The day a brother died in my Hall, & the unbelievable events that followed.

by Mr Ben 125 Replies latest jw friends

  • wednesday

    This is a most disturbing, but totally belieavable story.

    Simon, JWS funerals remind me of info comercials.

  • seawolf

    At my hall, there was a woman that had a seizure+nervous breakdown at the front of the hall during the Sunday meeting. She was screaming and making moaning sounds and all kinds of stuff. This went on for awhile before they dragged her to the back of the hall. When I say dragged, I mean it literally. Remember in the movie "Airplane" after the pilots have passed out and they're dragging them through the aisles in the plane? That's how this was with two men dragging her through the hall. All the while the Watchtower study never missed a beat with the reading and comments going on like nothing was happening and the speaker kept raising his voice so you could her him over her screaming. They never called for help. I recall they just kept her in back and then later took her home.

  • North Girl
    North Girl

    My heart goes out to all of you with these horrible heavy memories.

  • Poztate
    Yet they won't think twice about cancelling a meeting if it snows a little more than usual

    Hi Walter.

    In my part of Canada they would NEVER think of cancelling a meeting because of the weather. I have had my the middle of a blizzard with wind chill of 30+ waiting by the phone for a call from the elders to cancel. If it did not happen out she would go no matter what the weather. Mind control in the extreme.She could not and will not think for herself.This is the type of persons they need to keep their CULT alive.


  • Ranch

    How Awful!!

    This reminds me of what happend in our Kingdom Hall. We had a pioneer sister who had terminal cancer and even though she was on deaths door she came to all the meetings, weelchair, oxygen and all.

    On a Sunday meeting, during the prayer, we heard crying and carring on in the back of the hall.We all knew she had passed away ( Yes I peeked pefore the prayer was over),

    anyway the prayer went on and many of us were in tears. The brothers rushed back after the prayer and wheeled her body into the second school. This was a tramatic event for us all, especially the children! I feel bad for saying this because I know she was a faithful sister and all but I was miffed at her for putting us through this.Oh well, she died happy.

  • bebu

    I've never heard of so many people dying at a religious gathering before. But I guess it makes sense, considering the time element required to be a JW in good standing.

    And the comment about "unnatural love" is the sad truth of it. These determined reactions to tragedy are not holy, spiritual, or godly; they are cold, uncaring, and extremely prideful--they congratulate themselves for not loving their brother for the sake of show.

    I'm sure that not all JWs would react this way. But it is disturbing that such reactions are considered with such regard.

    Is anyone out there waking up from their slumber?


  • confusedjw

    Gosh - the stories related in this thread made me embarrassed.

    JWS funerals remind me of info comercials.

    And isn't this just too true?

  • Gretchen956

    OMFG! I have read through all three pages of these posts in increasing alarm. I can't even begin to say how horrified I am that I was ever a part of this organization. The worst part is, as its told I can see it happen because thats exactly how many of the elders were!

    My head hurts thinking about this........ is there any remaining doubt about their culpability and the fact of their being a mind controlling cult? Too bizarre and horrific.


  • William Penwell
    William Penwell
    the main topic was this incident and how shocked they were that the meeting went on as though nothing had happened, and that some JWs actually tried to place magazines with the crew as they were tending to the victim!

    If it wasn't for the fact that I was one of those mindless Jdubs, I wouldn't believe this story. However I could just picture some elder peddling the mags well the paramedics were trying to revive this individual and I am also sure that those same brothers reported the time. Sounds like something my anal ex brother in law would do .


  • alamb

    OK, now I'm sick...and here's my story.

    1997. The CO was visiting our hall and all of 'us pioneers' were out to impress and go out door to door when it was over 100 degrees outside. As we got into cargroups an elderly man with our group walked over to the shed and took out the lawn mower. He pulled sneakers out of his car and took off his tie. Everyone was in a hurry to go but I had that hunch to go over and say goodbye. I hardly ever had spoken to him but told him how he had been such a good friend to my father-in-law lately and how I had noticed and that meant alot to me. He looked me in the eye for a long time and said he counted it a pleasure to be anyone's friend. Well, off we go in service and return 2 hours later. My daughter jumps out of the car to play on the lawn and finds in hand and dead.

    I took my daughter inside and told her to play there with a friend. Everyone went into zombie mode. One friend called an ambulance and I called his wife. The friend was crying and so was I. Everyone else was inside waiting for the CO! They were straightening their bookbags and fiddling in their car trunks and it infuriated me. They would not react. The ambulance came and took him while they stood across the parking lot. I phoned his wife and told her he wasn't feeling well, as she had to drive to the hall. I met her at the corner before she could see the ambulance and drove her to the hospital and went home with her and phoned her daughters to tell them. I stayed all day.

    The next meeting went about as planned and the wife sat in the rear of the hall crying while everyone ignored her. It kept hitting me in waves how cold and inhumane they all were...and I called them friends. So, the day of the funeral, CO still there, I pull up to the hall in a pick-up with my yard tools and take over where he left off. One group asked me if I didn't have hours to get in...I told them I was doing what should be done. The cargroups left and I was all alone for about 10 minutes. Up pulled another car. Another "weak sister" with a flat of flowers to plant where he died. Another hour and a truck pulls up with a "weak brother" and an edger he used as he worked for the city. We didn't speak but watched in amazement at the cargroups going about business. It only hit me later I had been the last person to speak to him and it bothers me I couldn't have said more.

    At that moment I was on my way out and realized the cars full of pioneers and elders and their wives (I was an elder's wife) trying to impress the CO and his wife were not where I wanted to be. My elder husband reprimanded me for not putting spiritual things first. But I learned the first of many important lessons about the people I called friends: the 'weak' ones in the hall had the hearts and I would rather be among them. I wonder where they are now.


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