Make up your own Young People Ask titles

by doodle-v 92 Replies latest jw friends

  • Surreptitious
    The same thick 70's moustache that most police officers still sport.

    Oh. My mind sure went in another direction...

  • Ex Dub MS
    Ex Dub MS

    YPA...What if I wanna boink the householder?

  • Dan-O

    Young People Ask: Which publications' pages make the best rolling papers? I'm on a tight budget and can't afford ZigZag's.

  • Fleur

    omg, you all have me lmao.

    young people ask; why is it okay for elders kids to *@&! everyone in the congregation but john q. publisher will get df'd for it no matter what?

    -why do they tell my mom to 'pray more and wait on jehovah' instead of divorcing my dad who beats us all?

    -why doesn't anyone care that brother sundayspeaker was drunk at a wedding last night and feeling me up every chance he got?

    -why is it that they baptized me before puberty hit but say infant baptism is a sin?

    -can the whole congregation tell that i a)used a tampon b)jacked off right before the meeting? LOL

    -why should i feel guilt to the point of being suicidal if i was born gay?

    -why do they talk about sex so much at meetings if no ones supposed to be having it? LOL

    just a few of the things i'm sure my friends and i would have loved to see in the magazines...


  • Wild_Thing

    Why is it wrong for my parents to vote on giving my school teacher a raise?

  • eljefe

    --Why is there always a $$$ deficit at the end of every assembly?

  • doodle-v
    Young People Aks: Is Ebonics the pure language?


    Sho you right!

    Young People Ask:

    Why is the only cute brother in my kingdom hall a self-righteous prick?

  • Beans

    This is one of the best threads in months!

    Why does Sister SoandSo think Brother SoandSo is so cool when he's really a geek in polyester!

  • doodle-v

    Young People Ask:

    If I die a virgin before Armageddon does that mean I'll never ever get laid in paradise?

  • Fleur

    roflmao doodle!

    i think they should put you in charge of writing the articles from now on ;)

    oh, and the self-righteous prick thing...would be followed up by this one:

    -ypa why did the self righteous prick boy and the most prominent young pioneer sister get called into the elders room last week...came out looking green, but neither were df'd? and why is she puking every morning around 8 in the bathroom before the meeting for field service now?

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