case...


    Those freedoms that you yourself have unselfishly volunteered to help provide are much appreciated. That, however, does not mean that I, or Michael Moore, or anyone else for that matter, have to agree with how our government chooses to govern...that is the beauty of freedom. We can love the freedoms that are provided without agreeing with certain policies or the way that our government runs. Just because the freedoms are provided by the sacrifice of others does not mean that I (or Moore) "ride on the shirt tails of those freedoms."

    I hear this argument frequently from people who are in the military. Does the fact that you are in the military entitle you to more freedoms than those that do not serve? It seems that this is what is being said by the statements you, and others in the military, make when commenting on political matters. It sounds like because I have not served in the military that I have no voice, nor the right to speak, when it comes to disagreeing with our government's policy. If you feel this way... then I would submit to you that you do not love freedom, for freedom provides these rights. The founding fathers never said that freedom was contingent upon agreeing with the government. The founding fathers never said that people that spoke out against tyranny or who disagreed with their government were taking a "ride on the shirt tails of those freedoms." Think about it...


  • talesin

    Nice dodge, LABD. :D

    Still waiting for quotes from Moore ... oh, you have none? I see.

    Yes, I've watched him interviewed (most notably when he was here for the premiere of "Bowling for Columbine"), and he does not have the foot-in-mouth disease that Bush does. As far as I'm concerned, that is because Moore (1) speaks from the heart, and (2) is reasonably intelligent.

    As for the talesin-ism comments, I will assume you are joking and not presuming to think that you have any knowledge of the level of my intelligence as compared to GWB. Let me assure you that I would take him on in a debate in a New York Minute, and feel confident that it would be 'no contest'. Now, that would be fun!


  • talesin
    Clinton's own terrorism expert

    Correction: Reagan's, GB's, Clinton's and GWB's own terrorism expert.

    Hint: Clarke served four presidents, not one!

  • talesin
    The founding fathers never said that freedom was contingent upon agreeing with the government.


    Good point. Wasn't the Revolution about "taxation without representation"? Don't all taxpayers have an equal voice? It would seem to this non-American that Moore is exercising his right to freedom of speech. What is intrinsically wrong with criticizing the government?

    This is what I find scary about this "war" on Iraq - note, on IRAQ, not terrorism. The attempt to silence dissidents, by claiming they are 'unpatriotic'.

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