Make up your own Young People Ask titles

by doodle-v 92 Replies latest jw friends

  • jgnat

    ohmyohmyohmy, Ex Dub MS, I have tears in my eyes from the replies.

    Don't worry, they are tears of laughter.

    Young People Ask:

    Why is mallwalking with worldly kids "bad association", but a night of wild drinking and partying with the elder's kids "good association"?

  • nobody told me
    nobody told me

    Is it o.k. if I eat deviled ham?

    Is it o.k. to eat beaver?

    Should I confess my dreams to elders? Can I be d'fd

  • doodle-v

    Young People Ask:

    Why does brother elder keep shifting his weight in his chair and clearing his throat during my JC meetings?

    Why the hell do they need to know every single little dirty detail? Does it matter exactly how many times, when and wear and what was I wearing and what he was wearing?


  • doodle-v

    Young People Ask:

    If I fart in the kingdom hall and no one hears it, does it make a sound?

  • JeffT

    YPA: What's the difference between the corridor at an assembly and a singles bar?

  • SYN

    FMZ, ya beat me to it!

    Wish I had enough time to respond properly to this thread...urgh...

  • lonelysam

    YPA - where can i get my money back?

    YPA - is it wrong to sit at the back of the kingdom hall?

    YPA - How do we know night clubs are so bad seeing as no one has been in the last 20 years?

  • stillAwitness

    Young People Ask: "Why does Brother Perv touch me in Places he shouldn't and who Should I tell?"

  • Low-Key Lysmith
    Low-Key Lysmith

    Young People Ask:

    How Many Calories Are In a Muff'N'Egg?

  • ballistic

    There's some classics here - someone created a new thread with the same subject.

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