Which men / lads here cry when listening to music / watching films?

by Celtic 79 Replies latest jw friends

  • copsec

    Well, since OTHER ladies responded I am too!

    Movie: Beaches (good god, Simon and I agree AGAIN! What the hell is the world coming too)! LOL

    Song: When I Look To The Sky by Train

  • seeitallclearlynow

    Well, I obviously cry about tons of things but I'm wondering what you sweeties here think of the Tim McGraw song "Don't Take the Girl"? I CAN NOT listen to that song. I draw the line at that much throat ache.


  • roybatty
    roy...I didn't know replicants had feelings..

    I thought we didn't. I'm not sure if the saying "better to have loved and lost then never to have loved" is entirely true. Then again, those two little replicants her and I created sure are great.

  • roybatty

    Two movie scenes that always tear me up....

    No. 1 - "Sophie's Choice" when she has to choose between her two kids.

    No. 2 "Schindler's List" the scene with the little girl dressed in pink who's running aruond, tried to hide. You later see her in dead, lying on top of a cart full of dead bodies.

    dam, i'm feeling depressed just thinking about them!

  • avishai

    Your all a bunch of big wusses.

    That being said. The last song in Les miserables, the finale.

    When Samuel dies in "Legends of the fall." My bro and I saw this together, and during this scene, we both started to get choked up. To avoid this, we both started calling each other names, like girl, baby, wuss, etc. It's a joke that continues to this day.

    Oh, yeah, Forever young by alphaville, which as a kid choked me up in JW anticipation, and now because of the loss of that hope, even tho' I'm MUCH better off as a non-dub, the loss of illusion still kinda hurts.

  • got my forty homey?
    got my forty homey?

    The ending of Close Encounters is a tear jerker for me and Mr Saturday Night with Billy Crystal also has many teary scene's.

    Little man Tate also has a very sad ending.

  • bryan1

    Phantom Of The Opera!!

    Saw it three time on Broadway and twice in Houston. I cry every time!


  • Farkel

    : What music to the BIG GUYS here only, not you wimpy bunch, brings a tear to your eye or which films is it that you need to keep a box of tissues handy by you to wipe away the dampness in your eye?

    Don't know what you mean by BIG GUYS, but I cry at just about every great piece of music or movie.

    Among these are: Beethovan's 7th Symphony, the middle movement of Mozart's D minor Piano Concerto, the 18th Variation in Rachmaninoff's Rhapsody on a Theme by Paganini, Schindler's List, Sophie's Choice, The Shawshank Redemption, Liszts' Liebestraum in A Flat Major, Anything written by Robert Schuman, and just about anything else that doesn't involve whacking people or hurting people.

    I'm just a crybaby wimp. If anyone says I said this, I will deny it.


  • gespro

    Did you guys know that men who cry will have less health problems? I can't find the specific article but it did take a jab at the so-called macho men who didn't let go of tears as being more likely to have heart trouble, etc.

    Okay i admit it: Gespro is a crier from way back.

    Most any heartfelt music would get me going...any non-orchestral Debussy, Hendrix' 'One Rainy Wish' [balled my eyes out as a kid on that one], Blackbird [because I thought McCartney was dead. I should sue the bastard for childhood trauma! LOL] Wayne Shorter tunes like Infant Eyes, Face on the Barroom Floor, Bill Evans' tunes, My 2nd cousin Mahalia Jackson.

    A lot have the movies mentioned could get to me but the only one I recall out 'n out cried was the ending of the Sidney Poitier(sp?) movie A Patch of Blue...

    Okay, crying now.......thanx alot!

  • FMZ

    Proudly steps forward... I am a man with feelings.

    There are many pieces of music that choke me up, and movies also. I sometimes cry, but not all the time (not that I stop myself).

    A song that can still bring me to tears when I lay back and listen is a song called Eternal Autumn by Forest of Shadows:

    So sudden it seemed this tragic vision painted before my eyes
    Amidst falling leaves I had found my beloved bloodstained and pale
    Falling into the forever so silent
    Aware of my presence she turned towards me her agonizing stare
    One last breath and she whispered
    Everything dies before my tearfilled eyes
    Dead and silent, a golden leaf of autumn
    Falling before my tearfilled eyes
    This withering beauty
    This eternal autumn
    So silent
    So silent

    Man, just reading the lyrics alone kills me, but listening to it with the violins playing, the dulcet tones of the 12 string guitar, and the amazing feeling conveyed in the voice of the singer........... oh man...

    Also, After The Gold Rush chokes me up these days. It was one of my mother's favorite songs, and hearing it makes me miss her.


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