Hamas Founder DEAD

by Yerusalyim 119 Replies latest social current

  • czarofmischief

    Neither Israel nor the Palestinians want to live in peace. If they did, Sharon would not have gone on his little jaunt that started this uprising three years ago. Nor would the Jews have assassinated their own Rabin for trying to make peace. And arafat would not have blown their last real chance at peace.

    Well, there's only one thing to do - build a big frigging wall around Israel (which they are doing) and then beat the crap out of all the Arab nations until Israel rules unquestioned from the Mediterranean to the Euphrates, from Turkey to the Red Sea, with a rebuilt temple in the middle.

    That's the Zionist plan. I hate the idea, myself. There is no answer. there is no hope of peace. If we could have, we would have done it. And whenever the Jews and Muslims have finished, the winner is going to launch a holy war against all secularism, everywhere - until the whole planet is one damned religion of racist hate. Unless AIDS or pollution gets rid of us first.

    But it was the Arabs who killed more Americans - so, I guess I'm on Israel's side... not that I really care, but since we've all got to pick a side... might as well die killing off the people that already hate me. And then we can spend eternity throwing lava at each other in hell.

    CZAR of the gloomy as hell class.

  • ozziepost
    It should also be remembered that both Arafat and what's his name of Hamas are both EGYPTIAN...not Palestinian.

    To add to that, Arafat is not the 'beloved leader' that he's made out to be, nor is he even viewed with much respect by his fellow Palestinian leaders. To outsiders he's a terrorist and to his peers he's an opportunist. Here in Sydney we have a community of Palestinians who've left because of him. They still have much wealth tied up in Syria/Jordan/Palestine and mix in his circles when they make visits there to care for business and family interests but view him with the greatest disdain.

  • Satans little helper
    Satans little helper

    evenin y'all, I've been working in Paris for the week so have seen the news on CNN and the only English paper I could glance at in the few moments I have had free was the Herald tribune. My question would be why did they only kill this one guy and his sons. If they were going to do this then why not go balls out and kill the top 10 guys in Hamas. You'll notice that the guy Hamas has nominated as the new leader in Gaza is more of a radical than Yassin. In the short term Hamas will be looking to retaliate and the violence will spiral further but I don't think anyone can criticise the decision to take out Yassin - he was the organiser of bombing campaigns and while the US is having the 911 congressional inquiry they wanted a high profile target taken out for the headlines.

    My concern is that this was not done to fight terrorism - Hamas is like a chimera and will have several people to step into Yassin's shoes at little notice, it was actually done to play with the power balance in Gaza. Arrafat is becoming more and more marginalised and this will give him a chance to avoid hamas stepping into the power vacuum. What has been ignored is two things - firstly the real power in Hamas is based in Lebanon and Syria, the actual leader of Hamas is not in Gaza. Secondly the best way to combat Hamas is at grass roots level. Hamas runs food distribution centres and helps the population on the ground so they have great popular support. To combat terrorism you have to deal with the root causes and win hearts and minds, I do not think that the USA is doing enough to address the issue at a basic level.

    Just as a point of history, the only time a major power has won a guerilla war against insurgents was when the Brits beat the living daylights out of the rebels in Malaya. The reason we won was that we used the SAS - the best soldiers in the world, alongside a vigourous campaign of grass roots hearts and minds capture. If you get the support of the locals then terrorism cannot operate.

    As an aside I have been watching the congressional hearings on CNN. Rumsfelt came across very well as a savvy politician who was well aware of the big picture. IMHO Bush came across badly although I will say he has surrounded himself with some good people in Rumsfeldt and Colin Powell. Also Ben Cohen - Clinton's defence secretary, came across as a very intelligent and very professional politician, this week I have seen a side of American politics rarely seen over here.

  • Pistoff

    Wow; I never thought I would be on Yeru's side, but I am.

    This guy was surely complicit in suicide bombings, killings, assasinations. Why not target the ones doing the decision making??

    And I agree with Yeru about this too; here in the US the right to retailate is viewed as sacrosanct, but still the administration must cluck their tongue when Israel takes the initiative.

    When suicide bombings stop, assasinations should stop. Till then, anything else is weakness.

  • Pistoff

    czar said:

    If they did, Sharon would not have gone on his little jaunt that started this uprising three years ago.

    Sharon was elected as a reaction to the intifada, which predated any Israeli military strikes or reactions.

  • avishai

    Interesting times. I actually agree with porkchop.Damn.

  • Pork Chop
    Pork Chop

    Oh the pain! I'll have to go lie down.

  • talesin

    LMAO at Pork Chop and avi ... you guys ...

  • avishai

    High fives PorkChop

  • Yerusalyim


    I don't think I've seen this much agreement on an issue like this in ages....what is the world coming to?

    Neither Israel nor the Palestinians want to live in peace. If they did, Sharon would not have gone on his little jaunt that started this uprising three years ago.

    His "little jaunt" was to visit the holiest site in Judaism. Which brings up another interesting topic...with the Israelis in control of Jerusalem, all of Islam's holy sites are open to them...when the Arabs controled Jerusalem from 1948-1967 no Jews were allowed to visit the holy sites under muslim control...to include the most sacred site...the Wailing Wall.

    Sharon visited the temple mount complex....for some reason the Muslims don't think Jews should be allowed anywhere near this. I was actually in Jordan when this happened...it was an excuse....not the reason...for the renewal of the intifada...Arafat had this planned, Sharon only gave him an excuse.

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