Hamas Founder DEAD

by Yerusalyim 119 Replies latest social current

  • talesin

    That's an interesting viewpoint, donkey.



  • scotsman

    While I may agree with you on the roots of the probs in the Middle East you do sound a complete Donkey. Your zealotry matches that of your foes.

  • donkey
    While I may agree with you on the roots of the probs in the Middle East you do sound a complete Donkey. Your zealotry matches that of your foes

    What do you propose as a solution? I propose implementing controls free of religion.

    What are your SOLUTIONS? If all you can do is call me names then thanks for playing...

  • scotsman

    I don't have a nice neat solution like wiping out... was it just religious idiots or religion as a whole... but just as these religious zealots think they are right you are presenting your own ideology as if it is right. Foaming at the mouth with faith or telling others to go mindf**k themselves are equally unacceptable to me. If you are proposing one-world unity by wiping out religion, dream on. Humans have thrived on conflict and will continue to do so, as nasty and unpleasant as that concept is.

  • donkey


  • avishai
    Surely, by that definition WW II was terrorism. I'm not condoning the acts of Hamas it's just that the legitimacy of violent acts is so subjective that I wondered who has the authority to determine the labels that deem groups right/wrong.

    The situation in Israel does indeed look set to run and run.

    People are making this about Israel and Palestine. It's about Israel and HAMAS!!! A terrorist organization who's main aim is to annhialate every Jew in the WORLD!!!!! Not just Israel. It's in their charter. Many of them want all non-islamic peoples converted or dead as well. Hamas is a terrorist organization bent on ethnic cleansing, not just "Palestinian freedom". Hamas and the plight of the palestinans are seperate issues.

  • imallgrowedup

    Thank you, Avishai! You put it much more succinctly than I did!


  • Yerusalyim

    Donkey said,

    The world is a better place without Christianity, Islam and without Judaism - but then I know I am dreaming.

    Sure, like the Soviet Union, China...those places that sought to eliminate religion were GREAT places.

  • Satanus

    Yassin was a quadrapelegic, near blind, 80 yr old. Was perhaps losing some of his mantal faculties and continence as well. In other words, was he a threat to israel? If not, then why would sharon kill him? Likely it was meant as a provocation, as was sharon's stroll near al aqsa, which kicked off tremendous violence. Or, it could be a terror tactic. If the arabs respond in the predictable way, sharon will then then be able to bathe palestine in blood.

    Read it coming from an israeli:

    On the surface it seems bizarre considering Sharon was just recently pretending to suggest a plan of Israeli disengagement from the Gaza strip.

    Today he gave us a real chance to peep into his mind. The 'disengagement plan' was just another of Sharon's tricks. In fact, Sharon and the Israeli right wing need the Palestinians, they need them oppressed and humiliated, they need their terror. Israeli right wing hegemony is fed by terror. And now there is a new need emerging. Israel is facing a demographic disaster.
    Considering the current world affairs and general opposition to Israel it is hard to believe that large scale ethnic cleansing would go ahead unless some colossal catastrophe was in place. Sharon is preparing the ground for such a disaster. He needs a war, a big one, something that will allow him to go wild, to go out of control, to initiate a campaign in which Israeli soldiers will become murderous squads ready massacre against the Palestinian civilians.

    Sharon wants to re-launch the1948 Nakba. Sharon fully understands that this is what the Israeli public want. He is very good at reading their innermost desires.

    The killing of Sheikh Yassin pushed the violence far beyond any recognisable measure. It is pushing the Palestinian masses towards martyrdom. According to the Israeli military doctrine, Israel would never be defeated by terror.

    But at the same time every Israeli realises that the Zionist adventure will be categorically defeated by a demographic crisis. The assassination of Sheikh Yassin is there to push the Palestinians towards acts that will allow the Israelis to impose the most murderous measures against the Palestinian civilians. Mr Sharon, a world acclaimed war criminal and serial murderer proved again that at least when blood games are concerned, he is one step ahead of the game.

    Gilad Atzmon is an Israeli, currently living in London.



  • donkey
    Sure, like the Soviet Union, China...those places that sought to eliminate religion were GREAT places.

    Surely I don't have to explain the difference to you?

    Clue: what type of economic system did they have? What economic systems have been proven to work?

    Next clue: Allow freedom of religion but remove all vestiges of it from the constitution and the governing process. Your religion is like your sexual preference....it's yours and not mine to choose and enjoy.

    What do you have? A place from which to start building common ground - something useful that can last long term.

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