Do Jehovah's Witnesses Have the Only True Religion

by Theocrat 96 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • heathen

    I still believe that romans 13:1-7 was added in or tampered with . There is no way that the roman empire was in anyway appointed by God to govern man . They hated christianity and represented paganism . In fact emperor neru (however you spell that) burned rome to the ground and accused the christians in an attempt to put an end to christianity . It just seems so obvious that the catholic church put that in there hundreds of years later when it began to take power in Italy and europe.

  • L_A_Big_Dawg

    Heathen wrote:

    I still believe that romans 13:1-7 was added in or tampered with . There is no way that the roman empire was in anyway appointed by God to govern man . They hated christianity and represented paganism . In fact emperor neru (however you spell that) burned rome to the ground and accused the christians in an attempt to put an end to christianity . It just seems so obvious that the catholic church put that in there hundreds of years later when it began to take power in Italy and europe.

    Heathen, could you please show me some type of proof for this statement? In my study of this verse, there has been no controversy whatsoever that this verse is questioned by scholars.

    As far as the Roman Empire being Anti-Christian, etc. Yes they did persecute the Christians. However, the Roman empire did establish a road system and protection (for the most part) for those that used them, and a taxation system (that forced Mary & Joseph to return to Bethlehem for Jesus' birth).

  • heathen

    L_A_Big_Dawg --- All I can say is it is my opinion based on the knowlege of scripture and the fact that the bible was obviously tampered with by world leaders in the past . I have listened to many scholars diss the roman empire in connection with the death of christ so I don't see how romans 13:3 can play into any of it , to many scholars the romans were nothing but ruthless barbarians. Those people could be put to death for refusing to worship ceasar or the emperor . Jesus also said his kingdom is not part of this world and that the world was satanic. If I'm not mistaken pual was also killed by the romans . check out Ephesians 6:12 .

  • boa

    well well well.....seem ol' Theo has gotten lost or maybe he's done the good ol' 'start a controversial thread in seeming good faith, though 'e just needed to take a jw-apologist-cyber-dump' and leave trick - sheesh.

    and I suppose theocrikey is off laughing somewhere about it all, or maybe tisk tisking to himself (herself?) about what pride-filled, hateful, demonic, apostate, self-important spiritual losers we all are - double sheesh!

    XQ you said this about God's name....

    Maybe thats why you can't pronouce it he sent in a well built muscular, but gereatric angel to find his name change it, and fake its death. "You have been erased." Remember all "By preaching we can save our selves, and others."
    and I had to read it a coupla times and am still LOL! Thanks for that - you're a gem, honest. boa.....
  • L_A_Big_Dawg

    Perhaps I am missing the point of your post, Heathen. Just because the empire as a whole was "evil" that does not rule out the fact that the Roman emporors were God's creation, and subject to God's sovereign plan.

    You state that you have "facts." Again I ask you to show me your facts, that way I can educate myself.

    Thanks for reading.

  • heathen

    L_A_Big_Dawg--- I did not say that I had facts but I do remember a poster about 6 months ago presenting facts that it was tampered with or added in . It just defies logic to state that the romans only used the sword against the bad deed when we do know for a fact that they used christians as entertainment in the colloseum and inflicted cruel punnishment to end the christian movement in rome.

  • willyloman
    The most outstanding mark of true Christians according to John 13:34, 35 is that they have real love among themselves.

    Question answered, case closed!

  • Sirius Dogma
    Sirius Dogma

    Short answer - No.

    Longer answer - Noooooooooooo.

  • L_A_Big_Dawg

    Heathen wrote:

    I did not say that I had facts but I do remember a poster about 6 months ago presenting facts that it was tampered with or added in . It just defies logic to state that the romans only used the sword against the bad deed when we do know for a fact that they used christians as entertainment in the colloseum and inflicted cruel punnishment to end the christian movement in rome.

    All I can say is that if that is what you base your sweeping damnation of Rmans 13 on, then there is no need for a continuation of this.

  • onacruse

    There is no true religion; religion is like a bicycle: most everyone learns how to ride one, and most everyone figures out that it's just a stupid bicycle.

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