Another Elder is toast

by jst2laws 64 Replies latest jw friends

  • LadyBug


    That brother I referred to in my post I gather was you.

    I thoroughly enjoyed that experience. I thought it very well done. I copied it to use on my family when the time came.

    Thank you

  • jst2laws

    You asked, “How did you say you want to step down? Which explanation did you gave the body of elders. Did you tell them the true of just at little bite?”
    I have been looking for an opportunity for a couple years but it was thrust upon me lately. Having studied Romans 14, 1 Cor 8 and 10, I was diversely at odds with the Borg on conscience matters. I have become more vocal as I grew immune to the consequences of dissidence. I have told fellow elders flatly to leave people alone.

    I’m not encouraging you to make trouble for yourself or your family, but if you vocalize your conscience as an appointed servant, you will not for long need to look for an ‘explanation’ for resignation. But if your family is not behind you, yes, you need to find a reason. Another friend of mine recently told the body he just had serious doubts resulting from intense Bible research, and he did not feel it was best for him to continue serving until his doubts were resolved. They accepted his resignation with dignity.

    As to your concern to not “let others bring you in a bad situation you are unable to control” this mess with the CO may not be over yet. I will try to be cautious. Thanks for your expressions.


  • Prisca


    I just want to express my admiration and support for the bold step you have taken. I can appreciate it would have been difficult, after so many years of service to a thankless Borg.

    and Thank You for all the hard work you did for your congregation! (well if no one in his cong will say it, then I'll say it!)

  • jst2laws


    Amazing, Beroea and Mulan’s husband are just a few others on the first page of this post like you. I wonder how many hundreds there are for every poster here who are in the same situation, or have been.
    As Had enough noted, you have posted for your first time. If you are like me, you lurked and learned for a long time. You seem to have a handle on the need for caution as you grow. Keep in touch by email if you like. Yes, I will “hang in there” and pray for you too.


  • Francois

    Isn't it astonishing to hear a person, a citizen of the free world speaking anonymously and in hushed tones about being free?

    What an evil force the WTB&TS is.

    And it occurs to me that with the continued departure of folks like this that the local leadership of JWs continues to be more and more dominated by the less spiritual, compassionate, and loving types that are left over. This is one "remnant" the Borg never considered. I'm guessing that this will mean the local congregations of JWs will become less and less attractive a place to be, and will drive out more and more people faster and faster. May it be so.


    My $0.02

  • Copernicus


    My heart went out to you as I read your post. At the same time I could somehow sense in it, the beginning of the death knell for the WTS. Nothing as fixed and rigid as the Society could ever hope to weather the storm of controversy, or the many challenges (internal and external) swirling about it.

    I never ceased to be amazed at the level of intransigence that has become the defining hallmark of those who would rule the world from Brooklyn. Certainly a siege mentality must exist at this time; what else could explain the unwillingness to see the need for adjustments in the course set by the org or in their treatment of those who’ve showed years of loyal service to it? Apparently we have little value in their eyes. While I have no intention of ever further involving myself in their activities, I shudder at the indifference shown toward those they claim as their “sheep.”

    I will admit I am angry, with myself, for suppressing doubts for 25 years; for confusing loyalty to an organization (definition = unwavering obedience to a divine club) and for raising my children under the cloud of this cult mentality.

    Many of us feel this way. But what other choice was there? What you did took real courage. Does Jehovah want a gang of sycophants and “yes men” serving him? If so, I’ve no interest in a god of that sort, nor in an organization that cultivates that attitude in those who would be major players in it. The whole thing is simply disgusting.

    While I don’t have nearly your experience or years of service, I did identify with this much:

    For about 3 years I have been evading service meeting assignments that I could not in good conscience handle. The last 9 months I have given every part assigned to me but gave it my way neglecting the garbage and teaching the truth relevant to the theme. My public talks have been either praised or challenged. As talk coordinator for the congregation I quit assigning myself out to avoid controversy.

    I walked this same cramped and narrow road. The obvious attempts at manipulation woven into the service meeting parts was more than I could stomach. The constant appeals to guilt, poured over a group with many members already suffering from depression and low self-esteem, was something I could not be a party too. Unfortunately, there were many other men who wanted to be “stars” beaming forth from the platform, eager and willing to step in and take my place. These types have no qualifications as teachers or love for the brothers, but simply want their moment in the sun. And they’ll say anything to get it.

    You’re almost free now. Hang in there. If there is a god (I’m no longer sure myself) who rewards acts of moral courage, you’ve earned his recognition. I’m doubtful that the WTS on the other hand will fare quite as well.

    Take care,

  • Prisca

    Francois, I agree.

    I think that the Society is losing some of the best people, people who could/would have done the most good for the congrergations. The thinkers, the compassionate ones, the ones who sincerely wanted to be Christians, are now leaving in droves because of the lack of love, man-made rules and for a host of other reasons. I really feel sorry for the average publisher who is at the mercy of unloving elders and incompetent POs, COs and the like. It's no wonder the Society is quickly declining.

  • peterstride

    Hi jst2laws,

    My heart goes out to you also. Even though I was never an elder, I can sympathize with what you've had to go through, crisis of concience and all. I wish that more elders would be like you, by realizing that the organization has strayed far from bible principles, and then do something about it.

    Just recently I have heard of an elder that I used to know, stepping down, and not attending meetings anymore. I've been meaning to call him, but have resisted since I hadn't seen him in over 10 years. Maybe I should pick up that phone...

    Follow your convictions jst2laws!

    Peter Stride
    Toronto, Canada

  • hippikon

    The most effective way to help seems to be from the inside rather than the outside. Have I got the right slant on that?

  • Copernicus

    hippikon - anyone who tries to "help" (if I have your meaning right) from the inside, doesn't get to stay inside very long.

    An dat's de way it goes. . .

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