Does Jesus being the "Son of God" mean that he is not God by nature ?

by hooberus 92 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Mulan
    According to scripture, Jesus is "the first and the last"

    okay............assuming we believe in the bible, you have a point. Otherwise, you have nothing.

  • herk


    But let us never become so arrogant that we think we - finite beings of the dust - can fully comprehend the God who made us, and who reveals himself to us.

    Were believing Jews arrogant? Was Jesus arrogant?

    Jesus said to her, "Woman, believe me, an hour is coming when neither in this mountain nor in Jerusalem will you worship the Father. You worship what you do not know; we worship what we know, for salvation is from the Jews." (John 4:21, 22)

    And let it be known that neither the Jews nor Jesus believed in the pagan Trinity doctrine.


  • Kenneson


    You state I misunderstand what you say. Please clarify how my attempt could be construed as evil and yours is not.

  • Kenneson


    If Moses and David and others can be Gods, why do you exclude Adam and Eve?

  • herk


    Please clarify how my attempt could be construed as evil and yours is not.

    A lie is a lie, whether it is clear-cut or a mere hint. Lies are evil and not good. It was a lie for you to suggest that non-trinitarians view Jesus as no greater than other humans whom the Bible labels as God due to their honorable position to which they were appointed by God himself.

    If Moses and David and others can be Gods, why do you exclude Adam and Eve?

    Surely you know the answer. Adam and Eve are not called God anywhere in the Bible, but Moses and David are. So what is your point?


  • Kenneson

    If Adam and Eve could not be like God, why could Moses in Ex. 4:16?

  • herk


    If Adam and Eve could not be like God, why could Moses in Ex. 4:16?

    It seems to me that you have this insatiable desire to find fault with the Bible. If the Bible is wrong for saying Moses and David were to be viewed by others as God, why do you bother to read it? If the Bible is wrong for not saying that Adam and Eve were to be viewed as God, why do you waste your time trying to prove that the Trinity is in the Bible? If the Bible is so wrong in your opinion, why do you spend time in this forum on Bible topics? herk

  • Kenneson


    In one breath you say that Jesus is higher than Moses, etc., but in the other you are always pointing out how they are God, agents of God, just like he is. You say that since they are God and not equal to the Father, than neither can he, albeit he might be superior to Moses, etc. How do I misunderstand you?

  • herk


    How do I misunderstand you?

    I wonder what it will take to help you understand what I wrote above:

    It was a lie for you to suggest that non-trinitarians view Jesus as no greater than other humans whom the Bible labels as God due to their honorable position to which they were appointed by God himself.

    In your mind, God can mean only one thing, namely, Almighty God. But your view is the view of the modern Western mind, not the view of the people in Bible times. That is your mistake. You just don't seem able to understand that there can be only one Almighty God. You want to have three of them--(1) Almighty God the Father, (2) Almighty God the Son, and (3) Almighty God the Holy Spirit--something that is far removed from what the Bible teaches. You want to change "One" to mean "Three," and you have no basis in the Bible for doing so. As long as you try to alter the truth to fit your concept of God, you cannot really know the God of the Bible.


  • Kenneson


    But I do not have an understanding that there are three Gods.

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