Which men / lads here cry when listening to music / watching films?

by Celtic 79 Replies latest jw friends

  • sunshineToo

    My husband cried when he saw the movies, "Cinema Paradiso" and "Life is Beautiful."

    His eyes get watery whenever he gets a card with a touching message from me. I love this soft side of his. He is so cute.

  • bull01lay

    I always blub if I watch Sinead O Connors video, while she'e singing Nothing Compares to U. That bit with the single, lonely tear, leaving it's well of unhappiness with a trail of sadness down her soft, melancholy face.! **Big Sighs**

    As regards films, Independance Day always does it to me.... where the president has to tell his daughter that Mommy's sleeping.... WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHH!!!! That look on his face says it all !!!!!

    **Sniff** S'made me all sad now............

  • mrpositive

    I cry over many things,

    Les Miserables gets me every time I see the show

    Anyone see the show 'Aspects of Love'? We saw it 6 times & everytime I was in tears at the end.

    There is an ad over here raising money for a cancer care charity, it has me in tears every time I see it - can't quite remmeber the song in the background, it hits me in the guts each time it comes on.

    I am 6 feet 3i nches tall & weigh 280 pounds - so Big Men Do Cry!!

  • ApagaLaLuz

    Hey Celtic! I heard you cried when you watched Pirates Of The Caribean

    arrrrg Matey!

  • Dan-O
    It's not like us guys are really crying per se, its just ummm a mild irration of the eyeball which causes the tear ducts to release more fluid to cleanse the eye. That's not really crying...

    Of course not! I was just thinking the other day about how my eye was irritated near the end of Field of Dreams, when Kevin Costner's character was playing catch with his deceased father.

    And as James Earl Jones said in the movie, "It reminds us of all that once was good, and that could be again."

  • toreador

    Yeah, Movies mostly, the last one was "Fifty first dates"

  • xjw_b12

    One movie comes to mind. "CANNIBAL WOMEN IN THE AVOCADO JUNGLE OF DEATH" Haven't been able to eat gaucamolle since either. The only redeeming part of the movie was Shannon Tweeds breasts.

  • jwbot

    I cry for every movie that has a little sad part. Hell sometimes commercials or newspaper articles make me cry.

    I did make my boyfriend watch "What Dreams May Come" and if you DONT cry to that, you are inhuman as that is the saddest movie ever. At the end I turn around and his eyes are all swollen and red. Poor guy. He was a little mad I made him watch the movie but he had to admit it was a great movie.

  • xjw_b12

    Hey Dan-O.

    Field of Dreams did it for me too. I was a JW at the time, and I mentioned to JW elder friend of mine, how much I like the film, and he said " That was one of the most ridiculous movies I've ever seen".

    I guess because it wasn't a WTBTS sanctioned resurrection, it had no merit!

  • El Kabong
    El Kabong

    OK. In thinking about this thread, there is one movie that made me actually cry. Tears down the cheeks, the whole 9 yards. The movie is My Dog Skip. For anybody who hasn't seen it, here is the IMDB listing:


    One of my dogs is a Jack Russell and he was on my lap (as he is now ) while I was watching that movie. I just cried and cried during the movie and just kept hugging and petting him.

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