Hamas Founder DEAD

by Yerusalyim 119 Replies latest social current

  • scotsman

    Q: How do we differentiate between terrorism and war?

  • Dansk
    My understanding is that this is a national cause rather than a religious one.


    True - but it shouldn't matter. Instead of Muslim, substitute 'Palestinian'. Instead of Jew, substitute 'Israeli'. I know all about Palestinians not all being Muslim - I was secretary of the Palestinian Society at college (we had a good number of Palestinians there and I was sympathetic with their cause for their own homeland and so they all got behind me to get me elected - they refused to acknowledge a country called 'Israel'). Incredibly, even way back then, a fight broke out during a meeting - between Palestinian Communists and Palestinian "Democrats". I couldn't believe it. Surely, I thought, the focus should be on uniting everyone for the common cause!! Now, everyone knows there are different factions within the Palestinians, just as there is a peace movement within Israel and an anti-peace movement.

    It really is all an illusion. If we can discard our labels, "I'm white" "I'm black" "I'm Palestinian" "I'm Israeli" "I'm this" "I'm that". I know, it isn't going to happen. Which is why this conflict will run and run and run......................


  • Yerusalyim


    The difference between "war" and terrorism is tactics. When you kill innocent people in an attempt to break national will...that is terrorism. Some of the Israeli tactics fall into that category too. The one that comes to mind is destroying the houses of the families of the homicide bombers...though generally speaking no one is killed when they do this. If the Palestinians attacked ONLY military targets...they would be warriors. Instead...they blow up buses, cafes, pizza parlours, and hotels where religious festivals are being celebrated by civilians...they burst into houses and slaughter whole families....that's terrorism.

  • scotsman

    "When you kill innocent people in an attempt to break national will..."

    Surely, by that definition WW II was terrorism. I'm not condoning the acts of Hamas it's just that the legitimacy of violent acts is so subjective that I wondered who has the authority to determine the labels that deem groups right/wrong.

    The situation in Israel does indeed look set to run and run.

  • Dansk



    There is a Jewish homeland in America. It's called south Florida.

    I thought it was called New York!

    Yeru, Simon hates terrorism as much as anyone. You don't honestly believe he condones innocent people being murdered?! The point is, if Mexico invaded Texas would you agree to let them have it or side with those to kick them out? It's the same with the Palestinians. Prior to 1948 they had a country - but the Jews went in a took it over (backed by GB and the USA under the UN). They resort to terrorism because they have no other means. The UN doesn't help the Palestinian cause. It's all right for you because you live in the most powerful country on Earth. Of course I don't believe in terrorism, either. See my posts above. It IS all an illusion - but when you're being kicked off your own land and you're treated as a second class citizen in your own back yard it's hard to grasp that it's an illusion. The Israeli's intend to stay. The Palestinians want their rightful land back. How are you going to resolve it? The Israeli's are on Palestinian land. What's the answer? The only answer is to acknowledge that we are all equal and to genuinely strive for that equality. Ian

  • donkey

    Wars are fought between soldiers, terrorists attack random targets - mostly civilian. I have been amazed how many times I have seen this question asked on the board.

  • donkey
    It's the same with the Palestinians. Prior to 1948 they had a country - but the Jews went in a took it over (backed by GB and the USA under the UN

    Ok, so the US and UK don't work under the UN in Iraq and they are in crapola.

    But when the UN does things (it doesn't do very many things well - IMO it's a joke) then we still want to blame the US and UK?

    No wonder GW don't listen to y'all!!

  • scotsman


    What were the mass arial attacks of cities then? Acts of war upon civilians or acts of terror?

  • talesin
    It's all an illusion: I'm this, I'm that, we've got the truth (where've we all heard that one before?!).
    It really is all an illusion. If we can discard our labels, "I'm white" "I'm black" "I'm Palestinian" "I'm Israeli" "I'm this" "I'm that". I know, it isn't going to happen. Which is why this conflict will run and run and run......................


    This echoes my thoughts as well. I have always felt this way. More as a citizen of the world, although I do not like anyone to slam Canada, I'll admit. I do feel that there is hope, though. Look at how many years Nelson Mandela was in prison, working towards a solution for his people. Look at what Ghandi did in India. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., along with Malcolm X, gave their lives in pursuit of their goals (and yes, I know that some will vehemently disagree with me about the last choice, but that's another debate).

    Perhaps, in time, enough people will turn to true global thinking, not economically, but socially. I hope this happens before we kill too many of each other off.

    Right now, multinational corporations are murdering thousands of innocent people each year - sweatshops employing children, call centres opening in economically depressed areas (wherever it's cheapest) and leaving once they've used up the government grants freely given to them as 'incentives' to buy the politicians another term. Factory farms that are pumping the vegetables, grains, fruits, hogs, chickens and cattle full of antibiotics since post-WWII, making baby boomers and their children sick with ADD and many food sensitivities and allergies. (www.themeatrix.com) And let's not even get into the cigarette companies, insurance companies (ouch, right folks??) pharmaceuticals and fast-food companies and the load of crap they've been selling the public for decades.

    But yet, we are constantly focussed by OUR government and the national media (speaking as a Canadian here) onto the 'conflicts' in other lands. There is lots of money in the world, and most of it is going into the hands of a few - that is the reality. If everyone can have the dream, who's gonna flip the burgers? Why do the poor have to constantly be in competition with each other in order to have the simple things in life, like fruit every day, a home of their own, etc? Because it keeps us busy, imho.

    It's always felt like a miracle of sorts - the fact that I've escaped JW. The gift of freedom has always made me want to give back to the world. It's gotta start somewhere - why not with exJWs?

    I think good points are being made here by all sides, but what about a different viewpoint? What do you think coulb be the steps to a peaceful solution for Israel and Palestine?


    (part hippy, part suit, part anarchist, but mostly just moi)

  • Dansk


    What do you think could be the steps to a peaceful solution for Israel and Palestine?

    Recognise the illusion



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