Another Elder is toast

by jst2laws 64 Replies latest jw friends

  • jst2laws

    Yes, I read your experience sometime ago but not with the intensity I would now. It surely affected me, though, because I have been working on my family subtly for over a year. That along with emphasis on the Bible rather that the WT for years has given me the great hope of facing the future with my family rather than without them. As mentioned I am worried only about one but I have reason for confidence.

    I hope you are right about the ‘wheels of justice turning soon’. Thanks for your encouragement.

  • Jang
  • Mulan

    Good for you, 2laws!! My husbandwas an elder for 25 years and resigned five years ago. When they announced it, they only said he was no longer serving as an elder. There was an audible 'gasp'. Afterwards, many people asked what happened.......amazingly, they had the nerve. He only smiled, and said he was burned out a bit. For over a year more, people still treated him like he WAS an elder, but then the rumors started, and now we are totally shunned. Funny how they will defend you until they hear a rumor, no matter how ridiculous it is. We stopped going totally at the end of 1997, but in our hearts, we were gone in '95. It took us that long to fade out. Still not df'd either. But it is only a matter of time. He was quoted in the Silent Lambs newspaper articles that are now in the hands of all the Circuit and District overseers, so we think it will happen eventually. We don't care, but only get a kick out of avoiding it for so long, when we so obviously should be.

  • Dino

    Dear just2laws, When I read of your experience, I was struck by the similarities in my case. I also served as an elder for years. Being appointed at the tender age of 27 I started out with all the zeal of a hitler youth. Unfortunately I made the mistake of studying the Watchtower instead of the bible with my children. Therefore I am faced with the conundrum of being undercover for sake of my children.I am working slowly nd my patience has paid off in that my dear wife now knows that the organization is a fraud. I could no longer serve as an elder after discovering what exegesis and hermeneutics meant. I will pray for you and I please beg that you reciprocate.Hang in there!!! Dino

  • Francois


    When I first saw the handle you'd chosen for yourself, I knew you wouldn't be an elder much longer. Congratulations. You are joining a growing number of men of conscience. Two of my best friends left them gasping in the mid-70s.

    Seems there's a large demand for your letter of resignation. I'd like to add my admiration for you and to request you publish it as well. Who knows; you might inspire others.


    My $0.02

  • Maximus

    ::He was quoted in the Silent Lambs newspaper articles that are now in the hands of all the Circuit and District overseers.

    "Ach, zo! Mulan. Hmmm. She knowsss about ze refresher school for the traveling junger. How does she know???"

    Love to put that in a Polish accent, actually. But I don't mean to joke. What a powerful comment on what's happened. A LOT of folks are really off-balance and waiting for that other shoe to drop. Drop it will.


  • LadyBug


    I like reading others experiences like this. It makes me feel like theres hope for my family. Thank you for sharing, though I'm sorry it may put your family at risk.

    after 10 years in the full-time work, 6 at Bethel, 17 as a presiding overseer, with a variety of circuit and district responsibilities.

    I love it when members of the org who served in such capacities for so many years see the light. It makes me feel good. It has been your life for a very long time and I grew up in the "truth", and these together make me feel like I have a connection with you. Gives me hope for my mother especially.

    I would love to hear how you go where your family is concerned as you make progress.

    I understand that you haven't left the org entirely, there is so much at risk. I have but they nor my family knows that yet. Someone said to me "what does it matter if everybody knows", but they don't understand the 'big' picture.

    I'm sure all will go well for you with your family. I read an experience of one brother who studied with his family and did it in such a way that they saw the org for what it was too. I take me hat off for his patience, it was worth it though.

    My best wishes go out to you


  • WildHorses

    Everytime I see a post of one who was an Elder stepping down. I have deep hopes that it is Mr Dale. He to was P.O of the congragation I attended and before I left he had resigned as P.O. I hope his consience is what made him resign as he was one of the nicest people you would ever want to meet.
    Out of all the people in the hall in which I attended, he is the only one I really miss.

  • Had Enough
    Had Enough

    Hello Dino:

    I see you are a new poster so welcome. I'm glad you too have been able to see your way clear to join us in removing the blinders we all wore so proudly.

    I'm glad too that you were able to help your wife to see the org. is a fraud. My husband has never been a JW but I have daughter still in the org. as well as a married brother and parent. I have hopes at somehow finding a way to start making them think without alarming them into putting up that inevitable wall of defense..."we have the truth".

    We would all love to hear how you helped her and your experience if you care to tell us here or in your own thread introducing yourself to us all.

    Glad you've joined us.

    Had Enough

  • teejay


    I got a little choked when you said, "When I and my immediate family are
    totally free, I will share."
    "Family," particularly those still entrapped within
    the org., is a very sensitive subject to me. Yours is your main concern, as
    I'm certain you know. I know you will do your best to help them find freedom
    right there alongside their rightful head. I look forward to the day when you post
    your resignation letter, for then it will have a special meaning for us. It will mean
    that your family is free.

    Meanwhile, thanks for your support.

    That you have, my Friend, as well as my email address. If I can help you in
    any way…


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