Do Jehovah's Witnesses Have the Only True Religion

by Theocrat 96 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • boa

    theocrat, theocrat, theocrat like others I just don't know where to start. Of course I COMPLETELY understand and can truthfully EMPATHIZE with you and your situation. Here you come into the den of the so called god-damned 'apostates' trying to help. Surely you must realize that most of us know the so-called 'reasoning' book as well or possible quite a bit better than you, but perhaps not.

    I feel a bit sorry for you since I would've done exactly as you a few years ago in trying to defend the 'truth' except I most certainly wouldn't have done so with 'apostates'! Only would I have made such an effort with a householder who seemed to be interested but perhaps misinformed about jwism.

    Thus, my next thought to respond to your valiant and no-doubt good intentioned points to 'us' is, quite simply, that no matter how many years of my life (born into jw family, baptized at 15, aux pio, reg pio, bethelite, ms etc.) I was a jw, I never could understand the absolute prohibition (which you're breaking by being at this site) against any 'opposers' material. I still cannot equate it to the way Jesus would've stood up with real Truth against anything others could say. Thus I say to you - READ, STUDY, and LEARN about your 'religion', if indeed you are a jw from a source OTHER than the watchtower society. I started with an excellent book by Raymond Franz - Crisis of Conscience. Get ready to have your world rocked! There are many more that clearly and scholarly show the Society's chronology is a lie, and that their 'proofs' we are in the 'last days' are based upon deception like any other apocalyptic group that forms in every century virtually right back to when the 'prophecies' first were uttered. Of course if you truly are a 'good' jw, you will simply ignore anything besides what the society writes - if this is not true with you - PROVE IT! Read the above book first and then come back with your viewpoints! Don't be afraid, there just WORDS! Besides I would LOVE an answer to all the information, claims, answers in Crisis of Conscience to help me back into the fold if I've been deceived. (yet again)

    If you keep quoting (spouting) information from the reasoning or other books, you must realize you are extremely limited in your viewpoint and thus your credibility of presenting any kind of 'truth' is negligible imo.

    boa.....whaddya say? are you afraid to check it all out?....oh yah, go to Valis' link on the UN stuff too.


  • Stefanie
    I still say that the WTS is not stupid. They imply a lot of things hoping a careless reader will take it and run with it.

    And they are all called JW's.......

  • A Paduan
    A Paduan
    Because our thinking has to be constantly cleansed and make sure that our thinking is in line with God's.


    After the Christian arrangement had been established for some time, the Apostle Paul under inspiration further showed at Ephesians 4:4, 5 that there must be just one body, or group, of true worshipers of God. Plus, Jesus taught us at Matthew 7:13, 14 that only a few people are on the narrow road to life.

    "christian arrangement" ? (what sort of thinking is that - your own? another jw invention?), and the group extrapolation - your assuming one physical body of people ? (get that from the same place?)

    And Acts 20:29, 30 show that men would draw away believers to follow them instead of Christ. That is why we see so many different religions that claim to be Christian

    The earlier identification of reality by Paul becomes the reason? Sounding more like jw-think / reasoning all the time.

    The most outstanding mark of true Christians according to John 13:34, 35 is that they have real love among themselves. They are not taught to think that they are better than people of other races or skin color. They aren't taught to hate people from other countries. So they do not share in wars.

    When my uncle was killed in WW2 he gave his life so that his wider family and community would not be raped and enslaved, or killed - real love - and not of the If kind within jwism - the mafia love their own in the same way as jwism.

    Another mark of true religion is that its members have a deep respect for the Bible.....So they do not preach one thing and then practice another.

    I don't think I need to bother with that one.

    According to Matthew 6:9 the true religion must also honor God's name. Jesus made God's name, Jehovah, known to others.

    Jesus never mentioned "jehovah" - which isn't God's name anyway

    he commanded his disciples to preach this same message in all the earth.

    The jw message isn't the same message - they keep saying "if you.....blah, blah." Jesus said stuff like "the kingdom is at hand" (right here for you to have) "it is amongst you"

    Jesus' disciples must be no part of this wicked world, as stated at John 17:16. They do not get involved in the world's political affairs and social controversies. They avoid the harmful conduct, practices, and attitudes that are common in the world.

    What do you think?

    The Jw way is the way of the world: effort = reward = pride : breach law = punishment : physically clean = spiritually clean - and so on and on - the worst attitudes and ways of the world.

    Thank goodness they have nothing to do with politics as well.

  • XQsThaiPoes

    AP I agree with you but I can't objectively see the negatives. You basically are saying we are petty and clandestine so we can't be the true religion. Um? hello Jews anyone?

    I think that using Christianity as a foundation for a modern day religion is a joke. There is one ritual; a handful of philosophies, and the rest is guesswork left to whoever owns a pulpit.

    Also on Jehovah's name we should be spelling it YHWH and pronouncing it Lord, but that makes no sense.

  • archangel01

    answer to your Q is: NO

    Jesus is The WAY, The TRUTH, And The LIFE. JOHN 14:6

    I prepare a place for you... meaning going to the cross to open the way to heaven....(Heaven) JOHN14:1-4

    Read Herbrews Cha. 11:11-16... this is about ALL the Old testament saints including adam & eve. Notice vs 16 what that better county is (Heaven)!!!!!! also read Matt 8:11 (kingdom of Heaven) and the Old Saints are there.

    John 3:3,16 you MUST be Born-Again or You won't see any part of that Kingdom even if it's just the earthy part you want!

    How many can be Born-Again read 1John 5:1 (Everyone who believes in Jesus is Born from Above) and you can read the rest of the Cha.

    I have tons of info for you, but time is short and this should be enough to answer your Q.

    Much Love In Christ, Michael

  • heathen

    So Double Edge I guess you keep track of some sort of record for picking the lesser of 2 evils? You think just because you believe some one is better than somebody else you are able to keep crooks out of the system . Puhhhhhhhhhleeeeeeeeeeeezzzzze.

    I'd have to say that the majority of the people not involved with politics because they are tired of being lied to and manipulated by these hooligans are better candidates than what we get anyway .

  • XQsThaiPoes
    Read Herbrews Cha. 11:11-16... this is about ALL the Old testament saints including adam & eve. Notice vs 16 what that better county is (Heaven)!!!!!! also read Matt 8:11 (kingdom of Heaven) and the Old Saints are there.

    Number one Adam and Eve are not in Hebrews 11. Objectively this is a poem, and is "inaccurate" in many points. In heb 11:36 it clears it up the fact that they did not receive the Christ for their "faith", and are unsaved by your own definition! What many of you Christian do is come to JWs with all this born again stuff. Then you undo all your argument telling us a bunch of Jews are in heaven who never did any of this Jesus in your heart stuff.

    I like your spin on the earthly part of the kingdom of heaven, but to keep it real the wts aint stupid, and covers its butt well on the born again angle.

    Another thing isn't our religion broken? Christianity is a godforsaken construct. It made sense until Paul messed it up. Take note. Historically Paul was among the first Christian writers and may have helped "invent" Christianity. This means that potentially someone else could have came along later and made the gospel nicer than it originally was and inserted a better Jesus.

  • Corvin
    3- The most outstanding mark of true Christians according to John 13:34, 35 is that they have real love among themselves. They are not taught to think that they are better than people of other races or skin color. They aren't taught to hate people from other countries. So they do not share in wars.

    A few of the JW kids I grew up with were closet racists. According to former Bethelite, Leo Hair, and now an elder in Tijuana, BC, racism is alive and well in the organization. A member of the governing body told him not to marry his Bethelite fiance because she was black and it would cause problems. The poor man was so traumatized and hypersensative to the racism. I worked for a brother who was a general contractor and a couple of brothers who had recently moved from Ohio, and also formerly of Bethel were racist as well. Their code word for black people was "nog". Sad but true.

    OK, what's next?

  • Corvin
    4- Another mark of true religion is that its members have a deep respect for the Bible. They accept it as the Word of God and believe what it says. They treat God's Word as being more important than human ideas or customs, as Jesus stressed that importance at Matthew 15:1-3, 7-9. They try to live by the Bible in their everyday life. So they do not preach one thing and then practice another.

    According to Ray Franz, former GB member, many of the policies and rules made by the Governing Body are unscriptural and often overreach into the lives and consciences of JW members. The WTBTS has rules and policies about things the Bible does not even touch on. LIke wanking off, for example. Like what a married couple does in their bedroom.

    Why did the GB hold to a custom, a human idea, that JW should not accept civilian service during wartime as substitute for military service, for so many years while brothers all over were imprisoned, beaten and killed for their stand, when the majority of the GB had voted to allow brothers to accept civil service? Just another area the Bible definitely does not touch on, yet the GB felt it was within their realm to dictate such life and death matters to its members no matter how great the cost.

  • Corvin
    Plus, Jesus taught us at Matthew 7:13, 14 that only a few people are on the narrow road to life.

    Since the UN scandal, since the WTBTS can easily be lumped in with the rest of Babylon the Great, the road to life is not so narrow in JW land.

    What's next?

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