Do Jehovah's Witnesses Have the Only True Religion

by Theocrat 96 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Frannie Banannie
    Frannie Banannie

    Trying to nail down what the WTS members profess to believe over the decades is like trying to pick up liquid mercury between your thumb and forefinger.

    Besides....I never saw anything about circus serpents and organized ass-assemblies in the wholly babble.

    Frannie B

  • XQsThaiPoes

    I may be wrong but I don't think the WTS has prinited the UN is the beast since 1991 in mild article. In the 4/01/04 watchtower they say that the beast is all nations that opposses "true worship". So either I am wrong, or you are going by what we say, and not what we print. I know it may be tricky be in these type of arguments, but you realy have to stick to the WTS legalese.

    On an interesting note the WTS hasn't claimed the true religion but I believe it claims "pure" and "true" worship. On paper I don't think that you can but a religion on worshiping wrong so we may have what the WTS claims.


    w01 6/1 p. 16 "If God Is for Us, Who Will Be Against Us?" ***

    Millions of people throughout the world have evaluated the facts and have become convinced that Jehovah?s Witnesses alone are practicing the true religion.

    Notice this is not objective. This is subjective. The WTS very carefuly dances around the TR status. If you said "Millions of people throughout the world have evaluated the facts and have become convinced that America is a imperialist super power." You see how the WTS only paints subjective statements as objective ones. It is simple marketing. It is not lieing it is advertising.

  • blacksheep

    3- The most outstanding mark of true Christians according to John 13:34, 35 is that they have real love among themselves.

    Yes, that's a real objective way to measure if your religion is the only true religion: that they love one another. Right, that narrows it down to only JW's.

    4- Another mark of true religion is that its members have a deep respect for the Bible. They accept it as the Word of God and believe what it says. .

    So, exactly where did you come up with this rule? Regardless, that little rule applies to pretty much every claiming they are Christian. Which group says "My religion has no respect for the bible??" Or, "My religion has a casual respect for the bible, but it's not that deep...

    5- According to Matthew 6:9 the true religion must also honor God's name. Jesus made God's name, Jehovah, known to others. True Christians must do the same.

    Oh, the old, "JW's are the only one who call the true God by his name." So, voila! must be the "true religion." First, it's hard to fatham that the true god is so insecure and hungup on technicalities, that if people don't call him by his "true" name. Secondly, if the true god is such an insecure technocrat, he would no doubt be really pissed that we butcher it's TRUE pronunciation: Jehovah is an aglicized pronunciation of YHWH; we haven't a clue about how it's REALLY supposed to be pronounced.

    Thirdly and most importantly, the above proclamation of JW's totally misses the point (as usual). If a son tells his children to "honor my name," do you *really* think he's talking about calling him Bruce or Bill or Frank? No, he's talking about something with a BIT more depth.

    6- True Christians must preach about God's Kingdom.

    Okay, so we've got mormon's and most reglions have some form of missionary service to other countries. Beyond that, "preaching" about god's kindom isn't exclusive to knocking on suburban doors.

    7- Jesus' disciples must be no part of this wicked world, as stated at John 17:16.

    And again the JW's use this interpretation to support their asocial lack of involvement. And again, ludicrous. JW's don't seem to do well with common sense interpretations. If someone is not part of the "wicked world," it does NOT mean that they must shun any association/involvment,/improvment of it. Common sense would tell you that you not be a party to wicked acts.

    The above "proof" that the JWs are the ture religion is yet one of the best examples of why JW's discourage higher education.

  • XQsThaiPoes

    I was going to make a joke but I won't. This does not take higher education just a high school diploma. Most people including JWs can see through these paper-thin arguments. It is propaganda. Also my point is notice in no place did it say JWs are the true religion it just said it is okay to call JWs the true religion. Which is a non-argument because I know of no better business bureaus for religions that regulate extravagant claims.

    Yes Jehovah is that nit picky, you used to have to wash you hands before written his name supposedly. In the OT he really is egotistic..

  • Double Edge
    Double Edge
    2- The Bible foretold at Matthew 7:15, 21-23 that after the death of the apostles, wrong teachings and unchristian practices would slowly come into the Christian congregation. And Acts 20:29, 30 show that men would draw away believers to follow them instead of Christ.

    Isn't that what the WT and G.B. has done? Isn't Christ relagated to a subordinate position?

    That is why we see so many different religions that claim to be Christian, but that doesn't mean that they are all acceptable ways to God.

    Specifically, how do you know what is acceptable to God unless you're being judgemental?. The bible also says WHOSOEVER believes that Jesus is the Christ is born of God. That specifically means not only JWs.

    3- The most outstanding mark of true Christians according to John 13:34, 35 is that they have real love among themselves.

    You're kidding yourself if you think the JWs are exclusive with that. Most Christian churches OUTSIDE of the JWs have programs and make contributions that help the needy, even those outside of their own religion. The scriptures say that true religion is helping others ... can the JWs make that claim?

    4- Another mark of true religion is that its members have a deep respect for the Bible. They accept it as the Word of God and believe what it says. They treat God's Word as being more important than human ideas or customs, as Jesus stressed that importance at Matthew 15:1-3, 7-9. They try to live by the Bible in their everyday life. So they do not preach one thing and then practice another.

    How is that different than most other Christian religions? They do the same thing, and like JWs, they are human and sometimes fall short.... if you don't believe that, you should try going to other churches and find out for yourself... to believe otherwise is to wear blinders and behave like a sheep.

    5- According to Matthew 6:9 the true religion must also honor God's name. Jesus made God's name, Jehovah, known to others. True Christians must do the same.

    Matthew 6:9 is the beginning of the Lord's prayer. Jesus specifically uses the personal title of OUR FATHER who art in heaven. Throughout the New Testament Jesus refers to God as FATHER .... if your bible is different, you need to get another bible.

    6- True Christians must preach about God's Kingdom. Jesus did so. He always talked about the Kingdom. At Matthew 24:14 and 28:19 he commanded his disciples to preach this same message in all the earth.

    Again, why do you think that JWs are the only ones doing that? They aren't. Also, the bible teaches that SOME will be evangelizers.... it wasn't requisite that ALL go door-to-door.

    7- Jesus' disciples must be no part of this wicked world, as stated at John 17:16. They do not get involved in the world's political affairs and social controversies. They avoid the harmful conduct, practices, and attitudes that are common in the world.

    You're putting the emphasis on the word "world", rather than "wicked". Jesus is saying to not get involved in the wickedness of the world. Go two verses up from your quote (vs. 15), it reads: "I pray that thou should not take them out of the world, but that thou should keep them from the evil". You confront evil by being active in politics and social issues and trying to keep wickedness from getting a foothold. By being passive, you are allowing evil to take over, and thereby share in some of the responsibility.

  • Sunspot
    Friend, the Lord's work is SERIOUS BUSINESS. Jesus wasted no time exposing the crooked religious leaders of his day or warning against the disease of apostasy that would creep into the Christian congregation. He ate with sinners that knew no better. But once properly evangelized, Christians were told to, "keep this same mental attitude" and to keep putting on the "new personality".

    ColdRedRain; Ya hit exactly what I was going to say.........I remember reading these statements, ALWAYS being taught that they apply to "other" religions......ONLY to then discover they had perfect application to the Witchtower Babble & Trick Sassiety.....hmmmmm?



  • heathen

    XQ--- I don't know how long you've been in the org. , in fact I didn't know you were a dub til you said some of the things here on this thread . The WTBTS condemns all other religions and "churches of christiandom" , considering them to be the whore of babylon and professes to present the only true religion for over a century . They may have slacked off some after the UN affiliation but I even expect them to return to that way of thinking . They did say for a long time that the UN was the wild beast in revelation and was an enemy to Gods people namely jehovah's witnesses . They do for some reason seem to have slacked off on that possition as well . I can't help but wonder why , myself.

    Double edge--- You confront evil by being active in politics and social issues and trying to keep wickedness from getting a foothold. By being passive, you are allowing evil to take over, and thereby share in some of the responsibility.

    Now this is a self righteous statement if ever I heard one .

  • Double Edge
    Double Edge
    Double edge--- You confront evil by being active in politics and social issues and trying to keep wickedness from getting a foothold. By being passive, you are allowing evil to take over, and thereby share in some of the responsibility.

    Now this is a self righteous statement if ever I heard one .

    How so? If you think your politicians are crooked, you should turn your head and ignore them? I don't, I go out and work against them to get them voted out of office. Re: social issues...the civil rights movement came about in the fifties and sixties because people made it it happen, they didn't just sit around hoping it would happen.

  • CountryGuy
    I may be wrong but I don't think the WTS has prinited the UN is the beast since 1991 in mild article. In the 4/01/04 watchtower they say that the beast is all nations that opposses "true worship". So either I am wrong, or you are going by what we say, and not what we print. I know it may be tricky be in these type of arguments, but you realy have to stick to the WTS legalese.

    Well, this makes sense to me. To be a NGO, you have to agree to uphold and promote the priciples of the United Nations. The WT couldn't very well call it the "Scarlet Colored Wild Beast" any more and still maintain membership, could they? Even they aren't that hypocritical. In fact, during the period that they were an NGO, there were articles in the Awake that praised the UN. This would explain the WT's new position, I mean "new light."

    Think about it.

  • XQsThaiPoes

    Heathen I know the WTS history been a JW all my life. I still say that the WTS is not stupid. They imply a lot of things hoping a careless reader will take it and run with it. When the WTS attacks Christendom they usually will run down several facts then they will implies a religion is part of "Babylon the great" what ever that means. The WTS makes up words or phrases that mean nothing in real life. It allows them to make litigious allegations that normally would be slanderous, but because they actually mean nothing you can't place blame. Evil slave, disfellowshiped, disassociated, christendom, Babylon the great, the wild beast, 2nd death... really in plain English what does that mean?

    Notice the word Christendom. It means All Christianity it is not negative. Jehovah?s witnesses are in Christendom too idiots (that is to all lurkers)! Only in the WTS jargon does it become a exclusive pejorative impling false religion. Oh BTW most of the more damning blows to "false religion" in the last 15 years are clever ruses. They actualy never condem any specific religion.

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