Ewart Chitty

by NoAbuse 93 Replies latest jw friends

  • NoAbuse

    There are many anecdotes that i've heard repeated where it's said that homosexuality was rampant at the Watchtower Headquarters. There was a story posted on Reddit about a number of people being forced to leave due to incidents in a sauna.

    Many years ago, I found a webpage detailing subliminal or hidden pictures in Watchtower publications. Many of the images looked vaguely like a man's private parts. At the time I thought the suggestion was ridiculous even for the Watchtower. After all, we can often be fooled into seeing 'faces' and whatnot in random cloud formations.

    Now I think there may be some truth to it. Perhaps it was a way for those with homosexual tendencies to signal one another without actually saying it. Perhaps by commenting on the fine art work on page 19 of the latest Watchtower. If that page had a hidden penis, then they would know to meet the other in the sauna.

  • silentbuddha

    When I was at Bethel there was a black brother who was about 5ft 4 very effeminate and everyone joked about him being this way. One day in the locker room of the office complex just before lunch (circa. 1997 - everyone showered in an open shower. There were no doors in a square room, with 6 shower heads on each wall) he was showering along with everyone else. There was another brother from the mid-west (caucasian, and very tall) who had an obsession with ghrabbing people in the shower and giving them reverse bear-hugs while naked anad sometimes while just wrapped in a towel.

    On the particular day, he comes up behind the smaller black brother and bear hugs him and proceeds to toss him up and down while keeping a firm grasp on him. This proceeded for about 15 seconds and he proceeded to carry him around like this... for everyone to see. I was like WTF???!! A bunch of other people were in shock as well. This happened everyday for over a week until eventually someone mentioned it to brother Dennis Carrey. The small brother was moved to a different position in 124 building working the desk and no one wanted to say exactly why...

    The amount of homosexual activity and jokes and various other incidents that would have had people disfellowshipped instantly in a congregation were ridiculous.

    For dog's sake, one of the people who came to bethel the same time I did was kicked out because he was having sex with a prostitute and had her posing as if she was his witness girlfriend. He had money and tons of it because he was a programmer before coming to bethel at what was at the time a very large tech company. The stories I could tell...

  • NoAbuse

    "One day in the locker room of the office complex just before lunch (circa. 1997 - everyone showered in an open shower. There were no doors in a square room, with 6 shower heads on each wall)"

    Was this the norm at Bethel? Group showers? Was being at Bethel like being in a freshman college dorm room with community bathroom facilities or was this in a gymnasium area?

  • silentbuddha

    In the office complex as well as the home most locker rooms were communal showers... many residential buildings like standish also were communal.

    Many rooms had showers in their rooms but no one could make it to their rooms from work to shower before lunch.

    Bethel was much like a college dorm there was extreme use of alchohol. 57 hrnrybst. Was known as the icebox due to the amount of beer and liquor vonsumed. I went to Bethel at 19 and I was drunk multiple times at the same age.

    I am thinking of writing all the filth and insanity down one day. I have awesome shit I remember.

    I worked in the office complex, it is where the really ridiculous shit happened lol

  • NoAbuse

    "Many rooms had showers in their rooms but no one could make it to their rooms from work to shower before lunch."

    Why did you have to shower before lunch?

  • silentbuddha

    Because most brothers who were single and under the age of 45 had manual labor jobs.

    Cleaning. Construction, auto repair etc...

    For lunch in the office complex you had to dress up for lunch in at a minimum a pool shirt and khakis.

    In the home section of Bethel and some area of the factory you could wear work clothes but coming yo the table smelly or unkempt was a huuuuuuuuuge boy no. Like huge.

    In the 25 and 30 buildings of Bethel however this was not allowed because it was the same area where the governing body ate some dressing up or at a minimum dressing in a button up shirt and khakis was mandatory.

    In Brookly bethel there are three main sections.

    The factory. The home. The office.

    The factory was allowed the ability to dress down, the home was allowed a little leeway, the office was allowed none whatsoever.

    It was a very strange dynamic. Most people who worked in the office complex felt as if members of the factory and the home had no real idea of what Bethel was like. The office was literally a different planet.

  • Vidiot
    NoAbuse - "There are many anecdotes that I've heard repeated where it's said that homosexuality was rampant at the Watchtower Headquarters."

    Oh yeah; the "gay underground"... I heard about that, too.

    Dozens of attractive young single males all cloistered together in a closed-loop environment?

    Say it ain't so.

  • Vidiot

    Seriously, though...

    ...I wonder if Chitty and Greenlees (and Jaracz) - former GB members - are in the WTS's pedo database.

  • Cadellin

    I cannot comment on the gay activities but as to the drinking--my husband had been a "single Bethel boy" at Brooklyn for a number of years when we married. We went pioneering in the Midwest and right from the start, I was horrified at how much he drank on a daily basis. He considered it completely normal, from his Bethel days. "Everyone" (aka all of his single Bethelite friends) drank like that. Fortunately for both of us, he responded to my concern and cut back significantly, to a healthy moderate level (one or two drinks with dinner). I was a good little pioneer girl who had NO IDEA anyone in the "truth" would drink like that!!

  • snugglebunny

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