Bush Bash, Anti-gay marrige.

by SC_Guy 101 Replies latest social current

  • Phantom Stranger
    Phantom Stranger

    On Gay Marriage, Bush May Have Said All He's Going To



    When President Bush announced his support last week for a constitutional amendment banning gay marriage, his body language in the Roosevelt Room did not seem to match his words. Mr. Bush may have forcefully defended the union of a man and a woman as "the most fundamental institution of civilization," but even some White House officials said he appeared uncomfortable.

    When Mr. Bush finished his five-minute statement ? with reporters arranged before him in White House-assigned seats, waiting for the news conference that appeared to be coming ? he abruptly turned on his heel and strode from the room, ignoring all questions.

    "Is he coming back?" a television reporter called out.

    He was not.

    Mr. Bush was acting under enormous pressure from his evangelical Christian supporters, who had intensified their demands in recent months that the president speak out in defense of traditional marriage. His more moderate supporters, on the other hand, worried that he might look like a gay basher.

    Mr. Bush's friends say that is hardly the case and that the president is quite comfortable with gays. Laura Bush, when asked in a recent interview by The New York Times if she and her husband had gay friends, easily replied: "Sure, of course. Everyone does."

    Although the president's behavior might reinforce the view among his critics that he was acting cynically when he endorsed the amendment, the fact is that he has a record of tolerance in personal situations.

    Last spring, during a class of 1968 Yale reunion that he held at the White House, Mr. Bush had a particularly striking encounter with Petra Leilani Akwai, who in 2002 had a sex-change operation. At Yale, Ms. Akwai was known as Peter Clarence Akwai.

    "I was in the receiving line, I was dressed in an evening dress, and I was being escorted by a male friend from the Yale class of 1986," Ms. Akwai said in a telephone interview this weekend from Germany, where she lives. "And I said, `Hello, George.' And in order for him not to be confused, in case he hadn't been briefed, because our class was all male, I said, `I guess the last time we spoke, I was still living as a man.' "

    "And he said," Ms. Akwai recounted, " `But now you're you.' "

    Ms. Akwai said the president seemed completely comfortable. "He leaned forward and gave me a little sort of smile," she said. "I thought it was a sincere thing, and it was very charming."

    Mr. Bush has appointed some openly gay federal officials to jobs at the White House. These include Scott Evertz, who was the president's first adviser on AIDS. When Mr. Evertz upset conservatives by advocating the use of condoms, he was moved to the Department of Health and Human Services.

    But Mr. Evertz was replaced by another openly gay official, Dr. Joe O'Neill, who is now a deputy director in the State Department's program to fight AIDS worldwide.

    White House officials say that Mr. Bush will not speak out about the amendment banning gay marriage in his political trips around the country and will leave his five-minute Roosevelt Room announcement as his major show on the issue.

    That was obvious at a political fund-raiser in Louisville, Ky., last week, when Mr. Bush never once used the words "gay marriage" in his stump speech. His only allusion to it was a line about judges who have cleared the way for gay marriages in some states.

    "We will not stand for judges who undermine democracy by legislating from the bench, or try to remake the culture of America by court order," Mr. Bush said, to applause from the $2,000-a-plate crowd.

    While Mr. Bush's closest advisers say that he genuinely feels that marriage is between a man and a woman only ? the same position that Senators John Kerry and John Edwards take ? some of his advisers also say the president would have been better off keeping his opinions to himself.

    Last summer, Charles Francis, a Bush family friend and a co-chairman of the Republican Unity Coalition, an influential gay-straight political alliance, bemoaned what might happen if gay marriage were to become an issue in the 2004 campaign.

    "Marriage panic is not good for the political process or the country," Mr. Francis said then.

    By November, when the Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court made its ruling allowing gay marriage in the state, the issue was well on its way. "We're hopeful that the campaign will steer clear of this amendment," Mr. Francis said in an interview at the time. "It's an issue of tone. It's the issue of writing discrimination into the founding document. Also it's so distracting from the real priorities of the campaign, which are his leadership, the war in Iraq and the economy."

    Last week, Mr. Francis did not return phone calls about Mr. Bush's announcement in the Roosevelt Room.

  • Yerusalyim

    Country Guy,

    Civil Rights and Gay Marriage have nothing to do with one another, even if CS King wants to make the leap. Being Black, or White, Or Asian is what you ARE, being gay, or straight, or bi is what you DO.


    The premise of that article seems to be that if one is oppossed to gay marriage that automatically means they're "homophobic" or gay bashers, nothing can be further from the truth. Most people believe in tolerance of gays, transgenders, etc,.

    When President Bush announced his support last week for a constitutional amendment banning gay marriage, his body language in the Roosevelt Room did not seem to match his words. Mr. Bush may have forcefully defended the union of a man and a woman as "the most fundamental institution of civilization," but even some White House officials said he appeared uncomfortable. God I hope he was uncomfortable, we're talking about being pushed into a corner by a radical agenda and activist judicial system. I take changing the constitution VERY seriously. When it becomes obvious that the law will not be upheld regardless of facts and the wishes of the vast majority, the constitutional solution is the only option left to us.

    When Mr. Bush finished his five-minute statement ? with reporters arranged before him in White House-assigned seats, waiting for the news conference that appeared to be coming ? he abruptly turned on his heel and strode from the room, ignoring all questions.

    "Is he coming back?" a television reporter called out.

    He was not.

    Mr. Bush was acting under enormous pressure from his evangelical Christian supporters, I'm no evangelical, nor are most of the people I've talked to that see this as the last option, but one they'll support, if the judicial system won't get it's act together. who had intensified their demands in recent months that the president speak out in defense of traditional marriage. His more moderate supporters, on the other hand, worried that he might look like a gay basher. No, the more moderate of us just don't like that we're being forced into this position. California law is clear on the issue of marriage, yet no judge will intervene...bad message, it says we can violate any law we don't agree with. Way to go judges.

    Mr. Bush's friends say that is hardly the case and that the president is quite comfortable with gays. Laura Bush, when asked in a recent interview by The New York Times if she and her husband had gay friends, easily replied: "Sure, of course. Everyone does." Again, the premise here seems to be that if one opposses gay marriage they are gay bashers and homophobes...that's just not the case.

  • Phantom Stranger
    Phantom Stranger

    Funny, Yeru, the idea I got from the article was that while some are making Bush out to be a gay basher, he is actually doing this out of political expediency and not out of any strong anti-gay beliefs of his own. If this weren't in the NYT, would you be picking at it?

    I'd write more, but I have to go back to tearing our society apart.

  • RubaDub

    Civil Rights and Gay Marriage have nothing to do with one another, even if CS King wants to make the leap. Being Black, or White, Or Asian is what you ARE, being gay, or straight, or bi is what you DO.

    Yeru ...

    I guess that's where the old expression, "You are who you eat" comes from.

    Rub a Dub

  • rem


    >>Civil Rights and Gay Marriage have nothing to do with one another, even if CS King wants to make the leap. Being Black, or White, Or Asian is what you ARE, being gay, or straight, or bi is what you DO.

    This is a ridiculous argument. What gay people *ARE* are *Persons*. *Persons* should all have the same basic rights.

    And we'll just see whether you are embarrassed about your current stand in 20 years. Never say never they say. :)


  • Yerusalyim


    Gays have the EXACT same rights to Marry as do Heterosexuals...they can marry an adult of the opposite gender.

  • rem

    But they don't have the right to marry the person they love, apparently.


  • CountryGuy
    Civil Rights and Gay Marriage have nothing to do with one another, even if CS King wants to make the leap. Being Black, or White, Or Asian is what you ARE, being gay, or straight, or bi is what you DO.


    Now I get it. You think that being gay is a choice. Sorry, I didn't see that before. For me, it's not a choice and that's all I'm going to say about that.

    Being gay is what I AM. Just like being an American is what I AM. I realized I was gay for five years before I DID anything with another man. In fact, I DID things with women. It didn't matter, that didn't make me straight, it made me in denial. During that time, I was still a gay virgin.

    And, I also agree with you. Gay people do have the right to marry a person of the opposite sex. But, when we are allowed to marry the person we love, YOU will have the right to marry a person of the same sex. So, since you will have the same right I will, I don't see how that's a special right. It applies to all of us.


  • Mysterious
    Civil Rights and Gay Marriage have nothing to do with one another, even if CS King wants to make the leap. Being Black, or White, Or Asian is what you ARE, being gay, or straight, or bi is what you DO.

    So what is someone who is celebate their entire life? I certainly hope you wouldn't consider them straight (or gay or bi) no matter what posters decorate their walls, what fantasies haunt their dreams, and who they find themselves attracted to. What would you call them? Funny when someone talks about being gay or bi everyone says it's the ACT not the identity but the same is not said for straights. Can you say double standard?

    As CountryGuy said being gay is no different than any other trait like race or nationality. It is not defined by actions. You want to draw a line between being gay and living a gay lifestyle, fine, but someone who is gay is not gay solely based on who they are sleeping with.

  • seattleniceguy
    Civil Rights and Gay Marriage have nothing to do with one another, even if CS King wants to make the leap. Being Black, or White, Or Asian is what you ARE, being gay, or straight, or bi is what you DO.

    This explains a lot. Yeru, you ought to spend some time talking to gay people. Even here on the board, there are a lot of resources.


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