Make up your own Young People Ask titles

by doodle-v 92 Replies latest jw friends

  • oscar

    Great topic! Young people ask how can I pay for my new car for service when I have to pioneer and don't have any money for gas and the car payments will the society give me a low intrest loan?

  • Puternut

    "Why is it ok, to wear hair above my upper lip, but not below my bottom lip?"

  • HadEnuf

    Why do I have to listen to "Elder Not So Smart" when my IQ is so much higher than his?

    Why can't I smack the brat who is kicking the back of my seat and picking his nose and smearing it on the back of my new white shirt?

  • doodle-v

    Young People Ask:

    Jehovah will provide........what and when?

    Why does Brother Smelly-Breath-and-Never- Likes- to- Stop- for- Snacks-and Asks Me for Gas Money always picks me to be his service partner?

    Why must Sister Pioneer always make a bee-line straight for me after every meeting?

  • ApagaLaLuz

    Can I get Pregnant from kissing?

    What if I dont believe the same religion as my parent's?

    Why do these cramps hurt so f'n bad?

    Am I supposed to have hair growing there?

  • iiz2cool

    Young people ask:

    Why do I have to respect authority, when that authority lies to me, fondles my genitals, beats me, keeps me uneducated, and then throws me out and tears my family away from me when I have the audacity to speak up and say I don't like being treated that way?

  • ApagaLaLuz

    and the WTS response to that question:


  • LyinEyes

    OH MY GAWD, ya'll have me LMAO!!!!!!!!

  • Puternut

    "What do I do, when I have an erection at the meeting, prayers only seem to make it bigger"

  • No Apologies
    No Apologies

    "Presents all year round"? WTF???

    My parents didn't pioneer, why do they expect me to?

    No dating, no holidays, no extracurricular activities, are there any other ways I can be even more dorky in school than I already am?

    Do I tell you what music to listen to?

    No Apologies ( of the can you tell I was raised in the troof? class)

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