Do You Think George W. Bush Will Be Re-elected??

by minimus 143 Replies latest social current

  • Pork Chop
    Pork Chop

    From what I've seen Realist I'd say you're one of the worlds foremost experts on bullshit, you're a veritable fountain of the stuff.

    Then there's the little matter of the battle Kerry's web site says he was involved in but the people that were there say he wasn't, and the fact that on at least one of his 'wound' his commanding officer said he'd seen worse pricks from a rose bush. Apparently a whole bunch of stuff is going to come out on Kerry's 'distinguished' war record that won't be very pretty. Every Vietnam vet that I've talked to says that many medals in four months is complete bullshit, of course I'll yield to your expertise in that particular area.

  • minimus

    I still think Al Sharpton and Ralph Nader have a good chance.

  • Realist

    porky porky,

    fact is kerry was in nam and bush was not. you do the math on who pulled more BS here!

  • Pork Chop
    Pork Chop

    Run Ralph Run! I donated money to the schmuck. Another nail in Kerry's coffin.

  • RevMalk
    porky porky,

    fact is kerry was in nam and bush was not. you do the math on who pulled more BS here!

    Hmmmm..... I hardly think Kerry's pack of lies revolving around his service are anything to brag about. He served, I commend him for it. He dis-approved of the war, which is fine. But don't come back almost 30 years later and pat yourself on the back for something that you didn't agree with in the first place. All those good men and women lost in Vietnam and this guy uses it for his own self glorification? He makes me ill. Rev

  • Pork Chop
    Pork Chop

    I think it's very telling that a guy running for president spouts, "I served in Vietnam" nearly every second sentence. That's after being a career anit-Vietnam war protester and lying about what took place there. Can there be more of an empty suit than that? This guy is a zero, all he can do is marry rich women. Now that may be a useful skill but it hardly qualifies you to be president.

  • RevMalk
    ...all he can do is marry rich women. Now that may be a useful skill...

    incredibly useful I imagine

  • Pork Chop
    Pork Chop

    especially for a zero

  • blacksheep

    fact is kerry was in nam and bush was not. you do the math on who pulled more BS here!

    Oh, so now it's merely SERVING in Viet Nam makes the difference? Yes, real distinguished service when 90% of his commrades don't find him fit to be president. And HE himself says he performed "war attrocities" himself. Yeah, real swell guy.

    But, he served, so guess that makes him the fit man for the job. Bush didn't so he's not. Yes, that really makes a lot of sense...

  • Pork Chop
    Pork Chop

    If that's all they've got it's going to be a Bush landslide.

    That's what is really upsetting these people, they know Bush is going to win and they just can't stand it.

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