This is about out beloved Dansk

by mouthy 606 Replies latest jw experiences

  • jgnat

    For Dansk today:

  • mouthy

    This thread has become something of a VERY IMPORTANT diary for me. Thanks again, ((((((Grace
    (Said by IAN)

    Thanks Ian!!!!I am so happy your able to share.....We all do care for you so much.
    Here we are all praying for you to live & go on with life.....& ME???? I am asking to "go Home"

    You see I really do believe "eye hasnt seen. ear hasnt heard, heart cannot perceive the things I have in store for you, when I make things new" It is true You dont want to leave your family- but you see I want to go-to see mine..Your in my prayers constantly-That the Dr's will be given the wisdom to have those healing hands.....I love you ( Claire also) Hang in there my friend.
    I am not on board much lately as OLD AGE has set in....But my mind is still active & your on the top of it night & morning((((HUG))

  • Winston Smith :>D
    Winston Smith :>D


    After reading your last post I felt compelled to comment on your spiritual mindset as it struck a chord with me.

    Eastern religious philosophy has become increasingly intriguing to me. Being aware of the Universe, realizing that we all are an integral element of the Universe, and tapping into Ki, the vast ocean of energy that all living creatures contribute to and are a part of, is something that I am now learning of as a powerful tool and feel is evident in you from your post.

    ?surrounding myself with like-minded people - something I strongly believe my karma has led me to - is readying me for a higher birth

    I dare say that you have already reached a higher level of consciousness. While most Western philosophy encourages us to jump out of the water and into our own boat to proclaim our own unique identity, you are now realizing the power of wading through the ocean and tapping into it?s unimaginable power. It certainly has a calming and restful effect that allows us to put things in perspective.

    I have just started practicing Aikido and I am beginning to see firsthand the power of Ki. We do not punch or kick, we only look to protect ourselves and other humans, even the aggressor, by being aware, relaxing and harmonizing with aggressive behaviour thrown our way. Ki can enable humans to accomplish what they could never attain with their own physical strength.

    When practicing, there is Nage and Uke, the one who receives the attack and the one who is thrown. I always learn more being the Uke, the one being thrown. The more advanced and forceful Nage is while throwing me, the more I learn.

    With no disrespect to your health and trials, I would say that with your sickness being the Nage and you Uke, you have learned more than most men would ever learn in a lifetime. I say this with the highest admiration for you.

    I wish you peace as you travel this higher path, and leave you with the thought that you have demonstrated to me another example of the enlightened way.

    Harmonize with the Universe, and extend Ki strongly


  • Princess

    I feel bad that I've not posted on this thread yet, but I've followed it for some time.

    I too think of you often and hope that each day is a good one.


  • Alleymom
    Posted by Dansk on June 16, 2004 --- This morning I had some bone marrow taken from my pelvis. My lymph node results are still not through, nor are my CT scan results. A really wonderful haematologist believes I have Non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma, of which there are many types. I am provisionally booked in to start chemotherapy treatment next Thursday, depending on my biopsy results. I was told that if I didn't receive the chemotherapy I'd be dead inside two months. VERY SOBERING!!

    Well, Ian ---

    Today is August 20. It's been more than two months since you posted the above message. You haven't had chemo and you're still with us (praise God)!

    So, remember --- doctors do their best, but they don't know everything. Their predictions are just best guesses.

    May the Lord bless you richly today!



  • BluesBrother

    Hello Ian , like Rachel above I have felt bad that I have hardly posted on your thread, to be honest I did not know how to say what I wanted. But I have followed your story and you continue to amaze me.

    Keep that attitude up and I am sure you will prevail and beat this thing. My heart goes out to you and your wife who must have suffered evrery twist of this story also

  • Alleymom


  • wednesday


    It is so true that living under constant stress can cause disease. Our bodies are not independent of our minds.

    I am reading Suzanne Somers book "the sexy years" and in it she talks about her struggle with cancer and her decisons and what she is currently taking to help her. If it is available, would be worth reading. the book is generally about the hormoes needed for men and womne during the menopause, and andropause, but she does discuss her breast cancer and how she approached treatment.

    sending positve energy your way and I too think of u often, and am hoping for the best.

  • Dansk

    Dear All,

    This past week has got to have been one of my best. I've had some discomfort, sure, but I've had worse in the past! Today I feel really great and upbeat. Claire and I went for a long walk together holding hands and when we returned I did a few qigong exercises a friend showed me and then Claire made me a lovely fruit salad breakfast followed by organic marmalade on organic toasted bread. Yummy!

    Marjorie, I love you lots.

    Rachel and BluesBrother, please don't feel bad about not posting here frequently. No one is obliged to and I know how difficult it must be for people trying hard to find something to say. I'm just delighted that you pop in to have a look to see how I'm doing.

    Well, it's the start of a new week and if the rest is anything like today I know I'm going to be fine. I'm hoping to see a Tibetan doctor in September. Dr. Tamdin visits England three times a year and is director of the Medical and Astrological Institute of the Tibetan Government in Exile. He has had good success in treating cancer patients with Tibetan remedies. As a Buddhist, I have great faith in such things.

    My sister has just arrived so I'll catch up with you all later.

    Thanks to all who posted again!

    Love to EVERYONE!!!!!!!


  • shotgun

    So happy you had a great week Ian and have found treatment which is good for the the body and the soul...nice of my buddy to drop in with those encouraging I know why he calls me an Uke just before he slaps my arse.

    I hope each day gets better my friend, so many good things have happened since this ugly disease surfaced, your sister, your daughter, your diet(LOL) and your perspective on everything...not to mention how popular you are on the forum as well.


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