Dateline--Fahrenheit 911

by patio34 180 Replies latest social current

  • SixofNine

    As I understand it, Moore runs the footage of Bush sitting there reading with the children for 7 minutes after being told that the second plane had hit the towers.

    Given that he should have been in crisis mode after the FIRST plane hit, I think that may well be the most powerful 7 minutes of the film. 7 minutes is an eternity in a movie theater or when your country is being attacked.

  • William Penwell
    William Penwell


    Thanks for correcting me on that point. Like you said regardless 7 minutes is an eternity when ones country is under attack.


  • William Penwell
    William Penwell

    No there is only one reason why the bin Ladens were protected, MONEY. You think if it was the average working person's family member that was responsible, that they would not be brought in and interrogated? Also that is only a small part of the film, there is a lot more than has being discussed here.

    Again we live under a democracy where we have a right to question what our leaders our doing. That is what our fathers and grandfathers fought and died for during the second world war. I brutal dictatorial Nazi regime. As sson as we forget this and trample on our freedom of speach the terriorts win.

    As for as the brutal techniques employed by terrorists, we as a civilized society have to take the high road and not stoop to their level. If we act like they do then we are no better and have no right to complain. All you would do is escalate the violence and hatred, not just by the terriorts organization but by the average middle eastern civilian.


  • patio34

    Hi FreeWilly,

    You said:

    Why is flying the Bin Laden Family out of the Country after 911so bad? I'm sure their family would be in iminent danger had they remained. They are opposed to Osama's mayhem and have stated such publicly. What's the scandal here? It sounds to me like there is some kind of weak attempt to tie Bush in with Osama Bin Laden. There's plently of legitimate arguments against Bush out there. This one sounds pretty shallow.

    Good question. The way I understand it is that these people should have been questioned extensively as they were related to Osama. As was the family of Timothy McVeigh or other terrorists would be. As for them being in danger, no one worried that the McVeigh family was in danger. And there are other ways of protection, especially for these mega-rich people, than flying them out of the country when all other planes were grounded.

    It makes a person wonder why they got this preferential treatment.

    There's a LOT more to the movie than that, but if you want to know, I guess you'll have to find out for yourself.



  • Simon
    If we act like they do then we are no better and have no right to complain

    Exactly. And after a while, who is retaliating against who? "Our action is justified because of what they did and their is because of what we did". If you go back into the mist of history there was probably a reason things started, long since forgotten. It's just that some dumb ass wrote a religious book instructing people to keep up the hate and more dumb asses read it and think it's a good idea.

    It seems strange that one the one hand people think that anyone even just sharing the same religion or race as 'terrorists' should be killed ad-hoc (ie. "nuke 'em") and then people dismiss the Bin Ladens being secretly and hurredly flown out of the country! Surely, we would have wanted to question the family of the biggest terrorist suspect on the planet for any information? But no ... it's seems Bush didn't think that was a good idea.

    BTW: It's never been released who profited from the sell options made on the airlines prior to Sep 11.

  • avishai
    no one worried that the McVeigh family was in danger

    Do you know this for a fact?

    Much different circumstances, IMO.

  • patio34

    Hi Avishai,

    Well, in Moore's book, Dude Where's My Country, the McVeigh family were offered no protective arrangements. Of course, it's different, but comparable in many respects. The point being that the Bin Ladens, long-time friends and business associates of the Bushes, were offered amazingly different arrangements--being able to fly when no one else could and also not being "interrogated" extensively. I mean, it seems pretty important to question them at length about where their brother was! And what they may have known. That wouldn't have come out with a superficial brief questioning of just a few members. It was just an interview, I believe.


  • Cassiline

    Cassi, you present this as if no one knew about the situation except Michael Moore. Patently untrue.

    Hey Pat

    I am commenting on his comments only on dateline. He said he was aware yet decided not to report such because he was afraid of the spin the media may put on his coming forth with such evidence back then. Why? He also stated he was unsure of who to report such to. I say bullshit. He could have passed such onto any news agency or reported himself but he decided to wait and hope the right thing would be done. Why not blow the top off back in early December when he stated he was aware of such, why let more be torturted? As for his timing he is brilliant. I couldn't care less about how he decided to put this film together to show what he wants. I am concerned about those he could have helped by revelations prior.


  • freedom96

    Michael Moore is an ass.

    And no, it has little to do with his political viewpoints. He is just an ass.

  • Cassiline
    I suppose Moore has his 'spin' too. But the Bush/Cheney/Halliburton and Saudie connections define money in a way this "fat", "stupid" Michigan "doe boy" never dreamed of.


    This was my point spin, I am not supporting Bush or anyone, yet I am angered a film maker decided to keep the lid on abuse to gain fame and ignore those being hurt. Fame comes at all costs and he has proven in my mind he is out for a buck not those he is claiming to help by opening their eyes. But ignoring those who needed it desperatly months and months ago.


    PS good to see you too!!


    I believe Michael Moore will make money on this movie whether he "blew the lid off" about the Iraqi torture in the movie or not. I think it has less to do with money than it does with the political timing of such revelations in connection with the upcoming election. For that I think he is a genius. I don't quite understand why this is considered a bad thing, but I am sure we will see some type of revelation from Bush before the election.


    I agree he is brilliant with his timing. But again he could have opened more eyes to what was going on and perhaps stopped it when he has proof positive it was going on, there is where he loses my respect. It's a bad thing to me because I am sure he assumed the better the punch with the explicitness of the acts the better the movie. He lost me when he revealed he did know and did nothing to help.


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